Epic of Bee

Chapter 101 Organizing Chaos

Once I stepped onto the platform, I clicked the stone onto the ground, and I started to rise. Even though I was not too thrilled to meet the girls, it was what it was, and I finally had a solution for my mounting problems.

There were no other people on the top deck, and the girls were waiting for me alone; yet, I also had the impression we had stopped moving. Due to the girls\' encirclement, it was difficult for me to see the map clearly, so I walked over to them quietly.

Through our connection, I felt a warm and comforting feeling from Miku and Xani. This made me feel better, and I watched M&M turn from where they were standing together.

"Listen, I am sorry for how I have been acting lately," I said to the girls, and the four of them came over, and all came to hug me before I could continue.

"I get that you have been under a lot of stress. That is bound to make you crazy, but that doesn\'t excuse the way everyone down below acted! The way you said it wasn\'t the most diplomatic, but it needed to be said. I doubt they\'ll have another  yelling match like that in the Council Chamber again!" Miasma said, and then she laughed.

"We all felt the change and came up here right away to help, but we all wanted to wait for you to come back up," Messia said, giving me a kiss before she continued. The water reservoir was created in one of the Hex combs. The manufacturing and assembly combs were created in the other two. Gamble and Pixie are getting things sorted right now so they can start working on the water piping.

"Thank you, how about the weapons? And how did we come to a stop?" I asked after kissing and rubbing noses with each of my beautiful wives.

The girls pulled back from me, and then I saw it on the map.

There was a mass of gigantic bubbles gathered on the side of a mountain like crystal soap bubbles. It was the craziest thing I had ever seen, and there must have been over fifty meters tall and more bubbles than I could count.

"What is that thing?" I asked as I walked over to the map, with the girls following me.

"That is the SugaBee Hive, and they hailed us to stop, so we wanted to wait and see what you wanted to do," Xani said, but Miku was walking around the table, and I watched as a misty shadow started to appear.

I was going to warn her, but then I thought better of it and let her deal with the Shaq-coon that was about to get her. Miku didn\'t need the warning, and before Will could bring his kunai around, Miku had already disappeared into the shadows.

"I Kill You!" Miku said from under the table as a dagger appeared from her outstretched hand that was only centimeters from Will\'s manhood.

"Hey, there! You are getting better, but that won\'t kill me!" Will said.

When Miku pulled her dagger back and emerged from under the table, Will laughed.

"Yeah, but I bet you wouldn\'t be so quick to try it again, right?" Miku said with a nasty grin that he will pull back.

"Fair enough, I go bother the people that need a wake-up, like Ryan!" Will said, and then just blew away like smoke.

Xani\'s Windform was similar to his ability, but I had no idea what it was, but I would ask John about it. I discounted Will because I didn\'t really know how to evaluate him, but maybe that\'s because I didn\'t know what to expect.

"Now that I am here and have had a little fun, what should we do about the SugaBees? What about the weapons? Have we discussed them yet?" I asked.

"Weapons aren\'t ready yet, but they will have a three hundred meters range like the Royal Fighter Drone Needle Gun once they\'re ready. When it is finished, I will let you know; I have a small progress window up," Miku told me, and I was surprised that she was handling it.

"What is the way you got it? I meant the status window that shows your progress?" I asked in amazement; that would help remind me to do things.

"I can show you later if you like?"" Miku smiled sweetly as I returned her smile.

"Yes, I would like that. However, I think that we should send Tag and Sig did first and see what they want, and after that, we can decide what to do," I said, and Messia turned and went to the chair and pushed a button on the arm.

"Boys, you can head down now," Messia said, and then the boys replied.

"Rightia Messia, our most excellent director!" Tag called out.

"Yeah, tell Our Queen we say the most Gandious Hello! And we hope she feels better!" Sig called.

"Thank you, boys. Find out what they want, and let them know we are going to deal with the Trolls!" I called out, but then Miku called through the mic as well.

"I am going to go with them and see if I can get the Hive Task from the Sugabees while I am there. So I might prevent us from having to stop long," Miku said as I was looking for her up here.

"That\'s a great idea, and thank you for thinking ahead!" I called out, and then Messia let go of the button.

"We will be here to try and make your job a lot easier now. I know that this has been a lot, but Xani will take care of the items scan, and she will watch over the dragon eggs for you until you are ready to hatch them. After that, Miasma and I will go through the people and start the evolution, and then we will come back with a list and groups of the selections," Messia said as she came over to me.

"You mean I get to pick when they hatch?" I asked in amazement.

