My Multisystem In Isekai

Chapter 41 Basement

The only other alternative was that the information regarding the person had been blocked through all channels. No one had access to his information any longer especially since the mysterious man had given out his name accidently.

The clone had already predicted the outcome when he had gone through the memories of the original.

It was also possible that the information that he had been looking for might have been flagged by the enemy so that whosoever tried to inquire about it would be marked.

That was the reason that the clone had never taken the initiative to inquire on his own but had hired those information brokers.

The reconnaissance was very difficult since the enemy had shut down all channels that he could think of. This showed how terrifying the means of their enemy were.

At one of the places where he had gone to extract information, the broker looked at him with strangely vigilant eyes as soon as he called out the name \'Pacer\'. The clone knew that he had either struck gold and this broker knew who he was talking about or this was a trap and the broker was working with the enemy.

He used his Time Space Eye and noticed that he already had a tail behind him. Turns out it was the latter of the two outcomes.

The enemy had finally noticed his covert movements and his hidden inquiries into Pacer. They had laid a trap for him and he had fallen for it. As soon as he did, someone had started following him.

The individual tailing of the clone was a veteran in the art too. He immediately noticed that the clone had noticed him and changed his pattern. When he knew that no matter what he did, the clone had his eyes on him at all times, the tail started to retreat.

The clone finally had the chance to get some real information from this person; therefore, he couldn\'t let him retreat and followed after him at high speeds.

The surroundings changed at a faster pace and the clone kept on following after the shadow that was now barely visible in the front. If it hadn\'t been for the Time Space Eye then it wouldn\'t have been possible for him to keep track of the trail.

The city centre where the chase had begun started to clear away and the buildings started to clear out. Soon the buildings grew more scattered and the crowds were nowhere to be seen. They had now entered into the suburban area of the city where even houses were very distant from each other.

In such an area it should have been very easy to keep track of the person that the clone was following but instead he lost him. The clone even with his Time Space Eye was unable to follow the person in front of him in an open area such as the suburban area.

The person had entered into a hut that looked quite lonely and abandoned at the corner of the suburban area. Following that the clone lost all ability to track him. There were no signs at all as to where he might have gone.

The hut had been covered in vines and algae which was a clear indication that the hut had not been used for living for quite some time.

This hut was clearly being used as a transition point. Could it be that there was some kind of teleportation magic inside, or some kind of a barrier that prevented his Time Space Eye from penetrating into it? No matter the cause, the reality remained that the person he had been following had disappeared inside and he had no way to know where he went.

Now that this had happened, the clone started to feel that he had been led into a trap by the person that he had been chasing. If it really was a trap then it wouldn\'t be prudent to follow the person into the hut.

Maybe the person had deliberately shown his presence to lead the clone into the current situation. The curiosity of what was inside the hut was enough to lead him in further.

The clone wanted to go in to investigate but he felt that it was better to tell this situation to the original who was better suited to make such a decision.

As soon as this thought appeared in his mind the consciousness of the original came reeling in and took over his body.

The shared consciousness meant that the two could be connected in senses and thoughts at the mere mention of it. Therefore, a single thought from the clone was enough for the original Zavier to know about what the clone wanted to tell him urgently.

Zavier who was until then busy conducting a search for the clues regarding Pacer, in parallel with the clone with the perception system felt that it was necessary for the clone to explore the hut. Instead of telling the clone to continue in, he decidedly took over his body according to suggestion of the clone and moved towards the dreary hut that looked more like some witch\'s lair in fairy tales.

Zavier cautiously entered the hut and took a look around to see if there was any sign of danger in the hut. There was nothing in there that cried out \'Danger\' or was even the slightest bit suspicious.

Zavier found that the Time Space Eye, that had been blocked from the outside, was now once again usable and could clearly tell him what the interior of the hut held, not that he needed it to because the interior space was no more than a few yards.

The space was uncomfortably small, if there was a trap for him here then it was quite difficult to avoid what was coming for him.

He stood in that space for some time but nothing of the sort happened, which meant that the so-called trap was not in this small cramped space but somewhere else.

He activated the Time Space Eye and found that there was another space beneath the ground of the hut. The protective barrier around the hut was only to prevent others from scrying from the outside but the same didn\'t work from the inside.

There was a floor mat covering a part of the ground. Zavier moved it to the side and there was a trap door that led to a series of stairs. The staircase connected the interior of the hut to some kind of basement.

Zavier had already seen what was behind the trap door with his Time Space Eye so he had no qualms about opening the trap door. If it had been anyone else, he might have contemplated opening the door because of the uncertainty and the possibility of hidden dangers behind the door.

Zavier opened the trap door without a hitch and took a step to enter the opening hidden behind it. The staircase spiralled down into the dark. Zavier was always looking ahead of what was visible in his field of view in an attempt to know about any hidden danger at the first instance.

His Time Space Eye was his safety measure as well as his life line. He wasn\'t willing to fall into danger and experience that feeling of death once again.

His eyes constantly darted back and forth in the dark as if looking for something even the slightest bit dangerous or suspicious.

The basement grew closer and closer, the little hall emerged in front of him as soon as he experienced the last turn in the always spiralling staircase.

The air was stuffy with damp and smell of algae along the walls which made breathing a little harder. The darkness itself was not a problem for him who had the Time Space Eye. He was able to look beyond the darkness like a nocturnal animal who was unaffected by darkness of the deep night.

The furniture in the basement wasn\'t as ancient as the hut but it was still quite old and creaky. Maybe it was due to the damp that the furniture had crumbled at the pace that it did.

Papers and files were scattered on top of the study table in a haphazard manner. It looked as if someone had already looked through the papers searching for something. If he hadn\'t known any better, Zavier would have thought that the basement whoever it belonged to had been the victim of burglary.

Zavier wanted to figure out who this basement belonged to, so he rummaged through the papers scattered across the table.

He was speed reading through them all. All the papers were records of assassinations, the names of the targets and how they were killed was all mentioned in them. This looked as if it was the record of all the assassinations of this killing group. These papers were the reports that each assassin had to write after they had accomplished their tasks.

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