Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 456 - Negotiations (2)

Chapter 456 - Negotiations (2)

"Father!" Leo yelled in terror as his father had just admitted to making soap in the presence of these noblemen who might as well just send him to prison.

He knew that his father and uncle loved their profession immensely and being forced to quit had taken a toll on them.

However, he was unaware that his father and uncle were still trying to make new soaps.

He had been under the impression that they made just a few bars of soap for personal use and did not touch the raw materials otherwise.

Sadly, what he did not know was that while he was working during the day in the accountant\'s office, his uncle and father were hiding in the back room and doing what they truly loved to do.

Hearing his confession now, disclosing everything they had been doing while he was away at work, Leo felt a headache arising.

"Father, you cannot be doing that any longer." He tried to soften his tone to help his old man understand the severity of the situation.

If Earl Blaise were to hear a word about this then they would have hell to pay once again.

However, when Yvonne heard his discouraging words, she rolled her eyes at the young man and turned her gaze at the disgruntled man.

"Did you or did you not find a new recipe to make soap?" She questioned him in a straightforward way.

His answer would pave the way to their future collaboration so she prayed that a positive reply was what she had heard.

While Leo was praying hard that his father did not say anything that would incriminate him, Tim on the other hand, nodded with a proud smile.

"I did!" He declared his findings which he was extremely proud of.

Yvonne\'s eyes brightened and she clapped her hands as the first step which was to make him reveal his secret had finally been completed.

"So how about you sell that recipe to us?" She inquired and just as she thought, Tim\'s brows furrowed.

Yet, she did not back down and stared into his eyes.

"Hear everything that I have to say and only then give me an answer." She proposed to let him give her a chance to explain her plans before any decision could be made.

"If you think that I am cheating you or that you think I am being unfair then you can reject my offer without delay." She added to help convince them to hear her out.

Leo remained skeptical but seeing how his father and uncle yearned to continue making soap he did not voice out his eager objection.

\'If her offer sounds sketchy then I will never allow her to trick my family.\' He stood in silence after coming to this conclusion.

Tim and Joe shared a glance and there was both hope and fear present in their eyes.

Turning around, they nodded at Yvonne as now, she was the only person who was conversing with them while the rest of the men had turned into background characters during this entire incident.

\'All I wanted was a chance to put forth my offer.\' Yvonne smiled as this much was enough for her to prove that she had the right intentions in mind.

Now that she had received this chance, she was sure to put it to good use.

"Did you know that just by tweaking your recipe enough to make it different from the original recipe which Earl Blaise has is sufficient to not get in trouble with the authorities?" She revealed as an evil smirk appeared on her face.

This information was still unknown among the citizens of this land and the only reason why Yvonne knew about this was due to her past life.

Therefore, now the men were listening to her carefully as her words meant that the Hagen family could sell soap once again.

"Mister Tim, if you can create a recipe which gives the same final product but through a different procedure then there is nothing that Earl Blaise can do to get in your way." She continued her explanation.

The three men of the Hagen family paid close attention as she explained how the law worked and how they could use this trick to not get in trouble.

"Since it is a new procedure, you are free to do as you please." She ensured that he would not be committing any unlawful acts.

"You can either make it and sell it under your family name or you could sign a contract with us and let us do the work for you." She disclosed the two paths he could choose.

If they ventured on the path of making and selling soap by themselves, then the number of obstructions in their path would be huge.

Finding a place to mass-produce, collecting raw materials, capital and many more would be tough for them.

Not to forget that Earl Blaise and his insidious tricks were the biggest of their worries.

However, Yvonne assured them that if they were to choose to utilize her method then things would be considerably easier for them.

"We have capital, I can arrange a place to help produce your soaps in large quantities, and even help in distribution." She revealed her responsibilities in their collaboration if they were to accept it.

According to what she had revealed, once the Hagen family\'s three men signed on her document, she would give them her full support.

Though they would be signing over the rights of this recipe to her, she would not distance them from its manufacturing.

They would be an active and vocal member in its production and also the sole in charge of any changes that they deem fit for the product they prepare.

"While the recipe will be handed over to us, you will be an active member throughout its production. Any suggestions you make will be accepted if seen fit." She began speaking in a diplomatic way without realizing it.

They would be provided with everything needed for the production as per their desires and all they had to do was make the soap for her.

"You can also hire people to work under you if everything is too much for you to deal with alone." She suggested that as her business, CLOVER, would expand in no time and hiring helping hands would be needed anyway.

She also disclosed that they would be paid a predetermined percentage of all profits they make each month and that would be sent to their family as long as the soaps are being sold.

"What if my father\'s soaps are soap for a hundred years?" Leo questioned with doubtful eyes.

"Then you and your following generations will receive the payment as long as the product is being sold." She promised and was sure to keep her word.

Unlike what Earl Blaise had done with the uncle, she was not going to take their recipe and leave them out in the dust.

She was going to continue giving them a share of the profits as long as the product had customers.

"This is not like what my uncle…" Leo muttered and Yvonne\'s cold words cut him off.

"Your uncle was an idiot to ever place his signature on such an unfair document." She criticized the man for his past deeds which had left him stranded with just an initial exorbitant price that could have lasted him for ten years at best.

By now, he should be trying hard to make ends meet as ten years had already passed.

\'My offer gives them a lifetime source of income.\' She smirked at Leo who had a stunned look on his face.


Unlike before, Leo did not scowl or retort to her words; instead, his face turned red as he was trying to stifle the chortle before it burst out.

No one had ever called his sly uncle an idiot before so hearing such a little child mock him was refreshing for him.

Though Tim and Joe were embarrassed they knew her observations were true.

Their brother had stolen the family recipe and for what? All he received was a one-time payment before he was kicked to the curb.

This made them realize that the terms the noble girl was giving them were much better than what Earl Blaise gave their brother many years ago.

"How can you prove the claims that you are making now?" Leo stepped in to discuss the terms on behalf of his father and uncle once he noticed that the little girl was giving them good offers.

\'Hooked!\' Yvonne rejoiced as she had succeeded to gain the attention of the most suspicious and toughest person to win over in the Hagen family.

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