Epic of Bee

Chapter 177 Preparing To Swarm

"So, how do you feel? I know that you said good, but I am more concerned about your mental state. I would also like to know how long you had been awake for," Gamble asked Seshia.

"I actually feel better than I did before all of this happened. I have been awake for more than six months now, but I don\'t feel that way. It is like I just woke up from a long, much-needed rest, and now I feel stronger than I was before. Whatever that stuff you gave me was, it was amazing!" Seshia said with excitement and made Gamble smile brightly.

"Excellent. Now, what can you tell me about the Predators? Did you mean someone named Trent? He wouldn\'t have been in the same white and red robes as the other Predators," Gamble asked, but Seshia\'s expression changed, and her features became pale.

"Yes, there was a monstrous purple and black creature that put the Lichtar on me, but it was almost twice as tall as me. I have never seen anything like it before in my life, but I don\'t know if it was the leader. The creature talked about someone that he didn\'t like, but he wouldn\'t say much more," Seshia explained with a haunted look on her face.

Gamble knew of the creature that she spoke of; the Holistic Threads had shown him that this was one of the primary connections. It was shared by most of the Lichtar he had studied, including some samples that they had received when retrieving the Raccoon Folk.

"Thank you, I know that this has all been hard on you and everyone else. When we get Ashia to wake up, she will be excited to meet you and the rest of your people," Gamble said as he stood up. "I need to go make the final preparations for the Royal BeeBliss, but I expect to be finished in about five hours. Please get things ready; I have sent Beezli and Pelleta on a bit of a Wild Goose chase, but when they are done, we should have some Drone mechanics."

Gamble turned and left the room leaving the women to deal with the Snake Folk. He had more than just the Royal BeeBliss Serum to work on right now.

"Babe! Can I help you with anything?" Pixie asked as she chased him out of the room.

Gamble stopped and wanted to kick himself for not thinking to include his wife in this, but there was just some much going on. The other five of him were all working on separate tasks, but Gamble was still missing things.

"Yes, of course, I want and need you to come help! I am sorry, I have just got so much going on; I really don\'t know how Ashia takes care of everything? even if she struggles, there is only her!" Gamble mused, but Pixie started to laugh as she walked over to her husband and kissed him.

"She doesn\'t do it alone! Like you, she has five other people helping her at all times and a mountain of other people like you and me to make the job load lighter for her. Ashia found out the hard way that this job is far too big for one person, and now she has lots of help!" Pixie said as she took Gamble\'s arm, and the two of them took the Honey Gate back to Manufacturing where Gambles control center was located.

Meanwhile, Beezli and Pelleta worked on the last group of SugaBees in Gambles evolution plan to get proper drone mechanics. Beezli had collected six new Genes so far; the last one with one other from the list was the combo that Gamble had suggested having the best chance to get mechanics.

The goal was to have them be able to do upgrades and be able to do them on the go. The group of Six SugaBees stood at attention, and it was absolutely amazing how much they had developed over the last day and a half.

Gamble had told Pelleta that the BeeBliss Serum would be able to push the SugaBee to their first Evolution. In response to this, Beezli had ordered a group of people to start handing out very small doses of the serum.

The group\'s job was to get to everyone that had not reached the evolution point. Once everyone was at the Evolution point,  Beezli got Hilda to activate the Swarm Evolution System.

Once the Swarm Evolution System was activated, it would go through every member in the Hive and through all the Genes that had been gathered. The System autonomously evolves everyone in the Hive simultaneously, but it leaves the people that will need special attention.

It also would not evolve certain people if there are no suitable Genes for the Subject. This would still take a lot of the leg work out of the job for Beezli and Ashia, but somehow Beezli knew that this was going to become part of her daily job.

Dealing with special cases might still be time-consuming, but Pelleta was with her, and that was more than she had in the upper Realm. That had been one of the greatest disappointments to Beezli after she had ascended.

The Higher Realm had been precisely as she had pictured it, but no matter what grandeur she lived in, none of it mattered if she had to be alone. Pelleta was also Placed in the higher Realm with her, but they were only allowed to see each other during special meetings with the other Risen Gods and Goddesses.

Now, Pelleta held onto Beezli\'s arm and leaned into her, and Beezli couldn\'t be happier. This was better than any splendor that the higher realms could provide, and Beezli activated the Evolutions system.

[Evolution] Activated!

[Subject: Brock] Will receive the following genes that will augment his [Drone Repair] Class:

[Drone Mechanic] |[Drone Pilot]

[New Class] Acquired!

[Royal MechaBeeKeeper]

"Bingo! Gottem! YES! That man is going to have to get a promotion when Ashia wakes up!" Beezli said with a fist pump, and Pelleta giggle, squeezing her arm.

"Yes, I really don\'t know how he can keep everything straight, but Gamble has bloomed into something amazing!" Pelleta said, but now it was time for Phase Two of Gamble\'s plan.


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