Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

Chapter 14 Chaos Training Grounds [1]

With the sound of the tearing of space, in a lonely, unknown, cold, and yet an ethereal place where the night was eternal, Russell Moon arrived at the Chaos Training Grounds, recognizing the different scenery that screened in his profound vision, thanks to his Trait: Under the Night.

While in his stupor, notifications sounded in his ears, which jolted him awake.


[You have arrived at Chaos Training Grounds.]

[Your Stamina Regeneration increases by 500%.]

[Mana Regeneration increases by 400%.]

[Chaos Power regeneration increases by 300%.]

[Growth speed increased by 200%.]

[You have set the Time Difference ratio as 1 to 3.]

[You cannot die in this place.]


Russell didn\'t use the 1:31 Time Difference, at least not this time because he didn\'t want to look older quickly the moment he returned to Earth.

"...It\'s fine for now. 1 Earth day, 3 Chaos Training Grounds days.

"...I don\'t even know where in the Chaos Realm is this place... or if it\'s even in the Chaos Realm.

"...Salute to me, I guess."

His voice, although he only muttered while lampooning himself, reverberated throughout the Chaos Training Grounds.

He felt cold, but for some inexplicable reason, he also felt warm as though it would create an unknown storm.



He wondered at the seemingly late notification from the System before he checked it.

[The mysterious power of the "Symbol of Night" has given you the Trait: Chaos.]


He didn\'t know how to react as he belatedly realized that he didn\'t have the Trait: Chaos even after his successful contract making, as well as Profession Evolution, and even though he has a Unique Skill: Chaos Buff (EX).

"That\'s ironic...

"But, what\'s the use of it though...?"

Due to his Title: Resident of Chaos, as well as the mysterious "Symbol of Night", he thought that he wouldn\'t need such a trait anymore.

[Due to the existence of the "Symbol of Night", the Mediator of Chaos\' Trait: Chaos will be strengthened.]

[Apart from the compatibility with Chaos, the Mediator of Chaos\' ability to absorb the Chaos Miasma will slightly be strengthened.]

According to what Russell knew, Chaos Miasma was the Chaos in the surroundings, while Chaos Aura was the Chaos that\'s circulating inside one\'s body.

The moment the Chaos in one\'s body escaped or leaked, it would be considered Chaos Miasma from that moment onwards.

That\'s why according to Emmanuel Lyncoster\'s Encyclopedia of the Emergence, the definition of Chaos Miasma — though not thoroughly explained as humanity presently didn\'t have much knowledge about it — only says that "You have killed a monster with abundant Chaos Miasma".

But, it means that the Chaos Aura inside the monster escaped upon its death, turning into Chaos Miasma. Although it\'s dangerous to some extent — even if it\'s not forcefully injected into one\'s body — it was manageable due to the existence of the Support-type Healer Professions.

"System... how much it was strengthened...?"

Russell asked curiously the System.


His deep blue eyes constricted at the succinct answer of the System before his expression turned into a frown.

\'...Is the Goddess of Night playing pranks with me...?\'

He almost face-palmed at the thought as he recalled what kind of skill was about the absorption of Chaos Miasma; Calm of the Shadows (Passive) (EX).


He grumbled before looking around the place he arrived at.

It\'s a wide and massive square-shaped arena that\'s around 50 square meters, which was situated in the middle of nowhere in a literal sense. It\'s a roofless training ground where the dark sky, along with resplendent stars could be seen. Surprisingly, there were walls on the four corners outside of the arena — where normal-looking benches and weapons could be seen — but these corners looked like thick curtains made of small galaxies.

\'It looks like the entire place is hovering above a void.\'

Russell thought inwardly as he admired the scenery as though he was seeing something that could only be seen with LSD drugs in his previous life.

As his gaze darted around, he felt shivers down his spine as he looked again at the dark sky. He suddenly felt like he was being watched by the dazzling stars.

\'...But that\'s impossible though.\'

He firmly convinced himself that the stars above weren\'t some Constellations due to one reason: The Goddess of Night\'s existence was veiled in utter mystery.


"I should start training."

Removing his top, he was only left with shorts and underwear. He didn\'t mind the coldness of the atmosphere, which was somehow fine, like a normal cold night.

"I need to master the Basic Swordsmanship and Scythemanship first before I start with the swordsmanship and scythemanship that "She" gave me."

He mumbled before he did some stretching before he went from inside of the arena to the weapon section outside, where the wooden swords, along with different kinds of weapons were hanging undisturbed.

After some time, he inspected the training sword that he picked.


[Elderwood Training Sword]

A wooden sword crafted by a subordinate of the [Night of Primordial Chaos]. It is not easily broken even with 1 million swings as it is made from ancient material: Elderwood.

