Epic of Bee

Chapter 64 Heartbeats In The Aerial Ocean

I awoke to light shining in my eyes, and my first thought was that I had slept until the next day, but the light was white. Miasma was still sleeping beside me, but as I turned my head from the light, I could see the entire room lit with silver light.

I put a hand up to block the light, and when I was finally able to see outside, I couldn\'t believe my eyes. What I saw defied logic and common sense, and I even slapped myself, making Miasma stir beside me, but I was awake, and the ocean-scape sky I was witnessing was real.


"What you see is very much so real and a large part of this world. There are no oceans on this planet, only large lakes, but nothing bigger. Life in the sky evolved according to the records I have access to, but my People evolved up here as well," Hilda explained to me after appearing.

Hilda seemed very interested in her people or maybe in who she was, and I knew that she could hear these thoughts. I would worry about that at another time; flying fish took president in my mind right now.

It was like the world had turned upside down, but I could clearly see the clouds and glimpses of the ground below us. There were fish in the sky, swimming in the air, not flying, and I had no idea how they were doing it, but I needed to know.

"Hilda, what makes them stay up here? They aren\'t using wings, so then what is keeping them up?" I asked as I slowly got up, waking Miasma up.

I leaned down and kissed her as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, but then I pulled her up with me to sit and watch the fish. I was having dreams of having a pet flying killer whale or a great white shark!

"Both of those are races of sky people and not tamable. The creatures and people who live up here all have innate wind magic, and they are born with a Levitating Orb inside them. This gives them the ability to move naturally up here," Hilda explained to me, but my mind was elsewhere.

Imagine the Order of White Shark Knights and my Council of Killer Orca\'s, but then that made me focus on Hilda.

"Okay, but they are Subjectable, but the real question is whether or not they can survive near ground level. We haven\'t seen any before, so does that mean that the Skyfolk can\'t come near the ground?" I asked.

"I think it is that they chose not to. From what I can see in the records that I have access to, there is no reason why they shouldn\'t be Bee able to come down here," Hilda said, bet it felt like she also questioned what she was saying.

"Okay, if these people are the way that I think they are going to be, then there is no point in trying to win them over right now. We will have to focus on becoming bigger and get the Hive more completed, so we look more impressive," I said to Hilda as I also watched Miasma stare slack-jawed at the aerial aquarium before us.

"That is probably a wise choice; if their people think that they are better than everyone, then you will need to prove them wrong in order to get your Shark Knights," Hilda teased me, and I smiled back at her.

"Yes, so that means that we need to get to the Nightmare Falls so we can get the docking ring. Then Pixie will be able to start pollen the sections she is making together, and we can start giving everyone jobs within the Hive," I said.

"Yes, but you need to talk with the others about the Predators. Then we will have to consider finding a race that would be more suited to the job of guards. That way, your skill will create more guard types," Hilda explained, and she was right.

I had let them slip from my mind after waking up to this oceanic vista in the sky I woke up to. I noticed something off in the distance that looked like a whale with something on its back, but it was really far from us.

"I feel much better now that I got to rest with a sexy little Bee-tective; maybe she has something you might want to add, or are you going to continue to smother yourself in my breast bags?" I asked my cute little smelly cat, who had her face buried in my chest.

"Mmm, you\'re right, they are the breast; I could rub my face into their softness all day!

I\'m stuck now; my face has been caught in the breast trap ever!" Miasma said as she pushed into me, making me almost lose my balance, but she helped me and stopped me from tipping.

"Come, later when it\'s actually bedtime, and we can play more then, okay?" I asked Miasma, pulling her from my chest.

I could feel the ship starting to descend, and that meant that we would be home soon. We had thirty new hungry mouths to feed, and that was going to put stress on our food supplies, but we had started to get a surplus, so we could survive for a bit.

I was really going to have to hurry with getting the docking ring. That would have to be something that we did first thing tomorrow and then came straight back here.

"I can wait for later; that\'s when the breast action happens anyways!" Miasma said as she hit my neck with a hail of kisses, making me start to laugh and push her away.

"You are horrible," I said, grinning at her as she was crawling back over to me.

"Maybe, but that\'s only because I\'m horribly in love with you," Miasma said to me, with no joke in her voice, only the tone of heartfelt words.

My chest got hot, and I moved to meet her lips with my own as fire and passion coursing through my veins.

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