Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 523

Lilith and Clair whispered to each other. They decided to ask Jun Ye Rim if she could sit beside them because it made both feel the friendly relationship they built suddenly disappear.

When Lilith and Clair were about to ask, Maria arrived with Melissa, Tiffi, and their three teammates.

Maria looked grumpy to see only Vincent’s team attending. *Sigh* “Looks like the brats are enjoying losing in their fights. Such annoying masochist students.” *Sigh*

The lesson started, and they meditated in silence. After the lesson ended, Jun Ye Rim was the first one to stand and leave.

“Is there something wrong with Jun Ye Rim?” Maria asked. She found it strange that the troublesome elf changed from a loner to somewhat friendly and back to a loner again.

“We don’t know.” Responded Lilith.

“She doesn’t want to tell us girls what is troubling her...” Clair continued in a heartbreaking tone.

*Sigh* Maria noticed Melissa and her three other teammates left Tiffi with her. “How about we teleport?” She suggested while holding Tiffi’s hand to teleport together.


*Day 158 – 13 November – Friday*

The next morning arrived, and the day resumed as usual. Similarly, Jun Ye Rim remained acting distant and with few words.

After Maria’s lesson was over, Vincent and Lilith went together to the mailroom. They received a letter from Maid Xu, Aceon, and Lilith’s parents.

Vincent first read Aceon’s letter. The contents were mostly about Tiffi’s enrolment and how busy he was while preparing Tiffi’s uniform and necessary documents.

Aceon also added how he has started contacting some merchants and suppliers he knew. But Aceon didn’t write much. As if he wasn’t too confident of how many of his contacts will be interested in a new type of commodity processed without mana.

Next was Maid Xu’s letter. Vincent read the contents while giggling from time to time. Based on Maid Xu’s words, their mansion was heavily protected now.

Zefine had agreed with Maid Xu to keep staying in charge of shopping because it also coincided with her visits to the Adventurers Guild and asking for any news about her brother.

Now, everyone loves the new sense of security. However, one person complained about his expression. It was a person who should thank his mother was in good care and also in a safe place.

It appeared this all started when Zefine mentioned how happy and safe she felt when upon showing the Lionheart family insignia. She was escorted back to the mansion safely.

The one who complained was none other than Russo. The grumpy young man frowned and looked annoyed the more Zefine praised the soldiers while smiling.

Maid Xu wrote her thoughts on this matter. Based on what she heard, Russo’s sudden personality change was because he is still feeling guilty for not being able to protect Zefine and needed someone else to save her.

However, different from Maid Xu, the detective Kazumi with her immense knowledge of stories in her encyclopedia-like mind, guessed spring is looming around the mansion and its residents.

[Love instead of guilt might be in the air.] Kazumi guessed.

Vincent and Lilith felt much more at ease reading Maid Xu’s letter together.

While everyone in the mansion was now safer than before, Vincent and Lilith decided to head to the library and read a book.

On their way to the library, Vincent noticed five male classmates and five female students talking with each other. The ten students appeared to be flirting in the garden with a beautiful view of flowers.

Vincent and Lilith ignored the ten students and headed to the library. When the sky began to darken, The two of them left for the island as the library was about to close.

*Day 159 – 14 November – Saturday*

Saturday arrived, and Nick, Clair, Vivid, and Pussy left for Paradise Island. On the other hand, Jun Ye Rim went to Paradise Island independently.

The Lionheart family decided to keep the day going as normal. Some decided to train while others decided to enjoy their hobbies.

Vincent and Lilith were going to leave when Plow and Lupa raced over to them.

*Woof* [Take me with you, my mate. Sister Ester wants to keep reading her book and dance.]

*Pho* “Plow wants to come. Iris Iris wants to play with plants and Zero.” *Pho*

Vincent looked at the two, wagging their tails excitedly. “Okay, both will come with us if you agree to follow our orders.” He requested.

*Woof* [I am best girl Lupa. I am a good girl.] Lupa said while wagging her tail faster than Plow.

“Plow stays good.” *Pho* Plow said while trying to beat Lupa’s wagging tail with hers.

Vincent lifted Plow. “Lilith. It looks like we will have company while reading books.”