Rank: Mythic

Classification: Weapon


– Weight Adjustment


The weight of the sword can become heavier the more mana you inject into it.

– Bound of Origin


This sword only belongs to Chaos Training Grounds and cannot be taken to any world.


"The heck...? A Mythical wooden training sword...?"

Russell became curious about the identity of the one who made such a monstrous thing, but somehow, he has an idea about its maker.

"It\'s such a shame, though. I can\'t take it back with me.

"...Well, I\'d certainly go to some interrogation if I bring a wooden sword that\'s a Mythic in rank."

He mumbled before he tried a few swings of the Mythical wooden sword just to get the hang of it. Then, after some time, he proceeded to approach one of the training dummies that were situated on the four corners of the arena.

"W-what...? Again...?"

He wore a flabbergasted look as he inspected the dummy that looked like a stickman that has four wooden supporting legs, and two wooden hands.


[Refined Elderwood Training Dummy]

A training dummy once used by the [Night of Primordial Chaos]. It can withstand a million slashes unless you\'re the Goddess of Night that can break this in one swing without even touching it.

Rank: Mythic

Classification: ???


– Infinite Regeneration


The training dummy will infinitely regenerate unless it breaks from one swing.

– Counterattack


The training dummy is an inanimate object with a consciousness that will counterattack the moment you attack it. Be careful!

Intrinsic Effect:

– Defense Mechanism


As the Elderwood\'s Mana Conductivity is one of the highest, it can absorb attacks with Mana.


\'What overpowered enchantments!

\'...and it can counterattack, too...? I wonder if it can move from its position...? But based on its physical features, it\'s like a body of wood with four legs that are stuck on the ground with two wooden hands.\'

He thought in admiration as he scrutinized the dummy\'s features.

"Well, let\'s remember what I previously learned first."

After a few seconds, he spoke casually as he took his distance from the Elderwood Training Dummy.


Apart from the few swings he did earlier to get the feel of the wooden sword, Russell started to perform the basic movements of swordsmanship just like simple directional slashes; diagonal, horizontal, and vertical slashes.

Then, he performed the basic stances, combined with directional slashes. He put his left foot forward, held the sword in an "inside right" stance, and thrust it into the Elderwood Training Dummy.

Whoosh-! Stab-! Bam-!

The wind that\'s existing in this place seemed to give a path to his wooden sword that he thrust.

He repeated the process in different stances as he noticed something. The Elderwood Training Dummy\'s Enchantment: Counterattack wasn\'t activating for reasons unknown to him.

\'Is it because I didn\'t inject Mana in the wooden sword...?\'

He wondered before proceeding to attack, but this time, he injected a miniscule amount of Mana, not Chaos Aura, in the Elderwood Training Sword.


After an unknown period of time, with his increased proficiency thanks to the Passive Skill: Swordsmanship of the Night (Zenith), and Weapon Mastery (S+), along with the Title: Resident of Chaos (Forbidden) that enhanced his Chaos-related Passive Skills, giving him a total of staggering 1200% sword weapon proficiency.

With this amount of proficiency, along with his efforts, and due to the Chaos Training Grounds benefits, his training was surely paying off as sounds of notifications rang in his head as he took some time to check them even though he was currently training, dodging some Mana Blast that came out of the Elderwood Training Dummy.


[You have been training for 4 Earth hours.]

[You have been training for 12 Chaos Training Grounds hours.]

[Your Basic Swordsmanship (F-) has leveled up.]

[Your \'Basic Swordsmanship (F-) has leveled up....]

[Your Basic Swordsmanship (F-) has reached level 10!]

[You have acquired the \'Intermediate Swordsmanship\' (E+).]


[Your Intermediate Swordsmanship (E+) has leveled up.]

[Your Intermediate Swordsmanship (E+) has leveled up.]

With the specific benefit of the Chaos Training Grounds, the Stamina Regeneration; Russell could recover quickly just after a few minutes of rest without even using the Lowest-Grade Stamina Potions that he didn\'t manage to use during his previous excursion.

During his training, he\'s balancing his learning by changing weapons; from a wooden sword to a wooden scythe alternatively.

He kept hacking and hacking the Elderwood Training Dummy while he saw an opening due to its rain of Mana Blast that was coming at him at an insane speed. He barely dodged them to the point that if he didn\'t have a weapon to block the attack, he would certainly be hit.


[You have been training for 8 Earth hours.]

[You have been training for 24 Chaos Training Grounds hours.]

[Your Basic Scythemanship (F-) has leveled up.]

[Your Basic Scythemanship (F-) has leveled up....]

[Your Basic Scythemanship (F-) has reached level 10!]

[You have acquired \'Intermediate Scythemanship\' (E+).]


