Epic of Bee

Chapter 66 Legendary Kawaii

Miasma and Me buzzed down to the honeycomb hive section of the ship as it descended. We had two more people that I wanted to deal with before we landed.

The two of us flew down and found Messia right away talking with Thiamon and Tita. We were approaching from the side and lowered ourselves to buzz just off the hexagon-plated decking. This was much easier than walking for me and almost therapeutic.

"Good to see that you are awake. Are you feeling better now?" Messia asked me, and both Councillors tipped their heads in respect to me deeply, and I returned the gesture, but not nearly bowing my head as much.

"Yes, I feel quite rested. Did you have a chance to look outside when we were up in the air?" I asked Messia with excitement, briefly forgetting the reason that I had come up here in the first place.

"Um, no. I don\'t really enjoy it up here, but there are others waiting for you up the hall, and man and woman, Serria and Gamble," Messia explained to me and shooed me off in that direction with Miasma, expertly dodging my question.

Messia seemed to have a problem with the sky and the people that lived up in it, and it would be best for me to dig deeper into that, but she was right. I had other things that I was supposed to be doing right now.

Miasma and I buzzed along past people walking and some sitting in their bed cells with many different shelves and hexagon drawers in the far wall. It seemed that each person could edit their areas how they wanted, and there were already people sharing bunks.

Serria and Gamble were waiting for us in their own separate bunks, but they were beside each other. Both looked up as we came into view, and the two of them got up and stood together and addressed us with full bows that I nodded to after landing.

"I am sorry to make you wait, but I needed to take care of everyone, and then I needed to have a short nap. I have had a busy couple of days and not a lot of sleep during them," I explained, but both of the skunks waved their hands in front of them.

"No, it is more than okay to make us wait. You are just what I expected you to be after meeting you for the first time in Malodor\'s tent. You might not remember me, but I was there. I am proud of Malodor\'s choice to join you. Very few people would work so hard to protect others weaker than them," Gamble explained, surprising me.

Up until now, the man had been mostly silent and engrossed in the water wheel designs he had brought along. I was very excited to see what else he might Bee able to come up with when I gave him this boost.

"Yes, there is no need to explain to us. We were both just happy to see that everyone was able to get aboard the ship safely. My name is Serria, and this is Gamble," Serria told me, and I smiled at the two of them.

"My people\'s safety is one of my main priorities, but let\'s put that thought aside for now and get to the fun part," I said with excitement as I activated the Queen System.

[System] Activated!

[Hive Points Available] 35.

Looks like I didn\'t get as many points this time from taking on the entire village, but I had noticed and close large groups of other people moving up levels. This included my Royal Wives as well, another thing that I would have to check up on to see if they got anything new.

[Would you like to use this point] Yes/No?


[Select a target]

Serria and Gamble.

[New Subject: Serria] Acquired!

[Subject: Serria]: Class option:

[Pur-rifier] Or [Bee-lesser]

[New Subject: Gamble] Acquired!

[Subject: Gamble]: Class option:

[Problem Ferreter] Or [Bee Brain]

I could only shake my head at the names, but after a short moment of deliberation, I made my choices. They were pretty easy for the most part, I needed a purifier, and I didn\'t need more problem solvers; I needed more inventors.

[Pur-rifier] and [Bee Brain].

I blocked Miasma\'s eyes with my hand as I made the selection to keep her from blinding her. I watched as booth Skunks transformed, but something strange was happening with Serria.

Gamble got a white lab coat and the home team colors, but Serria\'s hand completely changed when the light cleared. Where she had a thick tail before, now a longer and thinner one had appeared.

Her fur and ears changed as well. Now her ears were wider and not as pointy. It was like they had shrunk down, and where she had hands like normal before, were no replace with… cat paws?

"Ooo, Ashy, what have you done to our little Stinker!" Miasma said excitedly as she hopped around the confused-looking Serria.

I didn\'t have an answer yet. I called up the Queen System again and activated my scanner, making my eyes light up. I scanned over the white furry tube top and shorts as I looked over her body to complete the scan.

[Type]:(Race) Skunk (Subrace)Cat Maiden.

[Class]:Pur-rifier: Cat maidens use their cutest and soft fur to relieve stress and exhaustion. Their purr can calm a storming heart and purify air and water within 15 meters of themselves. The saliva from their mouths can be used to heal minor wounds, and it tickles.

[Status]: Happily Confused(HP N/A)


[Cuteness](Passive): Creatures that see a Cat Maiden have a small amount of Stamina restored. This effect can only happen once every twelve hours.

[Soft Fur](Passive): Contact with a Cat Maidens fur will cause relaxation and decreased levels of stress.

[Pur-rifiying Purr] Purify everything within 15 meters of a Cat Maiden.

[Holy Purr] Creatures within 15 meters of a Cat Maiden are calmed for up to 5 minutes.

[Holy Cat Spit] Target struck with Holy Cat Spit will have increased health regeneration and increases resistance to illness and infection for up to 1 hour.

[Cat Maiden] (Gene) Acquired!

[Legendary Gene] Acquired!

[Holy Kawaii Maiden Genes] ⅛ collected!

What the hell was this? Her unique ability was to be cute? Legendary Genes? The surprises are unending in this line of work.

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