Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 500

“Umm. We can’t divulge info...”

“This honorable one wants to return the book after reading it. It should take about ten minutes or less. Thus, this honorable one will be paying for reading the book.” Vincent interrupted.

“Realy? I... I will ask the upper management and bring the news Lord Beckly.” One of the attendants said.

[What do you mean you want to return the book?]

-I want you to memorize what is written, and I will rewrite the book’s continents for Ester.-

[But why go through all the hassle? Sigh...]

-I sometimes had a nightmare. A horrible one at that.-

-I would see Ester dying in my arms because I had never met you, and Ester never had someone to guide her rampant mana.-


-This family is most likely suffering, so I want to do them a kind gesture and treat this purchase as a book rental payment.-

[A kind heart is a double-edged blade, Vincent. But let’s leave this for another time. I am quite curious about the contents of the book.]

*Flip, flip, flip* Vincent flipped the pages one after the other slowly, yet it was impossible to read everything. Moreover, remember everything the eyes see for a fraction of a second.

Sofy and the other attendants wondered what Vincent was doing. Moreso after announcing how he could read at unprecedented speed and later return the book to the previous owners.

One of the attendants arrived a while later with a young boy and a middle-aged woman. They approached Vincent and greeted him.

“This honorable one has read all the book. ” Vincent said while closing the book.

“M-my lord.... do you not want the book anymore?” The middle-aged woman asked in a shaken voice. She looked terrified of Beckly’s imposing presence, thanks to his mask.

“This honorable one has someone who also suffered because she is a Sigil Mage. This honorable one knows what that kind of suffering it brings.” Vincent lowered to his knee and placed the book in the little boy’s hand. “This honorable one has read the book and is willing to give back at the cost of treasuring it.”

“I can have daddy’s book again?” The little boy curiously asked with a smile on his face.

“Yes, little boy. The person who wrote the book poured his heart and soul into making it. Now it is the son’s turn to keep his father’s memories safe.”

The little boy became happy and hugged Vincent while Sofy smiled warmly.

On the other hand, the boy’s mother and the attendants became worried. They feared the little boy was going to get on the wrong side of Vincent and punish him.

*Growl* The little boy’s stomach growled for food. “Sorry.” He apologized nervously.

Vincent noticed an empty table in front of him. He stood up and whispered something in Sofy’s ear.

“Sorry?” Vincent asked when his gaze returned back on the boy. This question alone was enough to make everyone in the room become afraid of what might happen next.

Vincent extended his hands, and the boy became too scared to move. However, he soon found himself in mid-air. He was being lifted like a weightless feather.

“Do not be frightened, little boy. This honorable one’s name is Beckly.” Vincent moved a few steps and placed the little boy on a chair.

The middle-aged woman mustered her courage and begged, “I am sorry, my lord. Please do not hurt my son.” However, her words were ignored.

“I beg you, please. My son didn’t mean to... offend?... you?...” The middle-aged woman became awestruck then a green light flashed in front of her son, and her nostrils twitched when the smell of delicious food filled the room.

Vincent felt satisfied to see the little boy looking at the food as if it was an invaluable treasure. He smiled warmly, yet it was hidden by the mask.

Vincent decided he help the family without overburdening them with the need to return his gratitude. He passed by the middle-aged woman and told her, “Go and eat some good food with your son. Good fortune to your family as a fellow sufferer of the Sigil Mage problem.”

The middle-aged woman fell to her knees, and tears of joy fell on the floor. No one had shown their family so much compassion in the past couple of difficult months. Now a person with a scary mask acted more helpful than a person with a smile.

“Thank you. Thank you.” She repeated until Vincent and Sofy left the room.

Sofy hugged Vincent’s arm and asked, “I didn’t expect you to be so good with children.”

“Ahem. Aren’t you too frisky all of a sudden?” Vincent asked. He wondered what happened all of a sudden for Sofy to act so boldly out of the blue.

“But you aren’t Vincent right now, hehe.” She teased.

[Sorry to ruin your moment, but the mister VIP balcony friend is in front of us. He has two strong-looking servants behind him.]

“We have company. ” Vincent warned Sofy with a low voice. She stopped acting frisky and became cautious.

