Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 172 Snowstorm

Gradually, more and more snow fell. It was getting heavier and heavier. The demons who noticed a weather phenomenon happening indoor were astonished. They killed the antfolk while watching the snow fall.

"What\'s going on?"

"Snowflakes? Inside tower?"

"Ice magic?"

Some of them felt the cold, some didn\'t. As time passed, the intensity of the snow increased and the air felt bone-chilling. The demons were raising more and more questions. Even the black-robed demon who used fire magic seemed to look cold.

Something beyond their comprehension was happening.

Surprisingly, the antfolk didn\'t seem to feel anything. Instead, they were attacking the demons with crazily. They lost their minds, lunging despite the deadly magic in front of them.

Isaac who saw the demons\' reaction grinned.

"Plan worked!"

This snowfall was not real ice magic. Rather, it was an illusion.

This magic was chanted by the Queen. With her low level, Isaac wasn\'t sure if she could cast AoE magic, so he gave her an illusion magic.

Illusion magic s arguably a weak magic, easily broken. It was usually used as a defense to deceive monsters. It rarely worked on demons. Illusion magic only affects those who trust it.

With chaotic situations and fierce battles, demons tend to absorb information from what they see. As a result, a trivial magic can fool them.

Of course, illusion magic was easy to break as long as they knew its weaknesses. It was quite easy, by not believing in it.

Sooner or later, this illusionary magic would malfunction. But it was enough to buy time for Isaac.

"Now it\'s time to get out of here," he muttered.

Isaac didn\'t know how long this illusionary magic would last. It all depended on the Queen\'s endurance and the demon\'s sensitivity.

When he was about to leave, Kaies held his shoulders.

"What is it?"

The look on Kaies\' face was serious. At first glance, Isaac knew this was going to be a long conversation.

"I don\'t have much time for unnecessary chatter. Make it simple."

Kaies batted his eyelids, annoyance flashing across his face. "I don\'t like this, but I can\'t deny that it\'s all thanks to you. If we win, I\'ll persuade the Queen to reward you."

For a moment, Isaac\'s eyes opened wide, then chuckled. "Yeah. You take care of the Queen. See you later."

After saying that, the demon quickly left Kaies.

"If we win, uh?" Isaac muttered as he ran. "I feel guilty."

His figure then vanished in the sea of antfolk.

The demons fought, some of them visibly shivering. Others looked as if nothing had happened. They finished off the antfolk mercilessly. Isaac passed by them casually. They didn\'t even realize his existence.

He looked at the smoldering pillar of fire, then his eyes darting to the ceiling.

"If I\'m not mistaken Gavini and Alyna are fighting around here."

He saw two demons fighting fiercely in the air.

"They are indeed crazy, buying the levitation skill in the second year. Now, how do I separate them?"

Seeing the fierce fight, Isaac suddenly spotted another demon who seemed to be trying to break them up. From the looks of it, he immediately knew who it was.

"Earl Aries. The third glorious person has appeared." Isaac sighed. "I\'ll wait for an opportunity."

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Alyna and Gavin clashed into each other. The scythe sliced through the sword, and vice versa. Sparks were created every time the two metals collided.

The red-haired woman seemed to be fighting aggressively. She attacked with no hesitation on her face.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Alyna slashed her scythe towards Gavin\'s legs, but the silver-haired man quickly dodged it and he slashed back.



The sword swung by Gavin managed to hit Alyna\'s cheek. He did not give her a chance to breathe, he continued to attack the duchess mercilessly.

On the other hand, Alyna seemed to be gritting her teeth while dodging the duke\'s sword slashes. She counterattacked several times, but her scythe only slashed the air.

"You\'re as agile as an eel, huh?" quipped the red-haired woman.

"This is air. You\'re making the wrong analogy," Gavin retorted. Then he slashed towards the duchess\'s neck.


Alyna managed to dodge it. However, her position in the air became unbalanced. She lost control of her body.

An opportunity arose.

Wasting no time, Gavin darted quickly, his eyes glued on Alyna\'s neck.


In a split-second moment, Alyna realized the attack was coming.



She parried it with the scythe. Unfortunately, her grip was too weak, causing her weapon to be thrown to the ground. Suddenly, Gavin had shifted position right in front of her. Their faces were so close that they could see the color of each other\'s pupils.

Alyna\'s eyes opened wide, facing death in front of her face.

"This time you not gonna make it."

Alyna quickly closed her eyes.


Blood spurted in the air. However, she felt no pain. When that woman opened her eyes, she saw Gavin with his disgusting expression facing a goat-headed demon. The duke\'s sword was stuck in Aries\' horn.

"You son of bitch..." Gavin muttered angrily.



Aries punched Gavin, right into the man\'s stomach. Gavin was sent flying several meters into the air. Meanwhile, Aries was injured, with one horn cut off and blood seeping from his head.

"Aries! What are you doing? Are you crazy? You could lose your head."

The goat-headed demon wiped the blood on his head. "No matter, I\'m still alive. We must go, Lady Alyna. While there\'s still a chance."

"What? No way. This is the chance to finish him off. These damn ants are giving us time."

"But it won\'t be long."

Alyna squinted. A skeptical look was written on her face.

Gavin, on the other hand, looked furious. Blood flowed from between his lips.

"Damn goat, you dare to interrupt our fight. Then. I won\'t play around anymore."

Suddenly, a terrifying aura came out of his body. The air around became cold, not because of the illusion, but because of Gavin. His sword gave off a strange aura.

Aries squinted at that man. While Alyna who always had fiery eyes and a persistent smile, turned wary.

"I don\'t want to show you here, but... I need to kill you guys."

A pair of pitch-black wings emerged from Gavin\'s back.

Alyna squinted, she had never seen it before.



The silver-haired demon\'s figure vanished. Then it appeared behind them.

"Watch out!"




Alyna dodged, but was still hit by Gavin\'s sword. Luckily, the wound was not deep.

Gavi disappeared again.

"Are you all right, Lady Alyan?" asked Aries worriedly.

"Look out! He disappeared again?"

Gavin in tow. The silver-haired demon swung his sword.



It was now Aries\' turn to be injured.

"Damn it!"

Alyna accessed her inventory, retrieving another scythe. At the same time, Gavin vanished.


Gavin appeared behind her. Alyna tried to fend him off, but missed. Her stomach was scratched, gushing fresh blood.


The sound of laughter echoed. Alyna gripped her weapon tightly. Aries took a potion for both of them. Before they could drink it, Gavin appeared and slashed at them again.

Slash! Slash!



Slash! Slash! Slash!


Gavin kept disappearing and appearing, slashing Alyna from blind spots. Sometimes he would appear behind, sometimes he would appear to the side, and sometimes he would appear in front.

Unexpected attacks kept rushing at them.

After their energy was depleted, Gavin appeared in front of them, out of their reach.

"I\'ll stop messing around. It\'s time to end this. I never thought it would be this easy to kill the Duchess."

Groaning in pain, Alyna tried to puff out her chest. She wanted to look strong, even in death. Although she had not given up, she knew this battle was not one she would win. Nevertheless, Alyna still wanted to fight to the end.

"Bring it on!"

At that desperate moment, they began to lose hope.

A powerful typhoon appeared. This time it wasn\'t an illusion, it was real. Alyna and Aries were gritting their teeth, enduring the fierce wind. So was Gavin. It wasn\'t long before a man in black armor appeared among them.

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