How To Raise Your Regressor

Chapter 215 Wait For Me

After the trio left, I took a nice, relaxing, hot shower to wash off the blood of my enemies I sent to their graves today.

I\'m usually an advocate for cold showers, but it\'s really cold tonight so going under cold water would have definitely given me cold.

I probably could have used \'cold\' a few more times there.

Anyway, no one likes Mr. Sniffles, so that\'s definitely not the first impression I want to make on the bloody bois.

After I got out, I was greeted by a mysterious creature.


"Here to evaluate the extent of the damage after the storm has passed, eh?"

The sheer audacity of Mr. Cat is astounding.

He sleeps in my bed right beside me, he eats the food I give him, he enjoys the baths that I give him, yet he runs away at the first sign of trouble.

It\'s like he has some kind of divine sensor which allows him to sense when one of the New Dawn Guild wankers is about to annoy me.

And once he knows that shit\'s about to hit the fan, he just opens a fucking teleportation portal to leave this corporeal dimension, then returns right after I have dealt with the wankers and sent them back.

This fucking bastard is probably smarter than Lecia.

"Meow?" The cat tilted his head.

"Trying to play innocent, are we?"

Whatever, it\'ll be my loss if I dwell on it anymore.

I\'ll just pull an epic prank on this feral beast and show him that every betrayal comes at a cost.

For now, let\'s get ready to leave for the bloody bois.

I do have the option of going there tomorrow, I feel that going to the Guild right now would be better.

I mean, unless the entire Guild is a group of nightowls, or unless it\'s an Underground Guild that does shady things in the dead of the night, most of the guild members would probably be asleep, dreaming about titties and shit.

Given the nature and time of my visit, it would be safe to assume that only the Guild Leader, Jennifer, would be up to visit me, especially when we consider that it was her who asked for me in the dead of the night.

But she\'s the guild leader and should have important things to do, so it\'s more likely that one of her lackeys would be awake to greet me.

Let\'s be generous and assume that Jennifer and two other people would be awake right now.

That means I\'ll only have to deal with 3 new people, and that too only for a short time as I doubt any of them would be too keen to hold a welcoming party at 3 in the morning.

More probably than not, we\'ll just exchange some greetings, then they\'ll show me my room along with a brief rundown of my role during the time I\'m with them, then we\'ll all go and sleep.

Now, if I go to the blood bois tomorrow morning, almost everyone will be up and I\'ll be forced to greet everyone and make small talk. That\'s a no from me dawg, because fuck awkward social situations.

So yea, let\'s pack my bags and leave right away.

"Meow?" The cat tilted his head as I took out a bag and started stuffing my clothes in it.

I could have used my totally not broken Inventory to pack my stuff, but I don\'t think revealing that I\'m capable of space manipulation right on the first day would be the most tactical decision.

Such bullshit abilities have to be revealed at the right time for the greatest awe effect.

Can\'t have them thinking that I\'m just a 12-year-old, after all, lest they start treating me like a kid and asking me to take care of myself and I get annoyed and my hand slips and I shoot everyone 47 times.

That would be a yikes from me.

"That\'s right, it\'s about time you went back to your owner," I replied to satiate Mr. Cat\'s hunger for knowledge. "Due to a series of unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, I have to leave for some time so I won\'t be able to take care of you. I don\'t know when, or if, I\'ll be back, so it would be better if you went back to that witch."

Assuming the cat is not the witch.

Also, the final part came out a lot meaner than I expected.

It almost sounded like what a woman would say to her partner when he/she/it cheated on her.

Like, \'You cheated on me, you fucker! This is it! I\'m breaking up with you! Go back to that witch and don\'t show me your face again! I hate you!\'

Something like that.


"Meow?" He tilted his head to the other side, pretending that he didn\'t understand me.

"I\'m truly sorry, Mr. Cat, but this is where our journey ends."

"..." He silently stared at me.

"Until we see each other again," I said as I hung my bag over my shoulder.

Before Mr. Cat could mewl cutely and make this separation any harder than it needed to be, I jumped out of the window- not to kill myself, surprisingly, but because stairs are for nerds.

Time to head to the Old Blood Guild, aka the bloody bois and start my new journey.

I mean, this so-called \'journey\' will probably be just as utterly boring as the others, but hey.

As long as I get away from the New Dawn Guild and die, it\'s all kosher. The Aggressors should be making their move soon, so it won\'t be long until I leave for a new life.

Now, with this, I have finally completed the epic prank that I played by taking advantage of Lecia\'s suffering.

God, that makes it sound so bad.

Anyway, from now on, both Azell and Lecia will be forced to pretend that the former was the latter\'s saviour.

This result is a bit different than what I had envisioned, but it\'s more amusing so I\'ll take it.

Well then, I wonder what the blood bois have in store for me.


Perched atop the window sill, Mr. Cat overlooked the Drama Queen making his way towards wherever he was going.

After mulling over it for some moments, he turned around, laid down on Samur\'s bed and prepared for his journey to the land of dreams.

For the time being, he decided to just wait for Samur.

Meanwhile, in the room across Samur\'s, Lecia was sitting at her desk, looking outside the window at the moon.

After being called a dumbass by Samur several times and getting kicked out of his room, she had taken a hot shower and was now sipping a cup of tea.

A golden locket in her left hand and her cup in her right, Lecia admired the beauty of the shining moon outside as she went through the events of today.

It was a wild day; she almost lost everything to the wretched spectres of her past, but pulled through with the help of her saviour.

She mulled over those events again, and again, yet no matter how she saw it, there was only one conclusion.

"Samur really thinks of me as a dumbass, huh?" Lecia sighed.

Try as she might, Samur, the boy who was supposed to be a year younger than her, was still unfathomable.

She could not even begin to comprehend his actions, nor the motives behind them.

No, perhaps it would be more apt to say that she could not understand the very existence known as Samur.

What drove the boy who did not even \'register\' her as a fellow living being to take the actions he did today? What was he thinking? What did he hope to achieve?

It was beyond her.

Perhaps that was her limitations as a 13-year-old girl.

Did Azell understand him? What about Neia?

She did not know. Not yet, at the very least.

For now, all she had to do was play pretend; act as the dumbass Samur made her out to be.

Once she finished her tea, Lecia\'s gaze left the moon and went down to her left hand.

She twirled the locket between her fingers for some moments, then clutched it tightly in her palm.

Bringing it close to her chest, she whispered, "Mother... I\'m coming for you, so please wait for me, okay?"

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