Epic of Bee

Chapter 212 Snookums? Is That You?

John nodded to Will and then turned to the other, taking a deep breath in. No matter how much he explained, there were still going to be questioned after.

It was better to get as much out as possible while he had their attention.

,m "The rest of us will advance on the goblins, but we are going to have to be careful flying to the mountains. We have brought a large supply of microdoses of Beebliss Serum, and we are going to have to try not to draw too much attention to ourselves. The goal will be to find the ones already being controlled, and then girls will give them doses. Once we have the number down to less than twenty, we will track them back to the Geo-Sect if we haven\'t already found it and then give the Geo-Sect a shot of Royal BeeBliss Serum. That won\'t kill the Tellarider, but it will become resistant to the telluride, and then will have to deal with the twenty goblins left," John explained, and hands when up from seven people, and John rolled his eyes, and then pointed to Will since he needed to get going.

"What are we doing with the MechaBees?" Will asked, surprising John.

John had assumed that Will would take this chance to make a joke, but he took all of this quite seriously. The Queen had done a lot for Will and trusted him, and now he was doing what needed to be done to keep her best interests at heart.

"I grabbed some special Wax-nade that works in reverse and doesn\'t degrade. I am surprised that was your question," John said as he scratched his head.

"People change. Plus, I don\'t have time for games right now, and both of us know that. My Path is not here; yours is. Now, I will take my leave, but you take damn good care of these girls, or I\'ll have your heads, and the Queen will slice it into little pieces! Girls, DO NOT take chances! I only allowed you two to come because then Path said you were important, so BeeHive!" Will said to everyone while ruffling Miku and Rixie\'s hair, but then he turned to smoke and disappeared.

"You heard him. We have many things to consider right now, but not a lot of options or time. Let\'s think of what we are going to do and how we are getting there," John said as he looked everyone over, and they all started to work on a plan to take down Trent and the Tellarider.

[View of Messia, Miasma, Miku, Xani, Serria, Rixie, Riza, Joni, Leah, Gamble, Fen, and three other Rock Troll Breakers[Evolved Bee Brawlers] right after Ashia is Teleported away]

"She is gone?" Serria asked, feeling like she might be sick as she put a hand on the wall to steady herself.

The same thing was happening to the other Royal wives. Like a part of them had been torn away, it left them all feeling dizzy and sick.

"What is she talking about?" Riza asked Messia, who she was helping to sit down against the walls.

"Ashia is no longer one this ship or anywhere within the ship\'s radius. I even sent out a massive blast that should have covered the planet, and I could not find her. That means one of two things. One, she is no longer on this planet at all because I would be able to find her even if she was dead. Or, she is underground somewhere," Gamble explained, while pushing buttons on a pad attached to his arm, but then began to get very mad, hitting the pad.

"What is wrong," Leah asked, and Gamble looked up from his pad with fire in his eyes.

"They disabled the ship, and now there is no power or lights! They are going to touch the Predators, and I haven\'t got to give them the serum! And now I can\'t talk to my wife! I will make these people pay!" Gamble raged, shaking his fists.

"Here you go, and I locked off that wing of the Clinic," Will said as he appeared, handing a frozen Gamble one of the new voice boxes he had made.

"Wait! How did you get this? Never mind, what do you know about the Queen?" Gamble asked in a rush, but Will shook his head.

"The same as you, she is gone, and the Path is not pointing me to her. That means that she is too far away from me to help and that she doesn\'t need it. The Path had brought me to take Miku and Rixie with John and me to meet up with Tag, Sig, and others. Your job is to get this cleared up while we go deal with the Tellariders; girls, let\'s go," Will said, and the girls both jumped into him without question.

Both Miku and Rixie had been training with Guide Shadows, Will and John. So the girls knew when Will was serious.

After Will disappeared, Gamble activated the black box in his hand and called into it.


"Snookums? Is that you?" Pixie\'s voice called from the Talkbox that Gamble was trying to silence with his hand as he turned red, and then pushed the talk button while holding it up to his face.

"I told you not to call me that around people! How are you? Where are you?" Gamble asked, getting some of his composer back.

"In a holding cell with Talli and some others, What are we going to do?" Pixie asked, sounding more unsure.

"We are going to try and figure that out, but I will let you know. It is good to hear your voice; I was worried..." Gamble said with his voice trailing off.

"I am here when you need to talk as always. I made sure that Will got that to you before he left for that reason," Pixie said, and Gamble turned the Talkbox off and then put it in the pocket of his robe over his heart and held it there for a moment before turning around to face the others.

"This will not be easier or fun, but together we will get our home back and our Queen!" Gamble declared, and the group started to plan.

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