Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 447 - Tricks

Chapter 447 - Tricks

Yvonne had no clue that she had just been schemed against by the God of wisdom and knowledge.

Neither was she aware of the skillful serpent that had accomplished his task while she was fast asleep.

Yether had come into her room, cast a low-level spell on her in the language of the immortals before leaving her room.

This spell had such a low potency that it would not work immediately.

In fact, it would take several months or even years for the little girl to regain every piece of memory that this body possessed before the restart had been initiated.

There was also a fair chance that Yvonne might not remember everything but as long as she regained memories of the major events, Neo\'s grand scheme would progress as planned.

Yether could have used a higher, a much more powerful spell on her but he was instructed not to.

If Yether were to use his true powers then there might be disruption in the aura of the world which Asmodeus, the creator of that world could sense with ease.

Neo had made that mistake the last time he had sent the entity to Yvonne so that it might help her regain her memories.

His powers were so strong that even after he concealed his aura, Asmodeus had sensed something wrong with his world and had rushed to save the girl.

Therefore, after that incident, the smart God of wisdom and knowledge had learned his lesson.

The next time he meddled with the flow of the story, he sent his disciple Yether to do the job for him.

Yether was an immortal but not a god so his powers were considerably lower than Neo\'s which was perfect for this situation.

The spells he could use would achieve the same results without alerting Asmodeus about any oddities in his world.

Thus, the last time, Yether succeeded in enchanting Glennise Brodie into falling deeply in love with Prince Fritzen who was not interested in her.

This time, his disciple had succeeded in enchanting Yvonne St. Claire, allowing her to regain her memories that would soon awaken the girl\'s true potential and take up the role that she had to play in his grand schemes.

Unbeknownst to the tricks being played in the shadows, Yvonne laid asleep on her bed yet her face did not look peaceful.

The little girl who had been in a dreamless sleep was suddenly exposed to a dream, one that she had never seen before.

Her brows scrunched, her back drenched in sweat, and her eyelids fluttered while in her sleep.

Time passed with the girl tossing around on the bed, restless and anxious due to the dream.

With a start, Yvonne\'s slumber broke and her eyes shot open.

Disoriented and cranky, these two words were perfect to describe what she was feeling right now.

She did not know how long she had been in that dream but after taking a look around the dark room, she could guess that it was still nighttime.

However, Yvonne\'s jumbled mind could not understand what she had just witnessed in her dream.

\'That… was something…\' She recalled and ran her fingers through her now sticky hair.

Her lips curved into a frown when she felt the damp strands and realized that she was sweating all over.

A strange sense of disgust washed over her with the urgent need to cleanse herself right this instant.

While she may not know why she felt this way, her subconscious mind was nudging her to do so after what had taken place with the serpentine intruder.

Thus, with the sky still dark and the room unbearably dim, Yvonne stumbled her way to the bathroom and took a bath.

The cold water managed to soothe her body and gave her time to collect herself.

Her disoriented mind was beginning to clear as she sat there in the cold water.

The silence remained as she slowly wiped her body dry and changed into new clothes.

\'I\'ve been changing too many clothes.\' She thought to herself as she put on a different white camisole dress.

However, she could not bring herself to sleep on the bed as her body refused to do so.

If Yether were to witness how his presence on her bed had disgusted her in such a way that she had taken a bath and also declined to sleep in that bed, he would surely be furious.

However, right now, that disciple was fast asleep as moving through worlds while making sure to not alert God Asmodeus was a tiresome task.

Therefore, the little girl was safe after scorning Yether, the great enchanter.

Not willing to get on the bed again, Yvonne decided to sit by the window and stare into the night sky.

Her bedroom was facing the entrance of the Mansion which had nothing but a path that led them outside the estate.

Within minutes, the little girl was bored of the view and decided to move to a different location.

"I need to test out a theory." She muttered in the silent room and hopped off her seat.

Throwing on a thin coat over her camisole dress, Yvonne wore her fluffy black slippers and was ready to venture outside.

The corridors were still lit with candles which made it possible for her to navigate through them with ease.

The entire mansion was silent as everyone was fast asleep and she found no one along the way.

However, her journey came to a dead end as she gazed at the large main door that was locked, blocking her path to go outside.

"Kitchen door!" She remembered that every house had a second entrance for the servants which usually was attached to the kitchen.

Changing her path, she walked towards the kitchen and was glad that the kitchen door wasn\'t too heavy for her to unlock and push.

In the darkness, a little figure clothed in white clothes was walking towards the woods behind the mansion of the Valentes.

Yvonne\'s feet moved in the same path that she had followed this morning.

Glancing up at the sky, she noticed that the moon was getting closer to the horizon threatening to disappear soon.

This did not deter her as she once again began her journey under the moonlit sky.

The trees were beginning to get thicker as she ventured deep into the forest.

\'Based on common sense, I should be scared of my surroundings but I feel nothing.\' She surmised after realizing that the dark woods did not frighten her.

However, the very next moment, the sound of a snapping branch made her shoulders jump.

Slowly turning around to figure out what might have caused that noise, she found someone staring right at her.

A bright pair of eyes were looking down at her as it grew nearer with every passing second.

The sounds of branches on the forest bed snapping in two after being trodden on were once again heard in the silence, proving that this was the same sound she had heard earlier.

When the pair of eyes finally reached her, she stood rooted in the same spot and strained her neck to look up at them.


The voice coming from right below the pair of bright red eyes caused her to recognize who they belonged to.

"Demon?" She called out and received another neigh in response.

Yvonne sighed in relief that it was just her etcher who had followed her and not some other creature.

Earlier, Demon was fast asleep and even had one of the best sleep he had ever had.

This was due to the small spell that Yether had cast over every living creature in and around the Valente estate.

His work needed him to have complete concentration and to succeed he could not be disturbed at any costs.

Therefore, the sneaky disciple had put everyone to sleep with a simple spell and Demon was also one of the victims who fell for that trick.

However, once Yether left the world, the effects of his spell soon faded away.

It took almost three hours before Yvonne woke up from the dream that she had while asleep and around that time, Demon too had awoken.

He could sense his Master moving around the room which was strange but he did not think too much about it.

Yet when she exited the mansion and began walking into the woods, he hurried to follow after her.

Thus, right now, the master and etcher stood face to face in the middle of the forest with darkness all around them.

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