Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 908

Tim Hagen, the main talent behind CLOVER’s soaps, had taken his Boss, Miss Yvonne’s instructions too seriously and thus wished to come up with something that she would be proud of.

For this reason, the Viscount had been unable to complete the task he had received along with the head of the Hagen family.

He also admitted that he was busy spending quality time with his wife which also affected this matter in some way.

Yvonne was quick to state that she was just glad that he had reached out to her before she could.

The uncle and niece had conversed a little longer, each inquiring about those living close to the other.

The Viscount was concerned about his elderly father staying with the boys in the Capital but let go of his worries after hearing all about the adventures these three Valente men were taking part in here in Amarthea.


Yvonne had mentioned how each twin took Grandpa Valente on a tour of their favorite sites in the Capital and also disclosed that the old man was enjoying his days here.

Hearing about these encounters, Marcus could only shake his head and chuckle at how childish his father could get at times but also was glad that he was having fun with the youngsters.

Yvonne did not forget to ask about her Aunt Trisha’s condition and was told that she was fine and was resting right now.

The seemingly innocent child had already grasped why her aunt was said to be asleep despite it being midday when this conversation had taken place.

However, she did not utter a word that would expose her thoughts and moved to a different topic instead.

This was when Uncle Marcus divulged that the items she had asked to be made were ready and were already on their way to the Capital.

It would take a few more days before they could reach the St. Claire estate.

Receiving this good news, Yvonne was excited that she would finally be able to lay eyes on the items she had been waiting for until now.

The uncle and niece spoke for a few more minutes before their conversation came to an end.

As the Viscount had promised, a carriage traveling all the way from the Valente fief had made its way into the St. Claire estate in the Capital just a few days after their last interaction.

This carriage full of items soon attracted everyone’s attention.

Howard had already left for the Royal Academy so it was only the St. Claire couple who had been present while their daughter instructed the servants on how they needed to handle the items that had just arrived.

The servants acted accordingly and transported everything into the mansion under the leadership of Jax who was put in charge of this matter.

The young butler was entrusted with the task of getting everything carefully stored in the room next to the Young Miss’s bedroom which had long been transformed into a store room for her belongings.

Since everything was sealed inside heavy wooden boxes, none of the servants had any idea of what they were carrying as they moved the items from the carriage to the store room.

Only when everyone had left did Yvonne ask Jax to pry open the sealed boxes which he did almost effortlessly.

Excluding Jax and Butler Limo, none of the other servants were aware of the fact that she was the mysterious owner of CLOVER, who went by the alias VC.

Therefore, to continue keeping this information concealed, she had ensured that there was no one around when she had opened the parcel she had received from the Valente fief.

As soon as the three massive boxes were pried open, Yvonne was left in awe of the fragrant aromas that assaulted her nose.

They weren’t overpowering but at the same time, they were faint enough to not catch her attention at all.

They were just the right amount, making the little girl applaud Tim Hagen for doing an excellent job.

Until now, the soaps CLOVER had been selling throughout the Rosenhyde Kingdom only contained a mild powdery scent which reminded her of products made for children in her previous life.

However, she had planned on bringing some changes to CLOVER’s soaps which would make it attractive to the nobles as well.

She had expressed her thoughts and desires to expand into the noble market to the Hagen family members who were both excited and worried.

Nevertheless, Tim Hagen had put his trust in her judgment and gotten to work according to the instructions he had received from her.

When she had last visited the Valente fief many months ago, she had brought back samples of what Tim had been working on.

These she had gifted to her two brothers who seemed to enjoy them and had also helped in promoting CLOVER’s latest creation in the Royal Academy.

While many were interested in the fragrant soaps that Taylor and Howard often boasted about, they had no means of getting their hands on them.

First of all, they were hesitant about purchasing CLOVER’s products as they were nobles and these soaps were often used by commoners.

However, the most important deterrence that hindered them was the fact that they did not know who to approach even if they wished to ignore CLOVER’s targeted market in order to own these newer soaps themselves.

To solve these issues, Yvonne had the perfect solution and the satisfactory consignment she had received thanks to her uncle and the Hagen family would only speed up the process.

The arrival of the package from the Valente fief had taken place a couple of days ago, causing Yvonne’s entire attention to be fixed on it.

Even her classes with Marquess Samed and Captain Desmo Reel had also never been able to invoke the kind of excitement that had bubbled within her after she realized that CLOVER’s entry into the noble market was getting closer with each passing day.

Ever since that day, she had gotten busy with CLOVER’s matters and it wasn’t just her as even Raylene and Jax were equally busy thanks to her.

The papers laid before her even at this moment, a few days after receiving her package, were concerning these very items.

“Has Papa decided what to present to the King?” Yvonne raised her question once she was done recalling what had kept her busy in the last few days.

The day after the carriage from the Valente fief had arrived at their estate, another carriage had also made its way here.

This one, however, held greater importance to them as it had arrived straight from the Royal Palace.

An invitation had been sent to the St. Claire family through the Royal messenger who did his duty of passing on the envelope to the Earl before heading back to the Palace.

The entire household had gathered at the entrance of the mansion when this messenger had arrived as that was what they were supposed to do.

Only after the Earl had accepted the envelope and sent the messenger away did the servants receive permission to return to their posts.

While they hurried back to what they had been doing earlier, Yvonne had followed her parents into the Parlor where the envelope could be opened.

Everyone in that room had already deduced what could be inside that brilliant blue-colored envelope which had their family’s name written in an eye-catching font.

As expected, when Rutherford carefully tore open the envelope, he found a letter along with a little card within it.

The card stated that the St. Claire family was formally invited to attend the joyful celebration of their King’s birthday which happened to be a week later.

King Ophire’s birthday was close to the upcoming Winter Festival so Yvonne had already guessed that the messenger had come to send her father an invitation to this grand event.

Every Fief Lord of their Kingdom received an invitation to enter the Royal Palace in order to greet the King and celebrate this special day with him.

The Lords would also be asked to bring along with them their heirs who would succeed them in the future.

However, the noble families who had received this invitation this year were stunned upon reading the letter that had been attached along with it.

Without using fancy and complicated words, this letter stated that this year, the King was interested in meeting the Madames and daughters of these Fief Lords instead.

As most of the boys were back in the Royal Academy where their studies had just gotten back on track, the letter stated that the King did not wish to disturb their education any further than it had already been.

Hence this year, he would like to meet the women and daughters of the families whose heirs were in the Royal Academy right now.

At the same time, the other families whose heirs had already graduated were also welcome to bring their women into the Palace.

Though Rutherford was stunned when he read this letter, the Royal Seal stamped at the very end proved its authenticity.

Therefore, there was no further reason for him to doubt this letter, and hence began thinking of how the other nobles must have reacted to it.

While he was lost in his thoughts, Yvonne and Raylene who had heard him read the letter out loud were equally surprised at the unexpected decision their King had made.

‘Another party...’ The little girl set aside her shock and was soon annoyed when she realized that she would once again be forced to socialize at this grand event.

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