Epic of Bee

Chapter 231 More To My Plate!

I figured that there would have to be some kind of negatives. Vampirism was typically portrayed as removing all human sickness, restoring the body, and making them look younger.

"While we are able to handle the sun, Bill can not, so we are stuck down here. That is why Bill makes sure that anyone that comes has a partner or some kind of relative that they are close with. Without someone like that, the person will go mad and be reduced to a monster," Maurice explained as he stopped in front of one of the sectioned-off areas.

"Why can\'t they just associate with others? What makes them go mad?" I asked curiously as I lowered myself down to the ground with Helaina, who was almost sleeping on me.

"It has nothing to do with talking; it is the connection that is important. Without someone to bond with as a Progenitor, their mind starts to change. Our bodies start to warp like our minds, and we become bloodthirsty monsters," Maurice explained, and I nodded my head.

Bill must have figured out something, but that just created more questions, and I was exhausted. I would have to question Bill about everything when we got back tomorrow, but this was enough for one day.

"Thank you for everything that you have done for us," said and nodded to the men, but both men shook their heads and then bowed deeply to me.

"No, we are the ones that should be thanking you! If what you are trying to do works, then we might not have to stay down here in the dark. We will be waiting for you here, and we will guard you while you sleep. There is no reason that you should have to worry, but you are in a strange place, so a little bit of peace of mind should help you rest better," Maurice explained after finishing his bow with Hamble.

"That will be good," I said, and Maurice stepped up to pull a heavy hanging clothback for Helaina and me.

The two of us walked in, and there was a soft glow in the room that lit up a massive strange-looking pillow, but there were no blankets. It is not like we would have had anything if we had to find a place to sleep.

"Looks like it is going to be a bit chilly in here," I said as I walked over and laid down on the cushion.

The Cat Dragons hopped off me, and then Helaina walked over to behind me and then laid down, cuddling up to me. Then Atom crawled from my chest, and all three Cat Dragons expanded to the size of tigers.

Atom snuggled up to me, his glowing fur warming me as he cuddled into me, and said, "We will keep you all warm.".

Thanos and Tigra both curled up around us, and as I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I smiled to myself, almost forgetting where I was. It didn\'t take long for me to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

[Gamble\'s View]

This was ridiculous.

"I don\'t see why you are making such a big deal about this??" Pixie asked me as I sat on our bed with my head in my hands.

"You weren\'t there! She is impossible! The woman is glued to my side and practically crawling all over me!" I complained through my hands.

The two of us had just awoken up, and I was already regretting opening my eyes. In every part of me, I was wanting to stay home and not go back and have to face this woman.

"I think that you need to just relax around her. Jess seems like a really nice girl, and I think that you just need to give her a chance and stop trying to control everything all the time. I know that you are very smart, and the rest of you can figure out almost any problem, but I don\'t think that she is the problem," Pixie said after she came to stand in front of me, taking my hands from my face.

I sighed.

"She was sent by General Brand as a spy, my love. I can\'t work on the things that I need to do when she is around. Even if I get over the constant mess that she makes of my workplace, Jess is the enemy!" I said, looking up at Pixie with an exasperated look, and she just grinned at me.

"Maybe you are looking at this the wrong way? What if you make her not want to spy?" Pixie asked with a mischievous look on her face, and I frowned at her.

"What do you mean? How can I convince the Otter woman to not tell Brand what she learned?" I asked, but I already knew what she was insinuating; I didn\'t need to be a genius to figure it out.

p "You are a handsome man; I am sure that you can convince her that it would be better to come over to our side, right? I don\'t mind if you take another wife, and it will be for the good of the Hive!" Pixie said while nodding her head and striking her finger in the air like she had just figured it all out.

I just looked at her blankly. Did my wife just hit her head on something while I wasn\'t looking?

"You know who you are talking to, right?" I asked her, almost ready to pull my hair out.

"You just have to keep being yourself, and I am sure that Jess will come around!" My wife told me as she leaned down and kissed me.

I didn\'t know what to say. I had never even imagined that I would even have one woman in my life after I chased Serria around for so long.

Now, my wife was trying to get me to marry another woman, but I already found it hard to make time for her! How was I supposed to add more to my plate?

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