Epic of Bee

Chapter 29 Ask For Three More

I got a good look into her purple eyes that sparkled like amethyst for the first time. She was actually very pretty up close, and it made me sad to see the longing in her eyes.

"I will help, but I will not be giving you the point till tomorrow when I come back. I have been away from Messia for too long, and I did not tell her I was coming here," I said to Miasma as she scooched forward cutely.

As Miasma moved forward, she didn\'t move her head out of my hand, and I watched as she did her little wiggle. More than once, I saw far more than I should have, and I tried not to look, but oh, they Bee swinging!

I started to get a bit hot and bothered by her cuteness and cleavage, shaking so freely, but then Riza cleared her throat.

"I think that we should get going, right?" Riza asked as she got up, and I was thankful.

As far as I knew, Sig liked her, and I wasn\'t about to steal his girl if he liked her. I also had Messia, but I was also worried that what we had was more of my own imagination and wants, not what was actually going on.

"Yes, but," I said, pausing and not moving my hand but concentrating back on the purple gemstones staring up at me. "I want you to think about what you want to Bee. When I come back tomorrow and have a task ready that is in relation to what you want to do, we will go from there, but I have to get going, so wait for me, okay?" I asked Miasma, and she nodded back with a cute and warm smile that made me feel good.

We both stood up, but neither of us moved, and she was just a bit shorter than them, but the limited space between us was making me too excited. Thankfully Riza came and pulled us apart with a grin.

Pixie and Talli were getting up from their very short naps, but they looked rested. Both of them gave a cute slight stretch and then crawled off the bed.

"I will see you tomorrow," I said back to Miasma as she just smiled and waved at me as I was dragged out of the hut.

The sun was still bright, but it was past its cresting point, and now it was slowly making its descent down. I can see why they wanted to get going; even though it might not take long to get back, I\'m sure Messia and Leah were getting worried.

"Most excellent of Queens! Are you ready to buzz off?" Sig asked, and I just nodded to him, and Talli took my hand as we flew off with the other girls into the air.

I looked back, despite how rotten I was feeling inside, hearing Sig so cheerful. I just needed to ask him like a grown-up; I wasn\'t a child, just a new and confused Bee.

"Sig, Do you like Miasma?" I asked awkwardly as I flew up beside him with Talli, and she received it that way.

"Miasma? Oh yes, she is excellent to everyone!" Sig said with a smile, but Tag caught on and slapped him on the back of the head.

"No, you Most horrendously stupid brother of mine! But you better not ask that when Mindy is around! Next time you get bad luck, you will be tied outback, then Mindy will complain to Keana, and I will get shit from her! Then, to top it all off, I would have to stay near you and get the bad luck that you earned!" Tag scolded Sig, and he just grinned.

"Ya, don\'t say that around my wife! Miasma is just a good friend, nothing more; she dispels me cheap. I, uh, just have worse luck than others," Sig said, shrugging like he was doing nothing wrong.

"Maybe If you stopped diving into their piss water, you wouldn\'t have to go as often," Tag said, rolling his eyes.

"Don\'t act like that, you know what Jitters said she would give us if we got the black rock from the bottom! If we get all those crystals now, we can give them to Ashia since she is the Queen now, right?" Sig asked Tag.

What were these two talking about? What rock?

"What are you talking about," I asked.

This was not the subject I was asking about, but this was important.

"There is a Female Raccoon Folk that asked only us if we could get the black rock from the bottom of the lake. She offered us two hundred crystal seeds for exchange, but I stopped after my first round. The most idiotic of us did not, but I still came and watched in hiding. I don\'t think they care about the rock; I just don\'t think they want him to have it," Tag explained as we flew on.

I guessed that we were about halfway back. I noticed that when one wasn\'t talking, That boy would watch and look around. That made me feel better, and It was nice that I could put some trust in them, no matter how they talked.

"Well, if we can stop the skunks from dumping, the Nightmare\'s will stop being hostile, and then I can ask them for the stone, right? But what are these seed crystals?" I asked.

"They are for the flowers that you get honey from and are hard to get. Whatever that black stone is, it must be crucial to be willing to sell or even tell someone about them. If the other Queen found out that there were Raccoon Folk with crystal seeds, she would bring the hive and surrounding races down on them," Talli explained.

"I figured as much. A lot is going on right now, and it\'s had to make heads or tails of it. We get more pieces, and I am slowly starting to look at the bigger picture of what\'s going on and what is connected to what. There are still a lot of unknowns and missing variables," I said more to myself as we neared Ferritta.

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