My Multisystem In Isekai

Chapter 140 Important Visitor

It wasn\'t just Zavier, actually there were a lot of interesting things that had happened during the tournament. But as it stood, Zavier was at the center of it all. While she was all up in her thoughts, she was interrupted by a small looking errand boy from behind.

"Miss Mabel?"

She turned around, almost in annoyance. She hated being interrupted with all her might. Especially when her mind had already embarked on a quest of its own. She eyed the intruder, trying to mask her irritation. And managed to rein in her anger by asking him mildly;

,m "Yes. Who\'s asking?"

The errand boy looked relieved. He had been informed that she would be in the monitoring room, and yet, he couldn\'t resist stoppping this pretty woman who looked like she was his current subject. Before his longing look could be interpreted as rude and abrasive, he quickly went on with it;

"Sorry to bother you ma\'am, but it seems like you have an important visitor."


"Yes ma\'am. He has requested to see you urgently."

Just in case Mabel dismissed the urgency of this summons, he deftly added;

"Might I suggest you hurry along miss, your visitor seems to be a person of great honor and repute. He awaits you in the visitor\'s lounge, in one of the private booths."

He bowed and recused himself, leaving Mabel in a pool of uncertainties.

"A visitor who happens to be a \'he\'? And at the same time, and honorable person?"

Mabel cracked her head as she went over and over the possible guests who could fit the profile. But she came up empty handed each time. She really hated surprises. And there was nothing worse than going into a meeting with a stranger, whom she knew nothing about. Still, she had to honor the invitation. She began to two and a half minute trek towards the said location.

About a hundred and fifty seconds later, Mabel knocked on the only occupied booth in the rather secluded chamber and purposely went in before she could hear the reply. Just so she could take her visitor unawares just as he had done her. As she opened the door, the first thing she saw was that the person in question was seated with his back to the door. Mabel couldn\'t l help but think to herself;

"Okay, what type of person seats alone in a room while backing the door?"

He had on a dark coat and a top hat. And most importantly, he didn\'t turn to acknowledge the fact that someone had just intruded on his personal space. His confidence was truly unmatched. Still backing Mabel completely, his cool suave voice called out to her invitingly, and at the same time, authoritatively;

"Glad you could make it Miss Mabel. Please have a seat."

Now Mabel was convinced, this was truly a noble. She put aside her personal pride and allowed her anxiety take over her. She had to know who this mysterious stranger was. Her feet carried her forward with the longing footsteps of a curious cat, and she walked over to sit opposite the stranger. Unable to rein in her curiosity, she found herself gawking, waiting to to see even a trace of the stranger. Eventually, she made her way to her seat and sat down only to see-

"Marquis Val Adams!" Mabel couldn\'t hide her shock. She couldn\'t believe who was sitting before her.

"Indeed. Oh come on, don\'t look so shocked. At ease Mabel."

But Mabel couldn\'t just do that! Not with a personality as impressive as this. It was with great control that she could even breathe in his presence. This was really a shocker. He hadn\'t been been too ten on the list of people she had been expecting!

Actually, Mabel had a lot of reasons to be shocked. For starters, Marquis Val Adams was something of a local legend. In fact, he was often thought of as a myth. Most notable men of great repute had made their marks in either politics or the world of magic. But Marquis Val Adams was someone who had transcended the norm, and broken barriers. He was the man  who had excelled in both worlds. And he had done so beautifully.

Blurring lines between mage and politicians, the Marquis had successfully destroyed the stereotype that a man only had to choose one career. This was the figure that had called upon Mabel! She couldn\'t help but be flattered. And somehow, despite all his achievements and accolades, Marquis Val was still very much single! Despite being a public figure, he had actually managed to keep his dalliances out of the spotlight. Mabel respected him deeply for this.

