Epic of Bee

Chapter 307 Might Not Bee Around To Regret It!

"My Queen," I said reverently, and she giggled as she flew over.

"After all this time, it feels strange to hear you, of all people, call me that. I am your subject, my Queen. I don\'t rule over this world any more than the other Risen do. You are the true Queen, and I have placed my faith in you since day one. I know you will make the right choices, and I will gladly follow you into battle as your right-hand woman." Hilda said, and I felt a swelling of pride in my chest.

"Thank you, Hilda. Your faith in me is not misplaced. I will make this world a better place for all the Risen and protect them with my life." I said, and she smiled as she leaned in to kiss me gently on the cheek.

"Now, it is time for me to finish making some changes to your avatar. Since you have been growing, so has my influence, and now I can access the F.I.R.E. I am giving you your other arms back and access to your weapons. I will also put you in a mini Epic Bee Drone," Hilda explained in her fairy body. I actually preferred her like this when I was trying to concentrate. The other way, and all I could think about, was not thinking about how pretty she was. I guess that was one of the things that made her the most favored goddess in all of Kadeon. Her beauty and sex appeal were undeniable, but it looked like she also tried not to abuse them by turning them into things that would make people think about more than just aesthetics.

"You have all my weapons?" I asked curiously as I felt something growing on my back, and then two arms sprouted out from my shoulder blades. They looked exactly like they had before, but they were made of a strange metal that shimmered in the light.

"Yes, your Swords, Guns, and Shield are part of you now. The only thing you need to do is call upon them when you need them." Hilda explained as she waved her hand over me, and I felt Bee-ing covered in the Epic Bee armor. "You will also retain your buffs and get them every fight now. I am sure that Tyler is going to be upset about this."

"Good for him! I can\'t wait to see that smile Ooze off his face. This isn\'t about playing fair; it\'s about freeing people from a game that he is trying to force others to play," I said, and Hilda smiled warmly, and even in her little fairy form, I still got tingles. This woman was the best and the worst at the same time, and she knew it!

"I couldn\'t agree more. Now, go forth and save our people." Hilda said, and I nodded before the world went dark again.

I opened my eyes, and I was back in the dungeon, but things were so much different now! I sped around the room with no speed restrictions and smashed my fist out to shatter reality, grabbing two SMBEE\'s and two Beebliss Blades. I fired a few shots and then giggled as the room filled with green gas from my spray of bullets, but then I heard a familiar and salty voice come over, something like an intercom.

"Damn you, Ashely! You are cheating!" A1 or Tyler shouted at me, and I stopped but started giggling.

"Pfft! You are hilarious! Come talk some smack to my face! You are just trying to make my life more difficult, but I am not going to play your stupid little games! You know that it is only a matter of time before I come for you. I already know about the crack and how to get there, but I have no reason to race there. When I do come, you will wish you would have figured out a way to work with me rather than against me, and my name is Ashia now! I am not the old Ashley!" I snapped, and I heard A1 make an annoying noise.

"You might not be the same one, but you know that I will stop at nothing to prevent you. I already did it once, so don\'t think I won\'t do it again!" Tyler snapped back at the speaker, and I just giggled.

"No, you won\'t! You can\'t because I know about the crack. When I do come for you, it will be with everything that I have, and you will regret ever trying to stop me!" With that, I turned and walked away before Tyler could say anything else. He might think he had won this little battle of words, but it was only a matter of time until he realized who was really in charge now!

I ran into the next room, it was filled with monsters, but I didn\'t care as I created a shield and rushed in. I smashed my way through everything in my path, including the big green plant that tried to shoot fireballs at me.

I zipped around the room, and everything turned into a blur as I fought. I don\'t even know what I hit, but when the room was clear, there was a portal to the next room.

[Poison Wave 6]

[Mega Jump 2]

[Fast Attack 2]

I looked over my skills and decided that maxing out Poison Wave was my best move before moving on. I was going to need all the help I could get if I wanted to take down A1, and I knew that Tyler was going to be waiting for me at the end of this all.

I headed to the next room, but this time, it was filled with black Pigmen. They were charging at me, but I just ran toward them and leaped into the air. I came down swinging, and my Beebliss Blades cut through them like butter.

I spun around and launched a Poison Wave at the rest of them with a spray from both SMBEE\'s, and they screamed in agony as they died. Once they died, I got the double path choice again.

[<Elite Enemy Bonus]

[Power Bonus Plus>]

This time I wanted to take the Elite Enemy bonus since the game world seemed to be cracking for and against me. There was a good chance that there would be a broken item in the special legendary chest, but that also meant that whatever this elite monster was, it was going to be nasty.

I headed down the path and found myself in front of a door covered in elaborate designs of dragons in gold, but there was a portal in front of it. This was different than last time, but it wasn\'t like I could turn back now. Once I entered the room, the path I had walked down vanished, and I was in a sealed room with the portal.

"Here we go. I don\'t know what is on the other side, but I don\'t think it is going to be as cute as my three dragons! I stepped through the portal, and what do you know, I was face to face with a giant red Dragon!

"Eww, hairless flying cat! Did you get too much sun, Mr. Kitty?" I asked as I floated up and dodged a snap from the creature\'s mouth.

"What is the... Whatever this place is, are you?! How dare such an insignificant, stupid, and crazy creature speak to me in such a tone!" The dragon demanded, and I dropped all my weapons in shock.

"You did not just call me crazy," I said, still shock written all over my face. I knew that I was supposed to kill this thing, but now he was just asking for it. You never call a woman crazy. You just don\'t do it.

"I most certainly did! Now get down here so I can end you!" The dragon demanded as he breathed fire at me, but I just crossed my arms and the flames dissipated around me like water on a duck\'s back.

"Oh no, Mr. Kitty! You are going to have to do better than that if you want to hurt me," I said with a giggle as I reached up and started playing with one of the spikes on his head. He swatted at me, but I was already gone, darting around him like a fly. He roared in frustration as he tried to hit me, but it was impossible.

Finally, he got angry enough that he started flying around the room, trying to hit the walls to crush me, but all that did was give new meaning to \'fly into a rage .\'All his little smashing only succeeded in making him more frustrated and giving him headaches from all the ringing in his ears.

I laughed at him as I zipped around, and eventually, he crashed into the ground in exhaustion. I landed next to his head and looked down at him.

"Now, Mr. Kitty. Are you going to be a good little boy and behave, or do I have to put you in time-out?" I asked sweetly, and he actually considered it for a moment before he roared in defiance and swiped at me with a claw.

I jumped back effortlessly and blew him a kiss as I soared up toward the ceiling. "Suit yourself," I said, and then my body transformed into the Hexcannon. "I warned you. Bad Mr. Kitty!"

I started firing down at him, and he roared in pain as the bullets pierced his tough scales. I kept up a steady stream of fire until he finally stopped moving and then burst, I reverted back to my Epic Bee Mini form.

"Don\'t ever call a woman crazy, or you might not Bee around to regret it!" I said as the gold box appeared in the center of the destroyed room.

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