Epic of Bee

Chapter 309 A Severe Bee-Ting

[Choose your next Powerup]

[Unlimited Energy 10]

[Duplicate 10]

[The Power To Screw Over Tyler 10]

I almost fell over laughing as I read the last Powerup. Apparently, Hilda had a sense of humor after all. I quickly selected it before Tyler could say anything and felt myself change again.

I wasn\'t sure what exactly this did, but I was sure that it would be fun to find out. I turned and looked at the portal before taking a deep breath and stepping through.

As soon as I did, I was assaulted by a barrage of questions from Tyler. "What the hell was that? How did you do that? What kind of Powerup did you get?" He demanded, but I just ignored him as I looked around at my new surroundings.

I appeared to be in some kind of arena, and in the center was a large golden chest. Around me were all kinds of monsters, but they were all frozen in place like statues. It appeared that this room was some kind of test, and I had to figure out how to beat it.

"Well, this should be interesting," I said to myself before walking forward cautiously. As soon as I touched one of the monsters, it sprang to life and lunged at me with its claws outstretched.

I quickly dodged to the side and then turned and blasted it in the face with my SMBEE. It screeched in pain as it stumbled backward, giving me an opportunity to fly under it and slash at its underbelly with my swords.

Gutting it like a fish, its innards spill out onto the ground below as it collapses, but I didn\'t have time to celebrate as something else came at me from behind. This time it was a Giant Scorpion, and it looked pissed, but it didn\'t seem to have any other expressions.

I flew over its stinger as it stabbed down at me and then turned and blasted it in the face with my SMBEE. It screeched in pain as it stumbled backward, but I didn\'t have time to celebrate as something else came flying at me from behind.

I turned just in time to see a Dragon rushing toward me with its mouth open wide, ready to devour me. I quickly flew up into the air and out of the way before turning and slashing at it with my swords. They cut into the Dragon\'s back, but more large insects came darting at me from all directions.

I weaved my way through them effortlessly before flying up into the air and out of their reach. I hovered there for a moment as I looked down at the battlefield and tried to figure out my next move.

It seemed like this was some kind of survival test, but I had no idea how long it would last or what the goal was. Either way, it didn\'t seem like there was any way out, so it looked like I would just have to wait it out and hope for the best.

I flew around the arena, picking off any stragglers with my SMBEE before finally landing in the center of the carnage. There were only three statues left, but each of them was a question mark.

"You think you are strong?! Do you want to play cheater?! See how you fare against each of these three!" Tyler screamed over the intercom as three dark portals opened in front of the statues.

[Warning: High energy signatures are approaching!]

I flew back and watched as three strange and completely different things came out of the portals.

The first was some kind of plant-like creature with long tentacles that were writhing and twitching. The second appeared to be some kind of robotic tiger creature, and the last was a Dragon, but it looked nothing like the one I had fought before.

This one was much larger and had two heads, each of which was breathing fire. I gulped as I realized that this would not be easy, but I had no choice; it was time to fight.

Each of them had health bars, but when I blasted them with my SMBEE, and they were surrounded by gas, they took almost no poison damage. It was like they were immune to it or something, but I didn\'t have time to think about that now.

I flew up into the air and out of reach of the plant creature\'s tentacles before turning and blasting it with my SMBEE. The poison didn\'t seem to do much, but the distraction was enough for me to get in a few good slashes with my swords.

The robotic tiger turned and swiped at me with its claws as I flew by, but I quickly dodged before turning and slashing at its face, but I still barely touched its health bar. The Dragons tried to burn both the tiger and me, but I got out of the way. The tiger looked like it got hit by the flames, but it just walked out with no damage taken.

I was starting to get worried as I realized that these things were much stronger than I had anticipated, but I had to keep fighting. I darted around the arena, using my speed and agility to my advantage as I tried to find an opening.

The plant creature was the easiest to dispatch since it was slow and didn\'t have any long-range attacks, but even with that being the case, it still took me a while. The other two were much more difficult because they were constantly attacking, and I had trouble getting in close without getting hit.

The robotic tiger seemed particularly difficult because its claws could slice through anything, but finally, after what felt like forever, I managed to take it down. That just left the Dragon, which appeared to be the hardest of all.

They constantly breathed fire at me or swiped at me with their claws whenever I got too close, and their health bars seemed infinite.

I was starting to get tired from dodging all of their attacks when suddenly, an idea popped into my head; maybe there was another way out of this besides just fighting them head-on?

I turned and looked at the portal that I had come through before turning back to the Dragon\'s. If I could lure them close enough, maybe I could get them to accidentally go through it? It was worth a shot, so I quickly flew over and hovered next to it.

I waited for a moment before flying up into the air and out of reach as they breathed fire at me. When they were done, I quickly flew back down and hovered in front of the portal again, but this time they didn\'t take the bait.

I tried a few more times, but it was no use; they were on to me. I was starting to get frustrated until, finally, I had an idea; what if I went through the portal?

It was a risk since I had no idea where it would take me or what would happen, but it was worth a shot. After all, if I stayed here, I would eventually get tired and make a mistake that could cost me my life.

I flew over to the portal and took a deep breath before flying through headfirst. I was immediately thrown out onto the other side and hit the ground with a thud.

When I looked up, I saw that I was in some kind of throne room, and in front of me was Tyler, but he didn\'t look happy to see me. In fact, he looked downright pissed off as he glared at me from his seat on the throne.

"You\'re a cheating bastard! How dare you come through that portal without defeating the enemy! You are nothing but a coward!" He shouted, but I just got to my feet and dusted myself off.

"I\'m no coward," I replied calmly. "I just figured out that there was no way I could win by fighting them head-on. So, I took the only other option available to me."

"No matter! I will just kill you now, and you will be forced out of the game! Bwahaha! You will never save the Queens now!!" Tyler laughed as galactic armor started to pull to his body and a large sword appeared in his hand.

[The Power To Screw Over Tyler 10] Activated!

Suddenly, my HUD targeted Tylers weapons and armor, reducing their durability to zero. I smiled and closed both set of arms and waited as he screamed at me.

Tyler came at me, but I just stood there and let him slash at me with the massive glittering sword that was covered in ornate golden filigree and magic symbols. A pretty impressive weapon, but I knew it was all compensation.

Still, nothing Bee-t the Waxing of his face as the sword exploded into bits the moment it touched me. Then the Stinging look that followed after as I kicked him Bee-tween the legs and shattered his pride and armor.

"Now, let\'s see how you like it when the tables are turned," I said with a smirk as I grabbed him by the throat and squeezed. He struggled for a moment before his eyes started to bulge out of his head, and he went limp in my grip.

I tossed him aside like a rag doll before flying over to the throne and sitting down. "Looks like I win," I said as Tyler\'s body disappeared in a puff of smoke.

[You have defeated Tyler]

[The Queens have been saved]

[Game over]

[Re-Sync with the F.I.R.E] Activated!

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