Desperately hoping that her voice wouldn\'t betray her in this moment by making her sound like an eight year old, she summoned the courage to greet this astounding figure appropriately;

"Good day Marquis Val. Pardon my earlier exclamation, it was unruly of me."

"No apologies needed whatsoever Miss Mabel."

Mabel loved the way he called her\'Miss.\' It was all so formal, and it showed that he acknowledged her in a professional manner, and not just as a woman. She bowed her head ever so slightly.

"Thank you. But to what do I owe this visit? It\'s rather unexpected. Is there some kind of problem?"

Mabel almost bit off her own tongue. She really should have just stopped at the first question, but she had just shown how cynical she was by immediately veering to the pessimistic side of her character. She hoped Marquis Val wouldn\'t hold it against her. She was just a little nervous that\'s all.

But her visitor wasn\'t in the least bothered about something as trivial as that. He wouldn\'t be here in person unless something was afoot. Mabel was actually right in that regard to believe that this was no ordinary house call.

"Beating around the bush will do us no favors. So, I will go straight to the point."

This was exactly how Mabel preferred her dialogues. Less chit chat and more straightforwardness. So, she obliged Marquis Val with a curt nod. He shot forward with his intentions;

"I have come here for one definitive purpose only Miss Mabel..."

She held her breath, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"...and that is about the boy Zavier."

Mabel felt like a flower vase had broken somewhere at the back of her mind. Was he being serious? Was this all about that boy wonder? Mabel was a bit disappointed. Actually, she hadn\'t exactly been one hundred percent sure that Marquis Val had come all the way out here himself just because of her. It was a baseless and hopelessly optimistic supposition. But deep down, she had retained hope that there was a romantic interest somewhere.

She was visibly aware of his eyes burning into her now. She had to say something, and quickly.

"Zavier...?" She stammered unsurely. "Zavier Adam?"

He nodded.

"As a observer of this tournament, I am certain that by now, you must have set your sights on Zavier by now."

Mabel had to be careful now. It was clear that she was treading on troubled waters. But she just wasn\'t sure how troubled the waters were. So, she did the smart thing by refraining from any more comments, and instead remained silent.

But Marquis Val was no fool. Her silence was all the confirmation he needed.

"There\'s no need to be all cagey with me. In fact, that\'s exactly what we require from you..," his expression was stern, and his handsome brows tufted together in a furrowed look. "We want you to keep this under lock and key for now."

He paused to make his message sink in. Again, Mabel made the smart move by not saying anything.

"I really can\'t stress this enough Miss Mabel. This particular case has a lot of state secrets involved. Kindly nod if you understand please."

Mabel nodded slowly like a ventriloquist\'s doll. That seemed satisfactory to Marquis Val.

"Good. Now that we have an understanding, I entrust Zavier\'s care into your future career here at the college. I\'m sure you understand what this means for you?"

Of course she understood! It was glaring, especially to someone like her. This was clearly an Olive branch from the Adam family. They were practically extending their favor to her in exchange for her silence and of course, preferential treatment of Zavier\'s records as well as his well-being. This was the kind of opportunity no ambitious person would turn down. So, without wasting much time, before the offer went off the table, or before she could be perceived as not being serious, she gladly accepted the offer,

"You have no issues with me Marquis Val. I am happy to be an extension of the magnanimous arm of the Adam family. You have my word. He will be taken care off."

Marquis Val exhaled in relief.

"That\'s good to hear..."

Indeed! It was good for Mabel to hear. She couldn\'t believe her luck! Of course, as a beautiful lady, she was constantly on the receiving end of multiple advances and obscure hints from some other families who had approached her friendly. However, none had been expressed formally, at least not in the way and manner Marquis Val had gone about his own. Mabel couldn\'t help it. She congratulated herself excitedly;

"It looks like things are starting too look up for me! This was truly unprecedented!"

She couldn\'t be blamed. Beauty and career were the two things she had going for her. But the one thing she had no control over was her background. Mabel came from really humble beginnings.

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