The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 434 - Strange

"The palace is opening!" A spectator shouted in surprise. It should open later at night. But right now, the sun was still up.

The princess also wrinkled her brows. She knew that this palace had never opened during these times yet it did right now, "What is going on? It\'s strange."

Jin Rou looked up at the open palace and his eyes pierced through the millions of walls surrounding it. Then, he saw something that made his eyes fluctuate in a bit of shock. He retrieved his eyes after a few seconds and shook his head.

The Ice Queen looked at this strange scenario and studied it. Her eyes tried to break the walls to uncover the mystery but she wasn\'t able to as the millions of walls were getting stronger the more you break it.

In the end, she couldn\'t get the answer she was seeking and took a deep sigh. There\'s no other choice, other than entering it.

The Ice King had seen the queen\'s reaction and found this event strange too, "It\'s weird. Never did this palace opened up when the sun is still up. Why would the guardian of this palace decide to break the rules now?"

The guardian the king was talking about was a legendary figure that even the imperial family had to have an ounce of respect. After all, the guardian was the soul of a universal law in the past! Though it was only a soul now, it still had the terrifying capabilities of being a universal law in his territory.

"Queen, shall we enter now?" The Ice King asked the Ice Queen with affection in his eyes, "If we want to find the treasure as soon as possible, we shall enter immediately."

The Ice Queen didn\'t answer immediately and glared at the location where Jin Rou was. No one knew why this queen keep on looking at the ordinary guy with eyes piercing the sky.

This naturally displeased the Ice King more. He was talking to the queen yet he was ignored as the queen kept on looking for \'something\'. He also didn\'t know why his queen was doing this. But it was making him very very jealous. If he had the time later, he wanted to confront this man.

Of course, as the princess who was by Jin Rou\'s side, she could clearly see this and asked him, "Hey, why does the Ice Queen keep on looking at you? You don\'t tell me you have some feud with her?"

The Prime Princess had seen Jin Rou as someone who would offend anyone because he had the power to back it up, and that wouldn\'t change for sure.

Jin Rou took a side glance at her and answered casually, "This is the first time we met. So it\'s impossible to have a grudge against her already."

"But the way she looks at you is like she is seeing you as the killer of her family." The princess chuckled, "Or, a wife that has been runaway by her husband during the wedding?"

Jin Rou looked at this weird girl with strange imaginations and said, "You see, no one will tell you you\'re mute even if you don\'t talk."

"What? I\'m just telling you what I think." The princess appeared abused and sighed.

"Prime Princess, it\'s best to keep your thoughts to yourself then. I might reveal your identity here out of surprise, no?" Jin Rou started to walk off towards the gate. He was entering the gate first.

"..." The certain princess was speechless. This guy really knew how to manipulate his mouth and shut her up! But whatever, she was here for fun anyways. It didn\'t matter what business this Jin Rou had with other people. She followed suit next to Jin Rou, afterwards.

Seeing that someone was making the first move to enter the opened gate, everyone showed dissatisfaction and shouted, "Hey you, why are you entering the gate first?"

Jin Rou looked where the voice came from and said, "And?"

"Don\'t you know that there\'s a spoken rule that the strong should be the first people to enter places?" The supporter of the Ice Queen said, "You don\'t have the right to enter before Her Majesty. So I suggest you to stop where you are right now."

"I don\'t know the rule so I am exempted from your rules." Jin Rou said without hesitation and didn\'t show any signs of stopping.

"Idiot! You are defaming the Ice Queen with such disrespect!" The Ice King didn\'t expect the chance to attack Jin Rou would come early. Thus, he strike while the iron was still hot and said, "You must back off right now or suffer the consequences!"

In this world, the strong had the rightful right to be the first in everything. As long as you are above everyone else, everyone would put you into a high pedestal and be the priority. After all, who would want to offend strong people while being weak? I\'m afraid there\'s none, unless you are a brainless mc of a novel who relied on too much plot armor.

Jin Rou received so many curses and insults as he was still walking to the gate. The princess was thrilled as she knew that things would escalate further if Jin Rou persisted. And she was looking forward to this.

Now, Jin Rou stopped on his tracks and looked at the Ice Queen with eyes that could make her naked. She felt uncomfortable with these explosive and crawling eyes as if he was marking every part of her body. The queen panicked a bit but she managed not to show it on her face.

After seeing this, Jin Rou chuckled and asked the queen, "Do you mind if I enter first?"

Preposterous! The crowd was enraged. To think that he still had the guts to ask the queen like he was her friend. It made the fans angry. In fact, even the king creased his brows in displeasure. But he didn\'t say anything as he waited for the queen\'s response.

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