Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 659 - A Boost

Chapter 659 - A Boost

High up in the clouds, Neo shook away from Karizen\'s grip once they were far away from the world Asmodeus had created.

This was a neutral territory that no one had ownership of for thousands of millennia.

Everyone was free to use it as it was a barren vacuum with no chance of life ever prospering here.

This was exactly where Karizen had brought them.

He could not enter the Godly realm without causing chaos and neither could he bring a God to his nether realm.

They would face a diplomatic crisis if he were to cause any troubles and his children would be the ones to deal with the mess he created which was not something he wished to do.

Hence he could only bring Neo to this neutral zone.

However, it did not look like Neo was all too appreciative of his considerate actions as he glared at the Demon Lord.

"Birdy was about to enter that world." He revealed why he had made that move without asking for Neo\'s permission.

Asmodeus would be unable to sense their presence if he was away from the world.

They would be undetectable when he was far away.

However, it was a different matter when the Bird God was in the same world as them.

Nothing they could do would stop him from noticing them when they were all on the same plane.

Since Karizen was mightier than Neo which the God had now realized, he was able to sense a tear in the outer layer of this world which implied that someone was making an entrance.

These two immortal beings had sneaked into this world and there was only one person who was capable of creating a tear in the protective shield covering this world.

Thus Karizen was able to sense that Asmodeus was on his way to enter this world.

Once Asmodeus settled into this world, he would sense Karizen\'s Demonic aura and Neo\'s Godly energy with ease.

To avoid getting caught in the place where they weren\'t supposed to be, Karizen had escaped at the same moment Asmodeus entered.

Thus the Bird God who felt a disturbance in his world, assumed that it was caused due to his abrupt emergence and would not associate it with the two intruders who fled the scene.

While Neo was grateful that they had escaped without getting caught by his old friend, he was still mad at Karizen for not explaining things to him back then.

"Just like you refused to let me in on your plan." Karizen shrugged and revealed his petty nature which he was quite proud of.

Neo rolled his eyes as he flipped the hood off his head, revealing his mesmerizing features.

The Demon Lord who had just displayed his childish side was quick to shift at the sight of the unobstructed view of the God standing before him.

Since they were currently in a vacuum with nothing else around them, Neo had no reason to continue covering his appearance.

This gave Karizen the perfect view of just how bewitching the God of wisdom and knowledge\'s true form was.

Neo was still lost in his thoughts about the plan he had made and its possibility to succeed after the unexpected arrival of his old friend.

Thus he had missed out on noticing the glittering eyes that Karizen had right at this moment.

"Yether!" The God exclaimed when he recalled that his disciple must still be around Asmodeus\'s world.

Karizen snapped out of his trance which encompassed some ungodly thoughts but snickered because he wasn\'t a God anyway and having such thoughts was expected from him.

Neo glared at his neighbor who had the gall to laugh when he was worried if Yether had gotten caught by Asmodeus who should not have appeared today.

The Demon Lord regained his composure in the next second and patted the God\'s shoulder.

"He\'s back safe." He revealed which brought a frown to Neo\'s face.

When Karizen had first felt that a Godly presence was heading to this world, he knew that the first person they would sense was Yether.

Neo\'s disciple was assigned the task of concealing his Master\'s presence from the entire world.

Therefore, he had to be somewhere near the protective layer of the world to accomplish this task.

Therefore, Asmodeus would first catch Yether and soon understand that his Master was also somewhere nearby.

With this train of thought, he first decided to safeguard Neo\'s disciple which would also help them conceal their appearance from the Bird God.

"Back when I placed my hand on your shoulder, I concealed your presence before sending Yether back." Karizen was magnanimous as he explained further.

Neo sighed when he heard that his disciple was back in his realm safe and sound.

However, he had failed to notice that he had just blindly trusted a Demon\'s words which was something he would realize much later.

"You have some explaining to do, Neo~" Karizen was back to his teasing ways as he wiggled his brows at the God.

He had followed Neo into Asmodeus\'s world as he desired to witness chaos since he could not cause any.

However, even after everything that he had seen and even lent a helping hand to Neo and Yether, he knew nothing of what was taking place.

Therefore, he used this opportunity to extract some information to quench his awful curiosity.

Neo grimaced as he had received enough favors from Karizen for today.

Not to mention that Karizen and Asmodeus did not get along well so he would not have to worry about the Demon Lord spilling the beans before his old friend.

The place they were at right now was also perfect as no other soul was around them to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Therefore, with a reluctant face, he revealed certain matters to the Demon Lord.

Karizen already knew about the simmering animosity between the two gods but he had no idea about the events that took place in their daily life.

Therefore, he was excited to hear about the wager that was made and also the reason why that world they had been to, had been created in the first place.

"I create worlds for my children to thrive and prosper and you Gods do it for this?" He muttered in disdain at the Gods who did as they pleased, not caring about the lives that would end once they achieved their purpose.

Neo sneered at the man who was acting all high and mighty before him.

"And do you care about everyone in your world?" He scoffed as he knew what kind of person Karizen was.

Just as he had expected, the Demon Lord shook his head in truthful answer.

"But I care about my children." He added with a proud smile over his face.

Neo felt a headache arising so he chose to not debate with this shameless Demon any further and focus on what they were talking about until now.

Karizen had no issue with this as he could brag about his children at a later time.

He listened with enthusiasm about how Asmodeus\'s script was rejected and in his anger, he brought a child from another world over here.

"You can do that?" The Demon Lord was astonished by this strange method that Asmodeus had used.

"Gods do that all the time," Neo replied with a wave of his hand, asking him not to interrupt.

He then went on to say how the script Asmodeus had written would not succeed without some necessary changes being made to it.

It was too bland and one-directional according to Neo, a seasoned and sought-after author in the world that Yvonne stayed in previously.

Karizen did not interrupt as he listened to this short narration with sparkling eyes.

"So you have been meddling with that world right from the start?" He inquired with a devilish smirk appearing on his face.

He thought that Demons were known to hinder others and make things difficult for them.

But looking at Neo, he felt that Gods weren\'t all that different from them after all.

Hearing this, the God was filled with rage and had no time to sense the Demon Lord\'s inner thoughts.

"Meddling? I am trying to improve the story he wrote." Neo bellowed which resulted in Karizen raising his hands in defeat.

While the Demon Lord did not entirely believe his words, he chose not to enrage him any further.

"So what you did today? What was that for?" He inquired to divert his attention from his earlier statement.

Neo\'s lips curved into a victorious smile at the mention of what he had accomplished today.

Asmodeus gave an unfair advantage to one child, even giving a fragment of his blessing to her.

Therefore, all Neo had done was similar to what his old friend had done.

"Let\'s just say that I gave that child a boost as well." He mentioned before a mysterious smile formed next.

Karizen wasn\'t too pleased with this answer so he waited to hear more from the God.

Complying to the Demon Lord\'s wishes, Neo sighed in exasperation before elaborating what he had just said.

"Since one child knows about the entire story… I don\'t see the problem if another child knows the same." He shrugged as though what he had done wasn\'t too excessive at all.

Karizen was left wide-eyed at this confession and soon shook his head.

"So you are telling me that… That child you fed earlier knows everything as well?" He questioned just to be on the safe side.

In response, Neo glanced at him with a wicked smile which made Karizen\'s heart thump for a second before returning to its normal pace.

"Even things that the other child does not know.." The God revealed in a whisper which echoed in the empty space.

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