Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 96 - Shhh!!

Chapter 96 - Shhh!!

While Rutherford was conversing with his old friend and trying to investigate what he meant when he said those suspicious words, his lovely daughter was flat on the bed.

Inside her room, Yvonne laid on the comfortable bed and shut her eyes to relax every single overworked muscle in her body.

The moment that she and Raylene had entered the house, Mrs. Jacinth and a couple of other maids rushed in their direction.

The young maids had accompanied the older maid to watch their little miss as she tried to win her trainer over.

The more they watched, the more their hearts ached for their miss who was being subjected to so much pain.

There were countless times in the span of one hour when Mrs. Jacinth was on the verge of rushing outside to carry the child away.

However, she could not bring herself to step ahead when she saw how determined this child was who was only supposed to be five years old.

So when they saw their Madam walking inside with the little girl in her arms, Mrs. Jacinth rushed forward to help her out.

The lady of the house instructed the nanny on what to do next and then left to attend to something else.

Yvonne was quickly brought to her room and the first thing that the old maid did was to get her out of those sweaty clothes.

Her shoes were another struggle to get out of as the poor child\'s feet had swollen, making it harder to get out of.

Following which she was given a warm bath which led to where she was right now, laying in the comfort of her bed.

\'I have another class soon…\' Yvonne sighed as her eyes remained close.

Her other classes would carry on as usual since her mother did not know that her situation would be so pitiful after only the first class.

Thinking of the ten laps she had completed in her first class with Captain Reel, she could not help but feel the joints in her body throb.

\'At least I achieved the goal and succeeded in making that arrogant man accept me as his pupil!\' She smirked and scoffed at him for underestimating her capabilities.

\'I can do anything that I put my mind to!\' She victoriously smiled and tossed around in the bed until she found the perfect spot on the pillow.

Thankfully, she was not yet aware of the conversation happening between the two men in the parlor.

The conversation which entailed how she had failed to complete her task yet was accepted as Captain Desmo Reel\'s student because of his weird whim.

If she had known this then it wouldn\'t take a single second for her to go on a ferocious rampage, causing destruction in her wake.

For someone who had worked immensely hard to reach her goals in whatever she did, she surely would hate to discover that she had failed today\'s task.

But as she was still blissfully ignorant of the secrets between the two men, she could not help but snuggle in her blankets and fall asleep.

\'Just a small power nap…\' She promised herself as she let the weariness take control over her body.

Mrs. Jacinth was kind enough to draw the curtains to stop the bright rays of the morning sun from entering her room and then silently walked outside.

Just like Butler Limo, she too stood outside her young miss\'?door to keep watch so as to not let any disturbances reach her ears while she slept for a little while.

\'We still have some time before her next class so she can relax until then.\' She recalled and then glared at a maid who was passing by.

"Shhh!!!" She silenced the young maid whose shoes were too noisy.

The maid bowed as a silent apology and tiptoed her way out of the corridor where the older maid stood guard.

If the side of the mansion that had Yvonne\'s room was located in was silent and still as a cemetery during the early hours of the breaking dawn.

Then the other side of the mansion was completely contradictory as it was louder than ever before.

The reason for this was the Madam of the house who was yelling out orders in a loud voice, not bothering to maintain the soft and mellow image that the servants had in their minds.

"You, fetch me the medicinal paste that Mr. Toone had sent the last time we went to the estate!"

"Heat water in a tub and soak some salts in it!"

"Bake Vonny\'s favorite cookies! The ones with the large pieces of cacao!"

"Keep a glass of warm milk prepared!"

Raylene St. Claire, Countess of the St. Claire Earldom continued doling out orders until she was out of breath.

Her personal maid, Paula, stood behind her mistress and watched as everyone else in the kitchen was running around like a headless chicken trying to complete their tasks.

She could not help but secretly snicker at their plight as she gazed down at them arrogantly.

Being the personal maid of the lady of the house had its own privileges and one of them was being excused from menial tasks like these.

\'Does she think that I am blind?\' Raylene sneered when she noticed the toothy grin that her maid had shot at the others who were working hard.

A few seconds earlier, one of the younger maids had an aggrieved look on her face as she gazed at her.

Raylene had at first thought that she had been too tough on them but when she paid close attention to the younger maid\'s eyes, she frowned.

This was because that maid was not gazing at her with that wronged expression but at the woman standing behind her.

She had always known that her personal maid, Paula was a little dominating when dealing with the other maids as she felt superior for being able to serve the Madam every day.

Yet she did not stop her or reprimand her since Raylene felt that she was close to the maid and felt a deeper connection to her on a personal level.

Paula was the one who would give her many suggestions which always helped her and hence she never felt that something was wrong with being a little proud of your abilities.

However, today she was in no mood to tolerate this nonsense and had decided to teach her a lesson for not behaving as a proper servant should.

She remained calm and waited patiently while the servants she had assigned the tasks to, did their work at the earliest possible time.

Within minutes, all her orders were completed except for the cookies which were still in the brick oven.

"Bring the milk along with the cookies once they are baked to perfection." She instructed a maid after glancing at the chef who nodded his head.

Now, she gazed at the two maids as one had a jar of medicinal paste and the other was struggling to carry the pail of hot water with salts soaked in it.

The one with the pail of water was none other than the maid who had the aggrieved expression earlier on.

Finding the perfect opportunity to teach Paula a lesson, Raylene raised her hand and waved it.

Instantly, Paula knew that she was being summoned and came forward as she stood before her Mistress with her head bowed.

"Yes, My Lady." She answered while keeping her head down.

Raylene did not want to feel sorry and grow weak hearted for the maid that she often turned a blind eye towards so she literally turned her eyes away from her.

"Carry that tub of water and follow me." She instructed in her firm voice.

Paula\'s head whiplashed upwards as she stared at her Madam in a bewildered manner.

She was confused and could not believe that her madam who always treated her well was giving her this heavy chore that could be given to any lowly maid.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Raylene\'s annoyed tone made her shake her head furiously before she turned towards the other maid.

She accepted the tub of hot water begrudgingly as she glared daggers at the maid who had got her in trouble.

The sheer weight of the tub made her lean forward but there was no way that she would let out even a whisper of a complaint, especially not when her mistress was watching her like a hawk.

Raylene nodded when she saw her obedient behavior and then turned around to walk out of the kitchen.

Behind her was Paula as she trudged along with the heavy tub of water afraid that she would wet herself with the water splashing around.

The last to leave the kitchen was the maid who held the tiny jar of medicinal paste that the physician at the St. Claire fief had sent.

Mr. Toone was known for making extraordinarily potent potions, pastes, and other useful substances by utilizing his vast knowledge of medicine.

The jar of paste in her hand was worth more than her entire year\'s wages and this thought made the lowly maid\'s hands tremble as she followed after the two other women.

\'Mommy is coming Vonny!\' Raylene cried out in distress as she rushed towards her daughter\'s room

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