The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 639 - Royal Kingdom Of Newgate

Jin Rou was traveling the space of the portal. Although it wasn\'t as harsh as the environment like of the one during his travel to Immortal, it was still enough to kill cultivators lower of his level. Many blackholes which threatened him appeared over and over again. They were becoming larger everytime they appear and fiercer, making the sucking force powerful.

The weather changed drastically every minute. It would sunny, rainy, stormy, and whatever available weathers they were. If not for Jin Rou\'s high resistance, this would take a huge toll on his body. After all, he still had a body of a flesh.

After two hours, the harsh environment eventually stopped and Jin Rou could see the end of the space. It was probably the leading way to get to Immortal. Fortunately this time, he didn\'t lose consciousness along the road. Nevertheless, he still didn\'t know where he would fall off.


Royal Kingdom of Newgate, Fate World.

It was currently a festive season for the kingdom as they were celebrating the annual festival of Newgate\'s Independence. This happened once a year and the celebration lasts for at least a week or two. Furthermore, this was the only time that King Newgate personally show himself to the public. He was a very lowkey king that not even his officials could see him.

Right now, many beautiful women with revealing clothes were dancing in the middle as the spectators were surrounding them, giving them enough space. Their expressions, especially men, were showing that they were liking the show.

The king was nowhere to be seen but it was reported that he was watching in the shadows. The kingdom had been in peace for so many years now under the rule of the new king and many were very grateful because of this.

"Where is that damned king? I wanna kill him and shred him into pieces!" While everyone was having fun, a crazed voice of a woman echoed, making everyone stop from what they\'re doing, "A good king, my ass. He killed my son so that he can maintain his reputation! What kind of king is that?! Bring him to me or else I\'m gonna make this whole place explode with me!"

Then, the crazed woman showed multipled explosion papers pasted on her body. If it was triggered, the whole place would blow up and kill everyone.

Thus, it made everyone panic and run for their lives. They were just here for fun, how could they be dragged on a serious situation like this? The soldiers of the kingdom immediately got into formation as to protect the people. They were their first priority, so of course they would do this.

"Hah, you think you can save everyone if you line up like idiots there?" The woman laughed frantically. She was feeling full of hatred and just wanted to seek revenge for his son who were killed injustice. How could she swallow it, as a mother who loved her child dearly?

"Mrs. Lei, how about you calm down and let\'s talk things?" Then, a figure appeared. A man with a formal attire of a butler. He was looking at the woman calmly as he fixed his glasses.

"Hah, Eunuch. You think you have the right? Go and bring your king here and we will talk." The woman sneered. She was determined in killing the king with her here.

However, how could the eunuch, the king\'s right hand man, would let it? He took a deep breath and spoke, "Mrs. Lei, we are very regretful of your son\'s passing. He is a very good citizen of the kingdom and made many contributions. Thus, the Newgate Royal Family is willing to compensate you for the damages, physically and emotionally, regarding your son\'s unfaithful accident."

It was obvious. The eunuch was clearly saying that it wasn\'t the king who killed her son. He even said that it was a mere \'unfaithful accident\' and no one caused it intentionally, clearly saying that it wasn\'t the king nor any of the royal family members did that.

The onlookers could smell that there\'s more to this story. They watched in the distance, afraid that they might be implicated once the explosion went off.

"Your king killed my son, personally! I have seen it with my own two eyes!!!" The woman shouted hysterically. She couldn\'t accept that this bunch of bastards were cleaning their hands in front of so many people.

"Mrs. Lei, it looks like the passing of your son has made you create illusions of your mind. The king is a magnanimous person who will never hurt his men. How can you slander the king who gave you peace and work in this kingdom?" The eunuch looked aggrieved and spoke with a dismayed tone.

"It looks like you will pass the acting part if you audition in one of the famous operas, Eunuch Lister." The woman sneered, her voice was filled with mockery, "Since you don\'t want to bring your king here, I will just have to bring who are here with me, including you Lister!"

"If you do that, Mrs. Lei, your other son will be left out. With what you\'re doing right now, it will be hard for him to be accepted in any orphanages of our kingdom. If you continue doing this, your other son will suffer more. Please think about your choices." Now, the eunuch\'s tone was cold as ice. He was clearly throwing threats to the woman.

The woman felt like a cold bucket of water was poured over her. She didn\'t think about it. But he had a point. If she died, how could her remaining son survive in this cruel world?

Seeing that his threats were effective, the eunuch smiled and said, "Now, let\'s take you to our castle so that we can discuss compensation and everybody will be happy, isn\'t it?"

The viciousness of the eunuch could be seen as the onlookers looked at him in horror. He could easily manipulate people.

The woman had no longer energy to continue this. She felt being weakened. She couldn\'t afford to die here. However, she\'s sure that she would be killed once they took her into custody. Compensations? That\'s just a fat lie to make her come.. They would kill her the moment she stepped on their castle and deem it as another accident.

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