“This is going to be a nice Saturday, hehe.” Lilith smiled and briefly clapped with excitement. “I can read Lupa and Plow a book. We are going to have a ~great~ time.”

Lupa and Plow’s tails stopped wagging. It looked like both weren’t too happy to spend a day inside the library.

Shortly, Vincent, Lupa, Lilith, and Plow left for the library. On their way, Vincent saw the same male classmates flirting with the same female students. However, one male classmate was missing.

At about halfway to the library, Vincent noticed Melissa sitting on a bench with the missing male classmate.

“It looks like one found another partner. ” Vincent commented.

“It is a little exciting to watch, though.” Added Lilith.

[Now, this is strange. I wonder how much different romance works from Earth.]

-Neither do I.-

[That’s my point. I couldn’t see how romance works because you were afraid to build a relationship with someone.]

-Sorry.- Vincent didn’t know why, but he felt he needed to apologize.

Vincent sighed and kept walking. As he entered the library, Gusto and Alessia looked at Plow and Lupa. The little fox on Vincent’s shoulder was cute, but Lupa, on the other hand, was intimidating at first glance.

The familiars of the first years constantly disobey their master. As such, the two librarians feared the white wolf looking at them with a pair of golden eyes, judging how much tasty they were.

It took some time, but after having Lupa lick Vincent on his comand to show how highly intelligent of a white wolf Lupa was, the two librarians allowed Lupa and Plow to enter.

*Pho* “No fair! Plow is very, very strong and dangerous too!” Plow cutely complained with pouting.

Gusto and Alessia looked at Plow. They extended their hands and gently pinched her cute blue cheeks.

“A talking familiar. It is rare to see one. I like how the color scheme is expressive.” Gusto looked at his wife and continued, “I feel like brushing its fur all day.”

“I like this cute little fox. I would spend all day cuddling with it if I had one.” Alessia said.

“Plow is... very dangerous...” Plow managed to say while her cheeks moved up and down. However, she couldn’t act like a dangerous fox even if she wanted to.

*Cough* “I think my little fox has received emotional damage. She is very strong and dangerous after all.” Vincent joked.

“Oh, dear! Please forgive us, cu... I mean, very strong fox. I will bring a treat later. Okay?” Alessia offered Plow.

*Pho* “Plow is a good girl. Plow accepts nice lady treats.” Plow cutely said while her tails slightly wagged.

Vincent, Lupa, Lilith, and Plow later went to start reading.

Vincent spent a day flipping pages and found a book about wild plants, their seasons, and a few of their uses.

Vincent was unhappy he couldn’t find another informative book, but all in all, he felt it was a good and enjoyable Saturday.

Lilith spent a day reading Lupa and Plow, a romantic adventure book. It made Vincent recall the couple of times when he saw and heard mothers reading their children a book when he worked as a librarian on Earth.

Vincent also overheard how Gusto and Alessia whispered to each other if they were interested in adopting a cute pet and bringing it to the library.

It appeared Plow made the two librarians fall in love with her cuteness.

The four of them later returned to the island. However, Ester and Iris didn’t see Jun Ye Rim return. It appeared she wanted to say on Paradise Island.

*Day 160 – 15 November – Sunday*

The next day arrived, yet Jun Ye Rim still wasn’t around.

The Lionheart family later met with Maria waiting for them in the usual spot. Beside her was Tiffi impatiently biting her fingernails.

After greeting them and seeing Tiffi about to start skipping from happiness because she could see her father, they went to meet with Sofy.

Because the carriage was getting fuller as time passed, Lupa took the opportunity to sit between Sofy and Vincent.

*Woof* [I can’t rest inside because it is full, and no one can understand me as a noble white wolf. I want to stay with my mate.] Lupa requested.

“Fine. Lean on me and rest your head.”

Lupa became happy while Sofy frowned. She saw that everyone was inside and led the horses to move with a gentle rap of the reins.

While Lupa rested happily on Vincent on their way, Sofy didn’t shy from asking Vincent if he had thoughts of using her maid night service soon.

The carriage later arrived near their home. To their surprise, they saw a five-soldier patrol not sponsored by Vincent. After almost reaching the gate, they met with another two soldiers walking down the road.

[Now, this is why Russo is annoyed.]

-Yeah. I think Russo will feel as if he isn’t needed anymore.-

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