Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 709 - 709 I recall the plan to end the crisis. I will remain alone.

“Yes. I remember everything.” Vincent answered.

His hoarse words made Awa and Plow happy to learn that the Vincent before them was the Vincent they desired to see.

“But... I only have memories of what happened last night for some reason. This is the first time I am suffering memory loss.” He revealed.

Everyone apart from Vincent knew the reason why he was suffering from memory loss, yet they were still on the fence about telling him. They believed that hearing about losing his head and later reattaching it could shock him.

Vincent suddenly took a step back. He held his head as if he was suffering from a painful headache.

“I remember escorting Awa home. I remember meeting the Dullahans. I remember making Awa one of my people. I am now also remembering getting injured by that mutated undead abomination.”

“You are wrong, Vincent.”

“Wrong?” Vincent questioned Awa.


“Yes. I am your woman. ” Awa stated to correct Vincent’s memories. She was more than one of his people, she was one of his women, or so she thought herself to be.

Vincent nodded after recalling Awa kissing and embracing him as if she loved him. He understood Awa had feelings for him and he needed to take responsibility.

After recalling Awa having feelings for him, Vincent recalled another memory. He contorted his face while taking another step.

“Now I remember what my plan was. I will have to destroy this whole place with my power.” He said while showing he remembered the plan he had before taking a huge gamble with his life on the line.

Vincent looked around him.

In front of him was Awa.

Beside his legs was Plow with a pair of swollen eyes from crying too much.

To his side was Zero moving its vines as if it was unrooting itself to become mobile and be able to walk again.

Behind Awa were the three Dullahans. He recalled how they bravely followed him. They were looking at him with admiration and deep respect.

Vincent turned around and saw the female Cefeye colored green from his mutated blood and steam rising from her body as if the female Cefeye was boiled alive.


[Name] Cefy

[Race] Cefeye (Female)

[Age] 5

[Condition] Medium Injury, Mutating (5/100% complete)

[Traits] Hair Control, Heightened Eyesight, Life Bound (Awa)

[Stats] Strength 4 || Agility 6 || Perception 5 || Mana 0


“This Cefeye will survive, but Awa... did you name her Cefy?”

“Yes...” Awa felt a little embarrassed for a moment. “Ahem. Can I know what is happening to her? Why did you drown her in your green blood?”

“When I lose myself, I seek to protect and save those who are connected with me. My instinct to save her triggered because Cefy is connected with you.”

Vincent looked at Cefy and gently shook his head. “Unfortunately, she wasn’t my retainer. My blood in this current state can not heal her.”

*Sigh* “She is undergoing a mutation instead of recovering. I hope she will not lose her mind and become aggressive, or you will need to seal her away since. She can not die until you die, after all.”

“What do you mean I need to take care of her? Why are you not part of the story?” Awa became worried Vincent was going to abandon her.

Awa was about to start panicking that Vincent was going to gamble his life for the second time. She had seen enough to comprehend Vincent might not survive if he took another gamble with his life on the line.

“Awa. You will need to take everyone out of here...”

“Escape with us!” Awa interrupted Vincent.

Vincent placed his hand on Awa’s shoulder and said, “I do not have much time in this form. That is why I am going to unleash an attack so devastating that it will be seen from the city.”

He placed his golden identification card in her hand and continued, “Remember. I am Baron Vincent Lionheart. It would be best if you talked to someone from the Lionheart, Griffionheart, Reddawn, Graymoon, Sunrise, Ponalis, Milloween, or Hawkins families. Anyone who tries to enslave a Dullahan will face my wrath.”

“No! I can’t...”

Vincent placed his index finger on Awa’s lips to stop her from speaking. “Lead everyone far away from here. After my attack is completed, you can return to find my body.”

Vincent summoned a bag of holding he kept in his Soul Dimensional Storage for an emergency and placed it also in her hand.