“Would you like to join me for a drink, my VIP balcony friend? It won’t take long.” The middle-aged man requested.

Vincent became weary of the invitation. He could see one of the servants with an irritated expression while the other had an anxious expression. Based on their facial expressions alone, the invitation brought doubts about being a friendly one.

[I think we should accept, and I will keep an eye on our surroundings. Furthermore, the Graymoon family keeps track of everything that happens in this place. They can back us up with proof if anything happens.]

Vincent was using a persona of a proud man. He decided to act on his prideful and fearless persona.

“This honorable one wants to know if it will be a pleasant or hostile drink. ” Vincent said while acting high and mighty. He rubbed on the sect’s identity metallic plate and continued, “I will need to meet with the Heavenly God Mantis sect soon.”

“A pleasant one in my home. I have something I want to ask you in my home as it is a secret. But do not worry, my good VIP balcony friend, I will serve the best wine I have.” The middle-aged man offered.

“Basics first, my VIP balcony friend.” Vincent crossed his arms and continued, “This honorable one’s name is Beckly. I am a high-ranking disciple of the Heavenly God Mantis sect.”

The middle-aged man smiled. “How forgetful of me. This happens once in a while when you get to know almost everyone in the city. I am Viscount Aceon Ponalis. Good to make your acquaintance Beckly.”

[Viscount. That is one rank above Lilith’s parents.]

-Don’t you think he needs something from me? He isn’t acting haughty.-

[Yeah. He is acting too humble for a Viscount.]

“This honorable one accepts, but do not mistake me and my sect for a pushover. My sect will seek revenge if anything happens to me. Mark my words.” Vincent threatened.

“No need to be on guard, Beckly, my friend. I only wish to speak business.” Aceon revealed as the situation was escalating.

“Okay. Lead this honorable one to your carriage.”

“Thank you for trusting me.”

Vincent and Sofy followed Viscount Aceon Ponalis and his two servants to their carriage. However, what was awaiting them created more doubts as the carriage was old and its maintenance wasn’t that good. Additionally, only one horse was going to pull the carriage.

“Are you sure the horse can pull this carriage?” Vincent curiously asked.

*Cough* “Yes, because my home isn’t too far away. Additionally, the carriage is lighter than an ordinary carriage.” Aceon hastily responded.

“Interesting. I have never seen a custom-made carriage before. It must have cost you a fortune.” Vincent sarcastically said.

Kazumi laughed while Sofy used her decades of facial experience to laugh in her thoughts with a poker face.

“S-sure...” Aceon answered embarrassingly.

When Vincent and Sofy entered the carriage and left, the shadow guard ordered to protect Vincent, and Sofy from the shadows went to report to Vikki and Victor Graymoon about what happened.

“Viscount Aceon Ponalis took an interest in Vincent?” Victor rubbed his chin and continued, “Follow and protect Vincent and his servant until they retrieve their carriage.”

“I hope nothing bad happens. Aceon has been acting weird lately, and there are rumors about how imprisoned his daughter is. No one has seen her leave the house for a long time.” Vikki said with a worried expression.

*Ponalis Family House*

The carriage arrived a while later. It stopped in front of a house double the size of Tula’s family house. It had a small gate to park the carriage, and the house looked luxurious overall.

Vincent and Kazumi believed the Ponalis family was on the verge of becoming a fallen noble family. An ordinary Viscount family would be humiliated to own and invite guests to a house better than a commoner could own.

Vincent’s doubt caused him to check Aceon’s status window in case he needed to run away.


[Name] Aceon Ponalis

[Race] Human

[Age] 44

[Condition] Healthy

[Traits] Mana Tempered Body Stage Three

[Class] Wizard

[Stats] Strength 27 || Agility 21 || Perception 36 || Mana 3898


[Class Wizard]

*Earth Wall

*Earth Spike

*Earth Shard

*Earth Manipulation


Vincent moved his gaze and checked the stats of the two servants, but they were weaker than the arrogant vice-captain Sofy had broken mentally and physically.


Kazumi went to check inside while Vincent bought time by complaining about how uncomfortable the ride was. It didn’t take long for Kazumi to return, bearing both good and bad news.

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