His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 142

Dominus held her hand and was beside her while she gave birth to their son. Holding the child in his arms, he smiled and kissed his cheek.

He held it like a prized possession, and his eyes lit up with wonder and amazement at holding in his arms the tiny product of his love for his wife. Everyone fell silent as they watched over their alpha.

They have seen him with his first son, and thought he couldn’t possibly be happier than that. And yet looking at him now, they knew that was far from the truth.

Mary held into his arm and he latched the child in her breasts, all the while supporting them both. They compared this to the scene from before with their alpha’s first wife.

Those who have any doubts about the nature of the relationship the alpha has with this woman fell silent as they looked in amazement at the pure joy and pride that shone in their alpha’s eyes as he looked at his beloved and their child.

This is no witchcraft. This is love. It was at that moment that the people who witnessed the event had a change of heart.

For this woman to have caught the alpha’s love and affections so easily there must be at least something that she had done right.

Moreover, having been bestowed with one favor after another, and seeing how happy the alpha is at merely holding their prized child, the possibility exists that this woman they have despised for a long time may hold more power than even the luna of the pack.


And this child whom their alpha has named himself might be more important to the succession than they initially thought.

The elders noted that while history dictates the firstborn son of the alpha traditionally inherits, the alpha may at his discretion choose to ignore tradition and name another of his child as his heir and the next alpha to the pack.

In that tranquil moment, the pack’s future was sent into the abyss as the succession line blurred. Those who have seen the event unfold before their eyes have decided to support the second wife, all of course with their own personal ambitions and selfish hopes.

Making a friend out of her will be quite valuable indeed. Whether it be in politics or in acquiring valuable business connections, there is no end to good possibilities.

So it was then, on Kaede’s first day in this world, that the pack has been evenly divided. One supporting his cause and the other championing his brother’s.

Those who value history and tradition were the latter, and those who value themselves and have personal ambitions and hopes to be considered as alpha’s friends were the former.

When the excitement of the evening finally dwindled and the child was brought to the nursery, those in attendance have also asked permission to leave.

Mary forced herself to smile, knowing the respect she was being shown by them now was more out of the personal goals of those attendees.

She knew these people have no love or affections for her even when they express their support and greeted her enthusiastically.

However, she needs them. Those attendees were chosen for their family names as well. Some have their elders seated in the council, or in one way or another related to those in power.

If she truly wants to rise from her past status, then she must do this. She smiled and pretended to accept the friendships being offered at her feet.

She even agreed to let them visit her in her new manor as soon as she have recovered sufficiently from childbirth. She exchanged a few pleasantries and wished them well as they bade goodbye.

She sighed when everyone has left, her focus shifting on the man beside her who was holding her hand the entire time. Dominus.

Her heart filled with happiness, she has finally given birth to a child. The child they have waited and prayed for so long.

He was theirs to protect. Theirs to love and care for. From this day forward, they are parents to that little boy soundly sleeping in his crib.

“Kaede,” she tried saying the name he spoke earlier before everyone left.

“Did you like it?” he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly.

“What’s not to like? The alpha gave it as a sign of his love and favor. I am delighted with our child’s name,” she smiled softly at him.

Though she was exhausted from giving birth to their child, his love for her and Kaede made her struggle at falling asleep. She wanted to remain in this moment with him.

It was the most joyous event of their life. The fulfillment of their lifelong dream to build a family together.

“Kaede was the only name that came to my mind when I saw him. He made me feel the way I did, looking at a maple tree for the first time. Amazement and sheer wonder, I couldn’t stop myself from staring at our child. If felt like holding a miracle in my arms,” he explained.

She reached out gingerly to him, he understood what she wanted and bridged the distance between them. He kissed her hungrily, to which she responded in the same manner.

Panting hard, he let her go, putting distance between them, “You need to rest. Giving birth is not an easy task to do.”

She chuckled, “On the contrary this one somehow is easy. It is as if the gods finally decided I should be given compensation for the many times fate has been cruel to me.”

“As they should. Fate always seemed to be so against us, and the gods always seem to laugh at our twisted destinies. They should start giving you an equal joy for all the heartaches you have suffered on my behalf,” he told her, caressing her cheek.

“I have been compensated well enough. By allowing joy to flow into my life and letting me experience giving birth to one of your heirs is already enough equivalent of every hardship I have been through,” she told him, holding his hands and pressing kisses on their back.

“We will take care of this one. Just wait and see, he will be given the best of all the things in life. He will never want for anything else. I will protect you both, and you my strong darling human wife, will do the same,” he added.

She smiled, loving the promises being spoken by him, “I wish for nothing more but for our child to have every blessing under him. I wish for him to be truly happy and blessed. These are my prayers as a mother.”

He caressed her cheek, “And so he will be a blessed child. Healthy in both mind and spirit, happy, and fulfilled. I won’t rest until I have made all these a reality.”

He dipped his head again and closed in for another kiss. It was solemn and slow. It was kind and compassionate.

A true love’s kiss, yes it indeed is. Mary blinked and tried to stop her tears from falling. She didn’t want to cry, for this is such a joyous occasion.

“I really am so happy,” he whispered, his tears starting to fall, making her wipe them away.

She didn’t expect him to be the one to cry first. Pressing their foreheads together, they started crying and laughing at the same time.

She felt like her heart will burst from so much happiness. It was an uncontrollable joy that racked at her and greeted her.

When they were finally able to stop, they stared at each other, smiling, admiring each other’s strength. Both are smitten by the beauty of their beloved.

It wasn’t over yet, of course, those against them will always try to do something to stop this happiness. They couldn’t even believe the gods to be on their side.

However, today, just for today at least, they should be allowed to forget all their worries and pains. They should be allowed to feel the joy of having been blessed with a son.

Their little maple tree. She smiled recalling the brave cry that emanated from his lips. She felt like she had never truly known true happiness except at that moment.

She thought she has already been made aware of how being a mother feels. She swore she loved Jiro like her own.

But after hearing their son’s cry, she was quite sure she has never been so aware of what love truly is. She knew she will move heaven and earth to give their son the best life he deserved.

A mother’s love must be like that. Selfish in so far as wanting the best things in life for her child. And yet selfless for wanting nothing else for herself.

“Why did you cry?” she teased him.

“Because the moment called for it,” he teased her back.

“Thank you, Mary. For marrying me and giving me a son, and for all the countless sacrifices you have endured for me until now,” he pressed butterfly kisses on her cheeks, making her laugh.

“Well, for as long as I do not have to endure more,” she held his cheeks to make him stop, forcing him to just meet her eyes.

“You do not have to endure anything more,” he assured her.

“Do you promise?” she asked him.

“I swear it, you do not have to endure anything more. I will share my responsibilities with you and the powers that come along with them. Everything I hold in my hands is for you to have. Take everything you needed so you don’t endure anything more than you already did,” he told her, making her heart beat calmly against her chest.

She realized she needed that assurance. And now that he has given her that much, she felt like she can finally take her much-needed rest.

“Go to sleep, honey. You can have everything you want when you wake. Just take some rest first, my queen,” as if on cue she rested her head on her pillow and closed her eyes as the alpha watched over her.

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