“This is filled with some food and water. I will be unconscious and paralyzed after this form ends.” Vincent gently caressed Awa’s dark face and continued, “I will need you to carry me back to the city. If I do not arrive by noon on Sunday, which is in three days, my family will most likely die. Your sisters you have yet to meet will be in danger.”

Vincent recalled how Awa’s father was in bad condition and needed medical attention urgently. He revealed a sorrowful expression on his scary face.

“Your father is injured... but I can not do much to save him or the other injured Dullahans. If you take me to the city with your horse, you can ask the families I mentioned to help rescue your people.”

“You did everything you could for us, yet you still care for us even if your family in the city is in danger. I can not change fate, but I do know you can. I will do my best to find your body, take you home, and request aid.”

Awa held the items Vincent gave her firmly. She embraced him and later passionately kissed him. After a couple of seconds, Awa released her lips and took a step back.

“We can continue this later.” She said with a brief wink.

Awa noticed the three Dullahans staring at her. She felt embarrassed, yet no one could tell how she felt. Her shadow body was currently ethereal. There was no blood circulating to make her cheeks blush.

Awa quickly went to lift and place Zero on her back. She went to Plow and carried her in one hand. Afterward, she went to Cefy and carried her with the other arm.

“Let’s go.” She ordered. She wanted the three Dullahans to follow her outside of their ruined village this instant.

The three Dullahans nodded. They told Vincent, “We will see you again, clan leader.” before running and trying to follow the speeding Awa.

Vincent raised his gaze and saw a dark shadow-like ball following after Awa.

“Awa is going to be the fourth powerful team member if we can make it in time. I hope I will not return too late.” He murmured to himself while not doubting his plan to fail.

Vincent moved his gaze toward the undead bear. After quickly counting one hundred Cefeyes, he stopped.

Vincent took a deep breath and shouted loudly, causing all the Cefeyes to stop attacking the undead bear and look at Vincent.

Vincent pointed in the direction Awa went and said loudly with an intimidating voice, “Stop and run away. Take the injured and flee this place.”

A few of the Cefeye understood some of Vincent’s words, while others saw Cefy, their only adult female Cefeye, being taken away.

“Escape if you want to live. Escape with those who are still alive if you want them to live. Do not attack the ones who saved your leader if you want to live.” Vincent clenched his fists and loudly shouted while spreading his bloodlust, “Run now!”

About a dozen Cefeye went running.

About another dozen went to carry an injured Cefeye away.

About another dozer or so went to look for one survivor to carry out of the ruined village.

“What you you all waiting for? Do you all want to die by my hands?” Vincent questioned in a menacing tone and his malice spreading all around him.

The rest of the Cefeyes shivered. One after the other, they began to listen to Vincent’s threatening order.

They dropped the hair needles from their hands and started moving. About half of the Cefeyes went to look for survivors, while the rest went to help the injured who were still alive.

It made Vincent believe the unity of the Cefeye was strong. They preferred to help their own kind escape instead of fleeing by themselves.

Vincent found a large earth spike not too far from him. He lept towards it and became astonished he could somehow jump farther than last time. He reached the top faster than he anticipated.

Vincent noticed a pair of emerald boots covering his feet with claws like that of a beast. He also noticed his skin was brown and coarse, as if it was made of earth. Additionally, he had a lot of sigil tattoos on his body.

“Did Critical Time somehow activate and mutate?” He questioned.

Vincent did not notice the tail attached to his back and the two horns of different shapes and sizes on his forehead. They felt so natural that Vincent could not feel anything different.

The ground shook. Vincent recalled what happened whenever the ground shook. An earth spike was about to emerge at any moment.

Vincent extended his blood lust toward the undead bear. “I am your target, you bag of rotten flesh.” He taunted in order to let him become the target instead of the fleeing Cefeyes.

The ground shook furiously, and a moment later, dozens of earth spikes rose from the ground like a pair of jaws wanting to swallow Vincent whole.

Vincent smirked, and his gauntlets cracked with all the unused condensed mana inside of them.

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