Epic of Bee

Chapter 261 We Are The Monsters

"These creatures are all staring at me like I am some monster!" Sakura hissed at me, but I booped her on the nose softly.

"That is because we are monsters compared to these people, and you know that is the truth. You are much stronger than these people, and they have lived their lives in fear of the creature that was sealed away," I explained as we walked through the crowd to the back of the cave.

"None of this is my fault! I was locked up, and I have never done anything to hurt any of them! Why would they have any reason to be scared of me?" Sakura demanded, but it was Helaina who spoke up.

"Do you think that I like that every person I meet questions why I am being kept alive? I know that you know what it is like to be hunted, but it wasn\'t always like that for you, right?" Helaina asked, and that made Sakura go silent.

"You need to give people time to get to know who you two are. Everyone has been told stories about you both that could cause fear in the hardest of people. It will take time before everyone can accept you for the people that you actually are," I explained to the women.

"Every race looks at Meccat\'s like this, but you should not take these looks all as fear. These people revere you, but they will come to respect you in time. I am sure that Queen Ashia knows all about this," Shiva said from behind the three of us as we approached the cave where I had met the Alpha Bear Vampire, Bill.

​ That was true in more than one way.

I had been born into this world and had to start fighting for my life the moment that I had opened my eyes. Even after leaving the hive, there had been people trying to kill me.

One of the problems in my eyes was that there were so many places that only contained one type of race. Doing this had to make everyone suspicious of each other, but the biggest problem was the division between the sky and land.

"This world is very divided, but I am hoping that I can unite all the races. It\'s not that I think that I can stop all the fighting, but I think the world would be a better place if there were more mixing among the races. Still, we can talk about these things when we fly to our destination," I told my group as we walked into the cave.

Bill was inside, sitting down on an oversized chair in front of a table filled with bundles of papers. The bear-man was wrapping them with leather straps and stacking them but looked up as we all entered.

The Alpha went through a range of emotions as he looked over the four of us.

First was just a confirmation of Helina, and myself, then his eyes fell on Sakura, and one of his eyebrows raised. Thought, When Bill\'s eyes fell on Shiva, the other eyebrow went up in shooting up.

"My Queen!" Bill exclaimed as he stood up quickly from his chair, nearly knocking over the table.

Once the massive man was standing, he immediately bowed to a ninety-degree angle. This action shocked me since Bill was clearly not a Meccat, so I didn\'t understand why the Vampire Bear acted like this.

"There is no need for that. It is very good to see you again, Bill. I was worried that you might not have figured out how to deal with your infliction, but it seems you are thriving! Still, things have changed, and I am no longer the person I was before. The only Queen you should be bowing to is Ashia, the Queen Mother of us all!" Shiva declared to my shock.

Bill straightened back up with shock, looking between Shiva and myself, but I was still confused.

"How do you know Bill?" I asked as I turned to Shiva.

"This man is brilliant and one of the few people that could help our people when we were his will a plague. It was causing people to become deformed structures long before they were supposed to die. Bill was able to create a special fluid for us to drink, but he was stricken with a disease after he helped us," Shiva explained.

"You mean to say there is something that can cause this?" I asked curiously.

"NO!" Bill roared and then shouted, "No one should ever want this unless they want to be marked as the scourge of the world! What I have gained is nothing to what I have lost! What we have all lost!"

Both Tigra and Thanos were standing on my shoulders, and I could feel their agitation.

"Yes, I understand that, but I plan on fixing the problem that you are having, or at least try my best," I explained as I reached up with two of my hands to pet my red and blue Dragon Cats to calm them.

Then, before Bill could say anything else, I signaled to Atom, and I placed my hand over the table closest to me. The remaining blood sac appeared from below my hand, and the sight of the item seemed to change the look on Bill\'s face.

"Here is that last of what you had requested, but I need you to get everyone ready to leave. The Meccat King and previous King are creating a ship for us to leave, and we don\'t have much time. There are thousands of people\'s lives at risk right now, and we need to get moving," I explained, and Bill nodded.

"If the Shiva trusts you, then so do I. Hamble! Maurice!" Bill thundered, and the two slug men came rushing into the room.

Bill explained what was about to happen to the men and instructed them to start getting everyone ready to go. The girls and I headed back out to the main cave as they did this.

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