A Husband For Killer Mom

Chapter 262 - 262 Ch. 262 Hallucinary Gas

Anxia wished the team to fail to carry the Tiffany II program because she didn’t want her cold-hearted mother to have a program that could affect the world economy.

Moreover, her act of infiltrating this place was simply a ruse. She had come here to hear the results of the DNA tests on the three items she had given Richard. Well, even though she didn’t expect much after meeting the doctor from Russia, Anxia still wanted to hear directly about the DNA compatibility of the three objects.

But her goal of hearing the DNA test results vanished after she held up a black ball-shaped object which turned out to be a Tiffany II.

Why did they give her the Tiffany program?

“I know what you’re thinking,” Yuna said while laughing when she saw Anxia’s confused expression. “My husband changed plans by giving it to you. Don’t worry. It’s only a prototype of the real thing. The function and working system are identical to the original, but they had to unpuzzle the encryption first to gain control. And when they did, a virus would be activated and destroy its function.”

“You mean… your husband wants to plant a virus in Di Sha’s program?”

“Correct. Since Diego discovered your identity, he has ordered Miyu to take strict care of his family in Europe. And lately, movements from the outside have often come your way. Unfortunately, my husband could not pinpoint their exact IP location and realized that not even a Tiffany II could penetrate their defenses.”

Anxia glanced at the black orb she was holding with a curious look. “If a virus was inside their system, the real Tiffany II could hack into the data.”


“You’re smart.”

Anxia shook her head, hearing the new plan. “My mother would be suspicious. Not to mention, your husband said he had beaten all of my mother’s team in this place. If I return with unexpected success, won’t she get suspicious?”

“Why do you call her ‘my mother?’ Isn’t she just a stranger to you?”

“What do you mean?” Anxia was pounding as she waited for Yuna to continue her sentence.

“Hey! Your friends will soon wake up.” Diego appeared from behind the door and took Yuna’s hand. “We have to go now.”

Yuna nodded her head in agreement with her husband’s words.

“Wait. TWait! What are the results?”

“Both of them are not your mothers.”

Anxia’s pair of eyes widened upon hearing this. “Toothbrush is indeed your DNA, but the match between the three objects is not ten percent. The two of them are not related by blood to you.”

Anxia should no longer feel surprised to hear this. She had suspected that Jamie was not her birth mother but had a close relationship with her mother. At first, she thought Loraine Shu was her mother, remembering her conversation with the doctor... but it turned out Loraine Shu even tricked the doctor?!

Then who is her mother? Where is her mother now?

If Loraine Shu isn’t her mother and manages to fool her obstetrician… that means… that petty woman is holding her mother!!

Anxia clenched her fists so tightly that her nails dug into her skin.

Meanwhile, Diego pulled Yuna out of the room and immediately went to the basement, where his car was.

Just as she had expected… Diego’s presence in this place was not a mere coincidence. That man had come here on purpose because Diego knew the group targeting Richard’s family was based here.

Diego knew that the source of their IP location was in Etros, but the man didn’t know the exact location nor penetrated its defenses. So he came here in the name of honeymoon to lure Loraine Shu out.

Diego had anticipated this intrusion and deliberately created a fake Tiffany program to infiltrate Di Sha’s database system.

While the team members who came with Anxia entered through the main and back doors, they were exposed to hallucinatory gas so they would think that they had managed to get Tiffany II without any suspicion.

Anxia went downstairs to see what had happened to her ‘comrades’ and was shocked by what they were doing.

They all walk around in a daze and hit… walls?? Some fought their comrades, and some punched bookshelves.

If Anxia didn’t know they were all under the influence of the hallucination gas, Anxia would think they had all gone mad. Luckily, Anxia didn’t join them through the front or back doors. Otherwise… she might have gone crazy like them too.

Before long, the effects of the hallucinations wore off, and each of them began to wake up.

“Hey, did you guys see what I just did? It turns out that Diego Regnz is a coward. Did you see the way he was running in a hurry?”

Hearing one of her mother’s subordinates mocking Diego made Anxia frown.

Diego ran screaming... Seriously! The man could hold her knife with his bare hands without fear to protect his wife. How could that man run scared like a coward against them?

“But, where did these people come from? Isn’t Diego alone with his wife?”

Anxia remained silent as she listened to other people talking while glancing at the floor. There was nobody on the floor other than broken objects strewn around.

“Who knows? Maybe Diego’s guest. Luckily they are all just ordinary citizens.”

Anxia tilted her head in confusion. What were they looking at on the floor?

“Did you get it?” One of them noticed Anxia’s presence and asked directly without beating around the bush.

Anxia raised a hand, still holding the black orb, throwing it up and letting it fall above her palm.

“I did. Let’s get out of here before the locals realize what’s happening there.”

Without much comment, about eight people exited through the back door and headed down the pier to return to their base island. Anxia was the last to come out after them. She turned around to see the condition of the ground floor room, which looked like a tornado had hit it.

Indeed there was nothing on the floor, but Loraine’s men saw a group of people who also lived with Diego due to the effects of their hallucinations.

Diego’s hallucination gas was a potion that only works for fifteen minutes, making anyone inhaling it see what they want to see. After the fifteen minutes were up, they saw reality, but the aftereffects still worked for the next few hours.

They still see the lifeless bodies they fought in the world of hallucinations on the floor. Because of this, Anxia couldn’t see the imaginary corpses on the floor because the girl didn’t inhale the hallucinatory gas.

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