Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 159 - What I Expect From My Trainees

Chapter 159 - What I Expect From My Trainees

Yvonne held the wooden stick in her hand and turned and twisted it around in order to observe it in minute detail.

The stick that Captain Reel had tossed in her direction was a wooden replica of what a sword in this world looked like.

He had decided to start his class on self-defense by teaching her the basics of how to hold and yield a sword.

The sudden move of throwing the sword at her was to gauge how quick her reflexes were and to understand at what pace he needed to teach her.

\'She sure can move but needs to improve her aim.\' He analyzed after watching her movement.

He had come to that conclusion as she had caught the sword by the blade instead of the hilt which she should have held.

If this had been a real sword then those soft little palms of hers would now have long gashes which would be bleeding at this moment.

Thankfully, he had decided to use a wooden one instead which had saved her from the injuries due to her reckless actions.

Yvonne looked up from the sword in her hand when she heard him clicking his tongue at her.

\'Why do people do that when they believe that it is disrespectful and below their noble blood? Such double standards!\' She derided the people of this Kingdom who made such rules yet they did not follow through with them.

Noticing her inquisitive and slightly annoyed expressions, Captain Reel decided to let her know what she had done wrong in the very first step.

"A sword needs to be held by the hilt and not by the blade." He taught her the right way to hold it by using his sword as an example.

Yvonne\'s eyes sparkled when she noticed the valiant actions of the Captain as he drew the sword which had been resting at his belt in its scabbard.

The long blade looked sleek and sharp while the handle and broad hilt were made of gold which gave him the perfect grip over it.

\'Now that is a real word!\' She cheered in her heart when she saw how the sword shone under the sun\'s rays.

Captain Desmo felt satisfied with the worshiping look in her eyes which was what he had expected from her and she did not disappoint.

\'You have yet to see what I can do with this beautiful sword of mine!\' He sneered and then gazed at the sharp blade in his hand.

"When can I get a sword like that one, Captain?" Yvonne\'s inquiry made the man stop in his boastful thoughts.

He narrowed his eyes at the child and then shook his head indicating that his answer was a big no.

"You would have cut your hand already if that was a real sword so you will not be handling one any time soon." He disclosed the reason for his refusal.

\'What the hell is he talking about? Why would I cut my hands?\' She wondered as she was confused about why he had said such a thing.

To help her figure out her folly by herself, the Captain held his sword in the proper way and then glanced at her hands which still held the wooden sword by the blade.

A few moments of perusal gave her the answer she was looking for which made her gawk at the unreasonable man.

"I would not have had to catch the sword if you hadn\'t thrown it in my direction!" She defended herself against this wrongful accusation placed on her.

If Captain Desmo had just passed it to her instead of throwing it at her then none of this would be needed.

"You will not have time to pass things around when you are on a battlefield." The man scoffed at this talkative student who only knew how to object to his methods every single time.

This statement of his made the little girl blink and look at him as though he had just said the most absurd thing she had ever heard in this short life of hers.

\'What kind of an argument is this!?\' She sneered at him in her heart and she now held the sword the right way just as he had held his.

"I will not be on the battlefield. Ever!" She pronounced each word in a deadpan manner.

Captain Desmo coughed when he heard her argument as he could not find a fitting retort to it.

\'First, I am a girl and last, there was no mention of a war in the script that I had read.\' She scoffed at the man who was thinking of things that would never take place.

\'Did I forget that I am teaching a girl?\' Desmo sneered at himself and then looked away.

The embarrassment he felt was soon covered up by his cough and then he began moving away from where they had been standing until now.

"Follow me." He instructed and then moved towards the other side of the canopy.

A few steps away was a couple of wooden stumps which were covered in hay and that was where the Captain\'s feet had come to a halt.

Yvonne trudged behind him and halted when she saw him coming to a stop before the stump.

Looking up, she watched the man who had raised his sword in the air making her curious about what his next move would be.

In the next moment, she stared with wide-opened eyes how the stump was slashed in two halves with just a single swing of the man\'s sword.

His pristine form of how he held the sword and the force with which he slashed the stump was clear for her to see and this increased the awe and respect she felt for the man.

\'Howard was swinging his sword at the same stump and fell flat on his ass the last time I had seen him here.\' A giggle escaped her lips when she recalled that scene.

Captain Reel raised his brows when he saw that she was giggling instead of paying attention to what he was doing.

"Attention in my class is what I expect from my trainees. Since you have insisted on learning from me then you have to follow everything I say and do for the next month." He demanded with a stern voice.

His words and the grave look on his face resulted in Yvonne\'s back straightening until she stood in a ramrod position, alert and attentive just as he had wished her to be.

Pleased with her wordless agreement to her conditions, he stepped aside and pointed at the second stump which had been placed there.

"This is for you to practice. Follow the same movements I made." He instructed and went to take his seat at one of the comfortable chairs that had been placed under the canopy.

For the next half hour, Captain Desmo sat in the same position as he observed the child repeating the same movement over and over again.

\'Why… Do… I… Have… To… Do… This… So… Many… Times…!?\' Yvonne groaned with each slash that she made onto the stump.

As hers was a mere wooden sword with the addition of her childlike body\'s power, the damage done on the stump was negligible.

Therefore she would have to spend a long while before she could ever even dream of slashing the stump into two halves as her trainer had done earlier.

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