"They stay dormant until they are warmed up, and then they will hatch within three days. They are tiny when born, but they are fully aware when born and only take a couple of days to fully grow," Xani explained.

"Well, as much as I want my little pets now, I think that I will wait until I have fixed those last two tasks. After that, then we can help them hatch. Messia, you were saying that you would get a list?" I asked as Miasma took my hand and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Yes, then we can bring it to you and decide together what genes that you want to give them. Then, once we have all of that sorted, we can get everyone together and get everyone done simultaneously. I suggest we do it while visiting the Troll; they like to throw parties for guests, so that would be a good time since everyone will want to join," Messia explained, and then Miasma spoke up.

"I think a party is a good time! And then we can try all the booze they have!" Miasma said excitedly.

"Booze? Like ale and clear alcohol?" I asked, not overly curious, but I asked for her benefit.

I had never been the drinking type, and I was a lightweight, so I usually never drank much. Still, it would be fun to let loose after everything, and maybe that is what I needed, but Messia crushed these hopes.

"Giving Ashia alcohol right now while she is still young will be like poison for her. No, I do not think that she will be having any of that unless she magically gets older!" Messia said, shaking both right index fingers at Miasma and me.


"Once Ashia completes her final hive task, she will go through an evolution just like all of you, but she will get more Genes than all of you. After that, she will be able to eat normally, and she will be fine to drink alcoholic beverages. It will be good for all of you to relax and enjoy your free time. You all deserve it, and once you have the Trolls taken care of, then you will have strong guards that will be able to protect you from almost anything," Hilda explained.

"That is refreshing, but I am not a big drinker," I said while smiling at the girls.

"That\'s okay, we will just get you drunk and take advantage of you!" Miasma retorted.

"Oh no, please not that! Anything but getting molested by all my Bee-autiful wives that sounds awful!  I replied back sarcastically, and we all laughed.

[Queen System] Activated!

[Hive Task] Activated!

[Born As Thick As Rocks]: Stop the Trolls from taking Sugabees Glass Flower Nectar.

[Reward]: Hexpansion.

All of us had surprised looks on our faces, but mine instantly turned to a grin. This was probably the first time getting one of these messages that fill the screen, and now I can help them!

"Can you guys close the window?" I asked the three girls hoping to Bee of assistance for once, but I looked like a fool.

"Do you not know how you do it, dear? Did Hilda always do it for you? I can show you, come over here, my Bee-autiful sweetheart, and I will teach you," Miasma purred at me, and I rolled my eyes.

"I know how to do it! But, god, what do you think I am… don\'t answer that, Mink!" I said but then ran in the opposite direction as Miasma screamed at me to use that name and bolted after me.

I tried to keep a table between us, but she was too fast, but that\'s because she slept half the time! I got tickled half to death and received no help even when I wussed out and tired using my Call Guard skill.

Besides where Miasma was attacking me, Joni and Riza appeared, but the two of them just stepped out of the way when Miamsa glared at them. When she finally finished, I could barely even breathe anymore; what a witch, I was going to give her little… never mind.

"Are you to two children done your fighting and name-calling?" Messia asked.

"I am ready to go see what Tag and Sig learned. They should be back by now; what are you all going to be doing?" I asked after straightening myself out.

"I will be going to talk to Ryan about future predator plans to help us," Miasma said to me as past me, but I pitched her ass and made her squeak cutely, and then I ran behind Riza and grabbed her to use as a shield. "Oh! I will be back for you later, Queen!"

Miasma stormed out the Honey gate, and I let Riza go with a smile.

"I am going to go help in the manufacturing Hex-Comb to help charge some of the new equipped and some of the other things that need a recharge," Xani said, and I walked over and gave a hug and a kiss before she turned and left through the Honey Gate.

Then it was just my guards and Messia who came over to me with a warm smile, and I warmed her in my arms. We shared a passionate kiss, but then the rush of Jelly came flowing out, and I was glad for the food.

After Messia finished feeding me, the two of us separated, but we didn\'t do the tongue thing again. After that, I would have to figure out how to have some alone time with her; Messia should have been the first person, but the other candy-covered chocolate beat her to the punch.

"I am going to go start cataloging people, and you should spend some time with Miku. She will be down there with the boys, and then maybe after go see Xani. She is helping Pixie and Gamble with all of their crazy projects," Messia explained as we all walked over to the gate, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I think it is due time that I had some one on one with them. Maybe later you and I could have some one on one time?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrow suggestively, and Messia laughed and smile warmly at me.

"Yes, I would like that."

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