Epic of Bee

Chapter 157 Introducing Me, The Queen

"Everyone, I am so glad to see that you are all alive and well, but I am sad that there are some still missing. That does not mean that we won\'t try and get them back, but this special person," Raine said while turning and pointing to me. "Queen Ashia of the Bees is the one that saved us all, myself and daughters included."

The crowd made some small shouts, and no one burst out in joy or anything like that, but I could hear an excited murmur spreading throughout the crowd. I was pretty sure that things would go fine, and Then a person in the front shouted out a Question.

"Are you still the Queen, Mordiraine?"

"No, I gave up my place as Queen, and I am now an assistant to Ashia, your new Queen," Raine said, and I heard the most enormous collective sigh that I had ever heard in my life, and I lifted an eyebrow, but then another person spoke up, and I understood why everyone was relieved.

"That is good because all of us woke up in a flash and looked healthy and completely different, but we all shared one feeling that was the same with everyone. We did not think of you as Queen anymore."

Everyone would have been compelled to follow me and consider me the leader, but it would have been very confusing to everyone at first. I was just glad that everyone understood, and there were no misunderstandings.

"Now, I will be going by only Raine, and if you have questions about anything, come and talk to one of my daughters or me. We should be able to help you, and if we can\'t, we will point you in the right direction. Now, I would like to formally introduce your new Queen, Ashia," Raine said, and the crowd did go wild this time.

Raine stepped back from the center, allowing me to move forward to take center stage. I took a deep breath in and then let it out before speaking; I had never addressed this many people, so it was a bit nerve-wracking.

"Thank you all for such a warm welcome. Now, I know that you have all been through a very hard time, but I want you to all know that we are working very hard to get you all your own place to stay. This is going to be a big change from what you are used to, but I can promise you that everyone here will treat you like family," I explained to the crowd, but then someone called up to me.

"What do you plan to do about the Geo-Sect? And the rest of our family that are trapped with the Telluride?" A SugaBee in the front asked up to me, and that was an excellent question.

"For now, there is nothing that we can do, but I plan to do something about it in the future. As it stands right now, we have no way to do anything to the gigantic Geo-Sect, for now. I think that we need to build up our strength before we start taking on something as big as that," I explained, and the speaker that asked the question nodded in approval.

Not like I could really do much else even if I wanted to, but I could understand where they would want to have some kind of an update. I wouldn\'t be able to leave it for too long, or it would reach the Goblins before I could stop it.

If that happened, then that would mean that the Predators would earn a new army of mindless slaves that they could throw at us again. That was not something that I could afford to have happened.

"For now, I have a Raccoon Folk that will be helping you all settle in. His name is Will, and he is very tall; you shouldn\'t have trouble finding him, and Will can come to guide you if you need it," I said, but I declined to mention that he was the one that had saved them.

Just because I wasn\'t punishing Will severely did not mean that I was going to bolster him for disobeying me. At the same time, I did feel bad, but Will had made his bed, and now he would have to lay in it, but now it was time to get down.

I had made my big speech, and now I wanted to get back up to my room and talk to Beezli and get this part finished. I would also need to check to see how much the girls got done before I started the final Hive Task.

I feel like we should just be using all of our points to max everything, and that way, if there was something important at the next level. Then they could be able to access new skills from the next level that would give me access to them a lot easier.

"I think that we will stay and walk through the people," Raines said to me, and I looked at her daughters with a sigh.

"Yes, that is fine, but make sure that you bring the girls up top to the navigation level. You can ask Will to give you directions, and he will have no problem showing you the way," I said with a smile, but I really hoped that she came and brought the girls up to get the scans done.

I was still holding Serria\'s hand, and she walked down the steps with me; and once we got to the bottom, Tag and Sig started to make the crowd separate for us, and we made our way back to the Honey Gate.

"You did very well, and I do think that once everyone is settled in, then everything will run a lot smoother. Right now, it just seems bad because there are so many people that don\'t have things to do, and we don\'t have enough room yet to fit them all. The girls are working, making more room and jobs for everyone, but we need to go talk to Beezli and Pelleta," Serria told me as we reached the Honey Gate, and I could only agree as we followed Tag and Sig through.

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