Master Of Myths

Chapter 217 - The Tables Turn

The guilds who were done clearing away and establishing new territories for some time all dropped what they were doing and came together to discuss things, only they knew not what to discuss

"Has no one invited the Paradise Palace poeple?"

Someone brought up the matter in the midst of their silence debate, noting the absence of those almost non-existant women

"They broke contact with us after the last meeting where we all got our gurdians, no news of them is available other than being spotted serving next to Ephai"

Someone informed, brining up a familiar yet just as absent memory of the trader

"Wait, why are we guessing when we could just ho ask him?"

"Yeah, isn\'t he supposed to be like, some sort of expert in this world\'s rules and stuff? Given that he travels a lot and all"

Truly, how could it slip their mind? Perhaps it is because they were used to figuring everything on their own that thoughts of asking for help never occurred

Thus, after a small round of voting Sid was elected to represent then and pay a visit to the trader\'s residence, one that happend way too quickly as Sid was sent back minutes upon his entry

"Is he not there?"

"He is, he even explained to me what the wall is about"



"Come on hurry and spit it out"

Seeming him go all quiet made them all the more nervous, were they to expect another wave of dangerous beasts?

"Apearantly this is what happens when a planet gets pulled into the one we reside on, the poeple inside are given a week to prepare before the walls come down and....their neighbours give them a warm welcome"


Going quiet they tried to digest the news, as they did the heavy atmosphere surrounding them quickly vanished as they realized that there would be no strong beasts

"That\'s great news! So we won\'t be under attack"

"No, quite the contrary, we will be the one\'s attacking"

"We don\'t have to Sid, maybe it is a friendly race that resides in there"

Faris\'s remark was agreed upon by the rest, only Sid seemed to give them a struggling look

"We don\'t have to but....we get triple the normal gains for killing the inhabitants for a week after the walls come down"

Finally Sid\'s expression made sense, certainly if that was put forth on the table then things would change

"We still don\'t have to hunt them down since our levels are pretty high"

"Ours are but most mid to low members could use this opertunity to push themselves to the hundredth level and unlock the third class"

"But it\'s not worth killing a friendly innocent race right?.....right?"

Sadly no one agreed this time, not even a nod, they were all leaders who slew many beats to the point of becoming numb, if Ephai\'s words were true then they would rather strengthen their members at the expense of others rather than stay weak out of pity for a possibly dangerous rival

"Well I for one shall not lift a blade against a helpless foe, neither will any if my men!"

Declaring so Faris strode out in anger

"Wonder if he would say that if he was weak"

Snarkly remarked the demon wolf masked man

"Everyone has their own path to walk, let him forge his"

Replied the Waxy guild leader in defense, ending the little episode, before long everyone dispersed as well with nothing to talk about

"....and that\'s how the events concluded"

At the house Sofia explained what went down to YuJu who had long since left the dark place, only returning when needed rather than wasting time doing nothing

"Meetings this meetings that, if they keep debating among themselves about every little thing then they would either become indecisive on their own or have a fallout leading to the collapse of their combined leadership"

"The way I see it my King, those poeple found aid in each other after seeing thsmelves grow faster by helping one another"

"That\'s because the situation allowed it, disaster won\'t wait for you like the wraiths did, if it strikes then you better be ready to fight with everything you\'ve got, not debate with others leading to nothing but split decisions, that would only stagnate growth"

His thoughts came about from experience, the top humanity he knew was a lonesome lot, one person made the decision for his or her guild, the reason for change in the direction of how they thought was due to the mist banding them together too quickly

Sofia did not respond, she understood his opinion but remained convinced in hers, humanity survived for ages due to group effort, not a few individuals reckless decisions

\'This is exactly what I am talking about, if she remained stubborn in her ideas and me in mine then we would stale in our action, enough for the enemy to strike at us when they will\'

That\'s why there should always be a decion maker or a tie breaker, in his case none of his followers would defy his rule making things all the more easier

\'Though that also means I am walking with narrowed vision\'

That was disastrous in its own right too

\'Well, it is no time to debate on my ways, first comes the task at hand\'

Naturally he meant preparing to attack the new world

\'That place will be troublesome, hopefully me and Ellis will be enough to cover for the rest\'

In this war the two of them could be said to be the only key players, everyone else will either handle support or watch idly by while they take everything away

"Send word for the vampires to prepare, have them invite humans to join hands with, openly support the idea of doing so in your role as one of the top leaders"

"As my King demands"

Bowing her head she sunk into the shadows to carry out the orders

"Let our little show begin"

YuJu declared, as with the order given things started to fall in place quickly

The thralls naturally joint the ranks of attackers due to their thirst for blood as well as Nee\'s manupliation of their hearts

Following their lead the Somia guild\'s, nervously the leadership of Sofia, started mobilizing their available combatants as well, such actions from the merciful woman crushed any hesitation in the others\' hearts, all following toward the wall, exactly the crowd he needed

"I find it hard to believe we are doing this"

Looking up the unending wall Ellis commented to herself, clad in her armour with the masked YuJu and Ika standing beside her

"Less than a year ago we were trembling in our boots hearing these walls come down"

Even now she could remember, how helpless, how frightening the event was, it was like her world was coming to an end

"No, my world did come to an end, the era of peace is gone"

She drew the broad sword, firmness present in her voice

"Now we fight to carve our place in the world, we will be the one to attack, no longer cowering under dirt"

Her speech quickly riled up her surroundings as did her leaking aura, before long everyone single creature, be they human or vampire, was rearing to battle


The earth shook, the sky thundered, and the walls crumbled, peice by peice the ceased to be, the path to new lands opend for all eyes to see

"Blow the Carnyx and let them tremble"

Ephai\'s voice seeped into everyone\'s ears as his figure slowly came into being before their eyes, soon after the words were repeated, by his masked self, by the vampires, and not to be left out, by the humans

""Blow the Carnyx and let them tremble""

"Watch them fall with the walls that crumble"

His smoke started rolling forward as he continued with the coldest tone he could muster

""Watch them fall with the walls that crumble!""

The smoke exploded forward! Like a beast spotting its prey after a long hunger


Charged with those gathered and many more beyond, from every border be it human or not races of every kind banded together to greet the newcomers and show them the rules of this world, and thus started a Grand Welcoming

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