Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 706 - 706 A new Overload mutation

Night swiftly jumped, attached a shadow line to the head, and dropkicked the undead bear’s head with great force. The recovering neck broke again, and the head swung on the opposite side.

While this happened, Vincent swiftly arrived in front of Awa. His gaze was full of sorrow while his hands were clenched tightly, full of rage.

*Cough* “Do not lose yourself to anger. You will lose the fight if that happens.” Awa said while her shadow body recovered and her momentary pain started to wane.

Plow wanted to follow after Vincent, but the three Dullahans were adamant about protecting Plow and Zero. The moment Plow took two steps forward, one of the three Dullahans went in front of her. He stopped Plow by standing in front of her.

Plow wanted to complain, but a mysterious issue caught her attention. The female Cefeye behind Plow was on her knees while extruding a mysterious presence.

Although it wasn’t very strange after the female Cefeyesharing her health with Awa, the gaze of the female Cefeye was different.

The large eye of the female Cefeye was locked toward Awa’s direction. However, Plow could understand it wasn’t Awa, but Vincent in the female Cefeye’s eyesight.

*Skee* The female Cefeye uttered in a high pitch once. The sound caught the attention of all the surviving Cefeye. They moved their gaze towards the female Cefeye and started to gather.


*Rumble* When the ground shook, the undead bear extended dozens upon dozens of small earth spikes. They weren’t random. Each targeted a Cefeye. Some missed but others it. A lot of Cefeye who moved to gather died.

*Swoosh. Snap!* The undead bear’s head snapped back in place before a shadow line was attached. Earth spikes emerged from the undead bear’s body like a layer of armor.

Night landed a drop kick, but the layer of protection absorbed the damage and the impact.

Night sensed danger approaching her. She inflated her armored body like a balloon and popped. Night became a cloud of darkness in the nick of time as multiple earth spikes extended to impale Night.

The undead bear believed Night was slain. Its gaze moved to Awa and Vincent in front of her.

Its jaw opened, and the sides of its mouth ripped. A large quantity of mana collected inside its body. A boulder made of hardened earth grew larger and larger inside.

“Are you going to help me stand?” Awa asked, yet there was no reaction. As if the Vincent in front of her only wanted to stay beside her. He did not have any intention to communicate or help her.

*Sigh* Awa gently shook her head. She placed her hand on the ground and started to lift herself up. “Huh?” She questioned when her leg was grabbed and pulled out of the blue.

Awa shortly found herself looking at Vincent upside down. Vincent was holding Awa by her ankle.

Awa became confused as to what he intended to do with her. “Please let me down.” She requested kindly, hoping her request would not be ignored, yet she was ignored again.

“Ahhh!” Awa shouted when she was suddenly thrown away.

The farther Awa moved away from Vincent, the more she could understand the reason why she was thrown. She could see a boulder as large as a shack approaching her previous location.

“Noo!” Awa shouted while extending her hand and shooting a shadow line at Vincent. However, the boulder was far faster than her reaction time and the speed of the shadow line.

Awa saw Vincent express a slightly warm expression on his vicious-looking face in a split second before the boulder landed at its destination.

Awa’s heart squeezed from pain at this moment. Awa felt she had failed Vincent once again.

*Boom!* The large boulder landed, and a cloud of dust covered the landing site. There was no green light illuminating. What was left of Vincent was buried under the rubble of the large boulder.

*Thud* Awa landed on the ground. She hastily stood up and jumped high up in the sky. Awa moved her gaze in front of her. She saw Night in the say in front of her.

After nodding at each other once, both shot a shadow line and landed with great force and speed. The cloud of dust dispersed from the wind, and most of the large boulder fragments broke from the impact.

*Neigh* Night noticed faint green steam rising from under the rubble. She kicked a large chunk of the rubble and discovered green light.

“It’s Vincent!” Awa exclaimed while rushing to Vincent’s location. She and Night hastily unearthed Vincent’s upped body and froze from shock.

*Crack. Crack. Crack.* In front of their eyes was a badly damaged body.