[Your Intermediate Scythemanship (E+) has leveled up.]

[Your Intermediate Scythemanship (E+) has leveled up.]

[Your Agility has increased by 2.]

[Your Dexterity increases by 1.]

[Your Intermediate Swordsmanship (E+) has leveled up.]

[Your Intermediate Scythemanship (E+) has leveled up.]


"...Sh*t! It\'s already morning."


He muttered as a Mana Blast that never stops charging. Although the Stamina Regeneration of 500% greatly helped him, his mental exhaustion was something else as his mind seemed to turn clouded due to sleep deprivation.

As if a ridiculous idea surfaced in his mind, a grin formed in his mouth before a laugh escaped from it.


What he thought about was sleeping in the Chaos Training Grounds with the Time Difference of 1:3. For some reason, he couldn\'t change the Time Difference when he was at the Chaos Training Grounds.

\'1 to 3 is still oka–\'



His laugh and thoughts were broken by the Mana Blast that hit his abdomen, causing him to lose consciousness as though the Elderwood Training Dummy had told him to sleep.


After an unknown period of time, Russell woke up with slightly throbbing pain in his abdomen.

"...W-what just happened...?"

Lying on the solid ground outside of the arena as he was sent flying by an unbelievable power of the Mana Blast, he looked around as seemingly endless notifications rang in his ears.

[Your HP has dropped by significant value!]

[Warning! Warning! The Enchantment: Counterattack of the Elderwood Training Dummy you previously attacked with Mana-imbued Elderwood Training Sword will be triggered in 5 seconds due to the attacker being awake!]

[5... 4...]

He was jolted awake as he read the System messages.

"F*ck! I\'ll die if I get hit in the head!"

He grumbled as he started to run even though he was outside of the arena. He had no idea how to stop the barrage of Mana Blast from the Elderwood Training Dummy — which was firing multidirectional.

As he ran for his life with his low HP that was slowly regenerating, he took out a Lowest-Grade Health Potion which he also didn\'t manage to use on his previous excursion, and quickly drank it.

[You have consumed a Lowest-Grade Health Potion.]

[Health Points will be regenerated by 10% in 10 seconds.]


After recovering after a few seconds, along with the Mana Blast that\'s acting like it\'s aiming for his life, he skimmed some System messages he didn\'t manage to read.

[You have been training for 10 Earth hours.]

[You have been training for 30 Chaos Training Grounds hours.]

As he skimmed and quickly process the information, he quickly concludes that even though he was not doing physical combat training, it was still counted as training just like when he was sleeping or rather was knocked out to sleep.



"F*ck! How do I stop this!?"

His shout reverberated throughout the training grounds. Then, he attempted to cleave it down as hard as possible. He ran into the arena, quickly reaching the wooden training dummy that was endlessly firing Mana Blast, which he skillfully dodged, then he raised the wooden training sword and cleaved it down as he jumped mid-air.


But, to no avail, it didn\'t stop its assault, causing Russell to frown before he drank all of his remaining Lowest-Grade Health Potions, which made his Health Points almost full.

Russell did every possible way to dodge the incoming attacks, such as rolling to the ground, sliding with his butt, or even backflipping that almost broke his spine, and parrying the Mana Blast with the use of a Mythical wooden training sword that seemed like infinite durability.



"Goddess... Help-!!!"

He shouted for help as he never had room to take out the True Key of Chaos to attempt to go back.

"My Goddess... Help-! F*ck-"


He didn\'t finish his words as he dodged another Mana Blast, but then, a sound of hope entered Russell\'s ears as he instantly check the System\'s message and quickly read it.


[The Night of Primordial Chaos says to simply

drop your weapon.]

"...Is it that simple!? Anyway, thank you so much!"

Without understanding the hidden mechanism behind the "Her" words, Russell dropped the weapon on the arena as he was about 3 meters away from the aggressive Elderwood Training Dummy that he had some skirmish.

Hngggg-! Hngggg-!

But, then, he heard the continuous charging of numerous Mana Blast from the distance.


He cursed out loud as he realized what just happened as the first charge of Mana Blast started to fly towards him. He even attempted to pick up the wooden training sword on the ground to parry the incoming projectile because its speed, without the help of a weapon, was something he could barely dodge.


Just before he was about to lean down, it hits his Solar Plexus, sending him flying before he passed out.


Somewhere in the void of the Chaos Training Grounds.

A small, burly man which resembles a dwarf that has long silver hair, a long silver beard, and deep red-orange eyes face-palmed as he saw the man in the arena get struck by a Mana Blast from the training dummy that "He" made.

"The Goddess hasn\'t changed at all."

"He" muttered before the luster of "His" red-orange eyes intensified.

[Activating Skill: Eyes That Melts the Hidden.]

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