Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 358 - Who Was He?

Chapter 358 - Who Was He?

It was late in the night when Yvonne opened her eyes.

A painful groan escaped her lips as she turned her head to glance around the room.

Therefore, her eyes fell on the maid who was sitting on the floor next to her bed, asleep as she rested her head on the mattress while waiting for her to wake up.

Yvonne decided not to bother her even when her mind was confused why the maid was here at this hour.

\'Maybe she came to check on me later.\' She made an excuse for this strange sight she saw.

The little girl was under the impression that it was still Saturday night, she had no clue that she had been sleeping for almost 24 hours now as it was Sunday night at present.

Though her mind was still hazy and she realized it might be for the fever since her body still felt warm, she knew one thing for sure.

\'He called himself my husband…\' She recalled the dream she had seen while she was asleep.

Not only had she seen that dream, it was vivid and imprinted on her mind as she had also felt it too.

His warm embrace, the vibrations of his chest when he hugged her close and spoke soothing words to calm her, and his gentle hand which patted her back.

She recalled these memories as though she was the one who had experienced them.

The fatigue of the fever caused her to shut her eyes again but this time, her mind was occupied with what she had dreamt about.

\'Who was he?\'

\'Why was I shuddering at the thunder?\'

\'Was that me? if so, then how is that possible?\'

Numerous thoughts swarmed her foggy brain, searching for answers to explain this strange occurrence.

This person had called her by her name so there was no way that he had mistaken her for someone else.

If he wasn\'t mistaken then the only person who could call himself her husband in this world was a certain someone she had never met in this life and hoped to keep it that way.

According to the story, she had read, the future husband, Grand Duke Draco Roschester was not someone who would do what the man in her dreams had done.

\'Draco was in love with the female lead, Hilda so why would he be so gentle and caring to me?\' She wondered as this did not make sense to her.

Draco was portrayed as a calm and stoic man who only melted in the presence of the female lead.

So the chances of Draco being the man in her dreams were close to zero.

Yet, the nagging feeling in her chest when she tried to find an appropriate answer for what she had experienced intensified the more she thought about this incident.

There was another issue that bothered her along with the true identity of the man she had seen in her dreams.

That was the curiosity to know why she had dreamed of this.

Was it a scene from the script that she had missed which appeared during her slumber?

Shaking her head, she was quick to reject it as she had thoroughly analyzed that script before she noted down everything wrong with it and rejected it.

So there was no way that she could have missed such a scene written in it.

Then, was it a memory of the Yvonne in the story that she had re-lived?

The absurdity of this thought made her toss it out just as quickly as it had appeared.

The only memories she had when she arrived here were the ones of actions that her body was habituated to doing.

For example, remembering the routines of the Mansion, knowing what was placed where.

Nothing more than that was retained when she had taken over.

Therefore, the thought that she had memories of a Yvonne from the future was truly not possible since that had not yet come to pass.

The older Yvonne was still a fictional character whose life the present Yvonne had yet to live.

So the thought that these were memories of Yvonne from the future was also dashed away.

The last explanation she could find was the one that seemed the most plausible.

\'This is a premonition of the future that might take place.\' She decided that this was her best hope to seek answers to the numerous questions in her head.

Since she was confident that Draco Roschester could never show such a kind side of him to her, the one who acted against his favorite woman, Hilda.

She was now confident that the one in her dreams was not the only Grand Duke of this Kingdom.

\'So I might marry someone else in the future who cares for me deeply?\' She wondered if this was a possibility she could depend on.

As she knew that she was doomed to fail in life and love if she ever fell in love with the Grand Duke, the thought that there might be someone else who could be her safe haven was bringing a smile to her face.

\'Maybe I don\'t have to suffer that sad fate if I just steer clear of that Grand Duke and find someone else to love and spend my life with?\' She inferred whether this was the implication of her dreams.

That she had hope for a better life, not getting sucked into the plot of the story but living a life away from the main characters and their troublesome lives.

She had never experienced love in her previous life as she was busy building up an empire for herself.

Not to mention that most of the men who approached her had ulterior motives and were vying to gain a piece of her wealth by marrying her.

And in this life, the script had taken away any intention of ever liking someone as she was fated to the Grand Duke, a man who loved someone else.

However, a tiny glimmer of hope was lit in her heart when she thought that there might be someone out there for her who had their eyes only set on her and no one else.

\'Not like that useless Draco!\' She scoffed at the man who was supposed to be her fated but loved Hilda.

This dream had given her hope that she could break free from the shackles of the script and live her life, build her empire, and find someone who genuinely cared for her.

A smile blossomed on her face at the thought of living a happy life, contrary to what was written in the script.

Having decided that her dream was the vision for a better life, Yvonne could let go of the fears in her heart which calmed her heart and body.

However, before she drifted off to her slumber once again, one single thought was still in her mind.

\'I am not a scaredy-cat!\' She declared, still miffed that she had trembled for something as simple as the lightning and the thunder.

After all that had just happened, Yvonne was most bothered about this part of the dream which had her appear weak and frightened like a little lamb.

Though she was mad at this part, she could not deny that the constant fear for her future had faded and a sense of relief flooded her heart and her mind as she fell asleep once again.

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