The body was realigning its bones while making horrifying sounds. The limbs were moving by themselves to recover, and the wounds were closing rapidly.

Awa could not help but shed a tear. Vincent took all the pain for her. He saved her life by risking his. No one other than a person who would deeply care for her would do such a selfless act.


“What?” Awa turned her head. She saw another large boulder poking from inside the large ripped mouth. They were in danger.

Awa and Night quickly pulled out Vincent. They turned around and saw a large boulder closing in. They held Vincent and tried to jump, but it was too late.

Awa and Night moved their gaze to the large boulder. Life flashed in front of their eyes before their fate was sealed. Or so their instincts believed.

Another thing was unsealed at this moment. The Egos controlling Vincent’s Overload body finally unsealed its pure rage.

The life flashing in front of their eyes became illuminated by bright green light. A large explosion occurred a moment later, causing the large boulder to expload and the fragment to shoot towards the undead bear.

Awa and Night moved their gaze. They saw a cracked gauntlet emitting light and steam. Their savior was Vincent.

*~Haaa~* “I failed my family. I deserve to die.” Vincent said after exhaling a puff of steam. His body kept producing horrible sounds as it recovered. The body was almost completely healed.


Vincent leaped with incredible speed toward the undead bear before Awa could call out his name. He curled his fingers, and the moment he reached striking range, he swung his arm.

The undead bear had learned enough to fight counterattack. Multiple earth shards shot from its body. Multiple earth spikes rose from the ground and its body.

Vincent swung his arm, and five arcs of light shot from his hand. However, while the five arcs of light slashed the undead bear, Vincent was impaled many times.

*ROOAARR* Vincent roared loudly like a wild beast. His injured arms tore from the implement, and his teeth bit the hardened earth. Vincent struggled to escape. Like a trapped wild beast trying to break free.

Awa and Night landed a devastating drop kick and destroyed the pillars impaling Vincent. When they landed on the ground, their eyes opened wide from astonishment.

Plow, Zero, the three Dullahans, the female Cefeye, and the Cefeye could not move their eyes from what was transpiring.

Vincent hovered in the air. On his forehead were two emerald horns. One was identical to Iris, and the other was identical to Sakura. Above his bottom was a long emerald tail. On his feet were a pair of emerald boots with claws at the tips.

Under the emerald armored boots was Ester’s wind sigil. The appearance of bulging veins, black eyes with glowing green iris, horns, a tail, and an imposing presence made Vincent look like a being of death and destruction.

“Is that... still Vincent?” Awa questioned.

The undead bear contorted its face. Its eyes shone brighter than before and the steam escaping from the previous wounds Vincent inflicted rose like a steam engine.

Vincent disappeared from everyone’s view. He appeared a moment later, standing on the undead bear’s back.

His menacing gaze looked down. He swung his arms with claw-like curled fingers and what was in front of his path surrendered to his overwhelming might.

Slash after the other, blood, gore, and fragments of earth flew in the sky. Vincent made those who previously believed they were on his side second doubt their standing with the vicious monster on top of the undead bear.

All of the Cefeye looking at this view didn’t know if both monsters were going to kill them after one of them emerged as the winner. Even the three Dullahans were considering the possibility of death, no matter who the winner was.

Awa and Night jumped up high in the sky. They looked down and didn’t couldn’t comprehend what was happening.

Each of Vincent’s swings was spreading green frost on one side and green flames on the other. The fragments, blood, and gore froze from one side and caught on fire on the other side.

Earth spikes protruded from the undead bear’s back. They impaled Vincent, yet he barely noticed the critical injury. He swung his arms and broke himself free from the implement.

*Roar!* Vincent roared loudly like a wild beast. He raised his arms and curled his fingers. Sigils appeared beside his gauntlet, showing he was about to deliver a powerful attack.

“Vincent! You can do it!” Awa cheered while slowly freefalling above him.

*Grrr* Vincent growled. He raised his gaze and jumped with the power of the wind sigil boosting him.

Vincent grabbed Awa. He looked into her eyes, and she looked into his.

“Vincent? Is it you?” She asked.

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