Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 715 - The Little Demon Spirit

Chapter 715 - The Little Demon Spirit

Neo was lost in a thoughtful daze ever since Asmodeus\'s presence had disappeared from around his residence.

This time, Karizen chose to glance down at the God\'s disciple whom he had used as an excuse for appearing here.

The reason Asmodeus had left without making his arrival known was because of Yether\'s origins.

Each God could choose as many disciples as they pleased, however, there would be one who would be their main disciple and would be closest to them.

Most gods did not wish to take on more disciples and over the years, the number of disciples they took in reduced drastically.

Though they were exceptions to this as well.

For example, Asmodeus only had Theo as his only disciple from the very beginning and similarly, Neo had only taken in Yether after a long time.

The criteria for choosing a disciple was entirely up to each God\'s personal preference and if they did not want one, they could even remain without electing one for as long as they pleased.

While Asmodeus and Neo were still close friends a long time back, they neither had Theo nor Yether by their sides.

It was only after their separation did the two Gods pick disciples for themselves.

Asmodeus had been the first to pick up Theo a few centuries after his friendship with Neo had broken up, however, Neo took his time to find the one whom he could call his disciple.

Theo was a bird spirit who admired the God of Flight and had revealed his desires to serve the God.

Though Asmodeus had been reluctant at first, he eventually gave in and adopted the little bird spirit to be his disciple and they had been together ever since.

Anybody could become a God\'s disciple as long as that God was willing to take them in.

Therefore, seeing that everyone had their disciples, Neo felt that he too could give it a try.

However, the extremely fussy God of wisdom could never find the right one for him.

Though there were many who worshipped Neo and yearned to serve him as his disciple, he was never too impressed with any of them.

Somewhere deep down in his heart, he had thought that Asmodeus would put aside their misunderstandings and they could become close like they were in the past.

That wishful thinking disappeared when the Bird God took a disciple of his own, widening the distance between them.

Asmodeus was busy with Theo all the time, trying to mentor him which left Neo with a lot of time by himself.

The God of wisdom thus began roaming through the universe, alone and in search of something that could take his mind off of the past.

It was during one of these travels that he had met a snake demon on the verge of death.

The world he had entered was coincidentally one that Karizen was in charge of during his probation period as a trainee Demon commander.

The world was run by demons and there was chaos everywhere but it was expected as demons thrived in chaos and actively sought it out.

While he had been watching the show from above, the tiny snake with neon green eyes had looked right at him which had taken him by surprise.

In the world of demons, there was one such puny demonic spirit who had somehow sensed his aura and looked his way.

If that wasn\'t enough, that spirit had even tried to hypnotize this great God into rescuing him from the precarious situation he was in.

Though the spirit\'s attempt made no difference, Neo found it funny and thus had swooped in, carrying the dying snake spirit away to safety.

When Karizen, the overseer of that world, had felt an unexpected surge of energy nearby, he had headed in its direction to check out what could have caused it.

Thus he had found Neo, a God of all beings, nursing the little snake back to life.

Thanks to Neo\'s timely aid, the snake spirit was revived, and immediately vowed to follow his savior all his life.

Both Karizen and Neo found this declaration absurd as one was a God who wasn\'t supposed to be here and the other was a demon spirit who belonged to that world.

Upon discovering the true identity of his savior, the spirit wasn\'t deterred but remained adamant in the decision he had made.

"Why would you even follow a God?" Karizen had questioned incredulously and the little snake had a simple answer for that.

"Because he was the one who saved me." The snake had proclaimed while gazing at the ethereal being with worship in his eyes.

Neo had no interest in taking a demon along with him even though he could, after all, back then, he was numerous times stronger than Karizen who was just a minor commander with no influential position or ability to go against a God.

"I saved you because your desperate attempt to survive amused me." He had clarified the misunderstanding the snake seemed to have.

However, even when his words were cruel and squashed the hopes of the little snake, they could not succeed in pushing him away.

The little snake was even willing to leave his demon world and follow Neo and his stubborn nature had finally managed to wear the God down.

The overseer was curious to see how long a demon spirit would be able to survive next to a God and thus had permitted him to leave.

Though he knew that he would be punished by his superiors for this, Karizen was more interested in seeing something fascinating and let the little demon spirit follow Neo.

Neo had tried his best to disregard the little snake and push him away but failing to do so, he was left with no other choice but to take him along.

Thus, from that day forward, the little spirit vowed to do his best to serve the God and follow every command given to him.

Neo had not taken his words seriously but years of witnessing his earnest attempt to follow him made him declare the little snake as his disciple.

This was how Yether, a snake spirit from a minor demonic world, had become the God of wisdom\'s disciple through a lot of hard work and extraordinary dedication.

At first, a lot of Gods had displayed their displeasure about a demon spirit being brought over to the heavenly realm but Neo had silenced them in his own way.

Under Neo\'s stern training, that little snake succeeded in suppressing his demonic aura and even learned how to wield the pure heavenly energy bestowed on him by his Master.

It took Yether years of hard work before he could transform from his snake form into one that resembled humans.

However, while he might have gotten accustomed to the ways of life in the heavenly realm, he was by birth, a demonic being.

Therefore, when Asmodeus saw Karizen and Neo in his room, the situation became evident to the Bird God.

Yether appeared to be weak which made him assume that the Demon Lord had come to check on him, unlike his previous concerns.

Almost everyone knew of Neo\'s disciple of demonic descent so it was a given that he recalled this information which helped him understand why Karizen had visited their realm so frequently these days.

Thanks to this, Asmodeus had no qualms in turning around and leaving just as quickly as he had appeared here.


Recalling how he had met his disciple, like fate had brought them together, Neo\'s lips curved him a rare smile.

Though he treated his disciple harshly, it was due to the demon blood in Yether\'s veins that needed to be kept under control through stern endurance training.

However, he was aware of just how hard his disciple had worked over the decades, to reach where he was right now.

In the next second, looking at the weak man laying in bed, he clenched his fists.

Yether\'s origin was the reason why even though Theo had been training under Asmodeus longer, he wasn\'t on par with the snake spirit.

The snake was older and had more experience when it came to battles thanks to his life in the vicious and violent demon world before he vowed to follow Neo everywhere he went.

Despite his high powers, Yether was struggling against the allure of eternal sleep right now as he had given his all to obey the command he received from his Master.

Neo checked on his disciple one more time and making sure that he still possessed enough energy to not slip into eternal sleep, he glanced at Karizen, indicating him to step outside.

The moment the two were outside, Neo looked right into the Demon Lord\'s crimson eyes with a stern expression forming on his face.

"You shouldn\'t come over anymore." He declared what he truly felt.

When Karizen had brought him to Yether\'s room after recognizing Asmodeus\'s aura heading in their direction, Neo too had felt the same but he wasn\'t as quick as the Demon.

Though he was slow, it was clear to him that his old friend had come over to check on him.

There was still an ounce of concern left in Asmodeus\'s heart for him and he wished to multiply it someday.

Therefore, since he knew that his old friend was wary and disliked this Demon Lord, Neo was willing to cut ties with him.

Karizen did not need much explaining as he had already deciphered the meaning behind Neo\'s words.

"And people call us demons selfish." He snorted while looking at Neo who was not affected by these accusations.

However, he did not linger around any longer and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

\'I can always come back~\' The mischievous Demon Lord did not reveal his true intentions while strategically retreating for the time being.

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