Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 145

“Let’s take another goblin spawner and place it in the final room, that’ll help populate the place. And add five of the new large frost spiders, 4 artic stags and a Lagombi for the second room. Leaving about 1500DP hmmmm this is getting expensive.” Maybe he should have put off designing and populating a new floor after another few days of income.

Frost’s hand hovered above the confirm button, not moving to click it. He still had a bunch of gold coins he could convert but he’d prefer not to. Gold was hard to come by, especially if he’s remaining in the Dungeon for the next month or so. The efficiency wasn’t in favour when converting DP to gold, costing ten times as much to convert in reverse. 1500DP might be a little lacking to complete his plans.

“Haaaaaaa lets just see how much I can get.” Frost bit his lower lip and stomached the decision, clicking confirm. Once again sending an addictive stream of divine energy throughout his body.

“Traps and treasures next,” Frost didn’t feel like adding any more of the 3 basic traps that Dark supplied him with. So, he moved to the trap design section. He had a rough plan ahead of what he wanted to experiment with. Working out the details, however, may take some time.

For the next hour or so Frost agonised on designing a viable group of traps that would suit his current rooms and price range. Nanna, Loki, and Maya came over a couple times, finished with outfitting their new room. But seeing Frost deep in thought Maya guided them over to the kitchen. They prepared some tea and snacks for when Frost came out of his thoughts.

While in Furano he came up with a great many ideas, such as trap rooms which use bait to lure in suspects, locking them in until either they perish or find away out. Unfortunately, he couldn’t create a trap room that had no possibility of escape, he’d be met with an error message. He could have it summon an incredible strong door that even a dragon would struggle to break through but that would cause the price to skyrocket. No, he needed to compromise, the door out would have to be strong yes, to deter the destruction route but he also couldn’t make the exit method to easy. Riddles were a suggested option but that required quite a deal of knowledge and once they’d been solved then adventurers could just report back the answer, making it null and void. There was an option to make an automated riddle function but again the price would rise greatly. He wasn’t rich enough for that.

Eventually he decided on three trap types for now and managed to reign in their prices to suit his needs. He could always make more powerful ones once they’re required.

The first two were a sort of combined trap that he thought of specially for the second and third rooms on the second floor. The first trap would be a modified pit fall that wouldn’t have a bottom. The drop would continue until the 2nd floor’s second section, transporting the target into a sealed room containing the second trap. This trap would give the droppees a choice between two doors. One door would lead to a room that would be sealed for up to 24 hours, depending on a random draw- this helped keep the price down- of course the group could still smash their way out with force if they had the necessary strength but there would be a timer on the wall hopefully discouraging such action. They’d only have to wait after all.


The second door could offer a great treasure (depends on his mood and finances) but the droppees would have to fight against a powerful foe, Likely Findlay or one of the D-rank monsters he owned. After defeating the monster they’d be able to leave with the treasure and would be near the third section of the floor, possibly reducing travel time. They’d have to fall from a great height however and find the right pitfall as well.

The bottomless pitfall trap didn’t cost much, just 150DP, just a little more than the ice spike pitfall. The second trap however was more expensive given the size and complexity, costing 500DP, equivalent to a standard D-rank monster. It would have however cost a lot more if Frost didn’t go through every nook and cranny to bring down the cost.

For the final trap he decided to go with a lure room type that he fascinated about back in Furano. A treasure would innocently dangle in the centre of the room, drawing in the poor victims filled with greed. Once they removed the treasure or touched it in anyway a reinforced door would fall in place, locking them in. Other than destroying the door. The victims would have to find and press the special release button that was hidden behind a roaring fire. It was simple and non-lethal, therefore not too expensive coming to 300DP. Frost could always have a strong monster wait outside the door to deal with successful escapees. He could happily imagine the grief of a group of adventurers finally making it out of a trap room after great difficulty to suddenly be assaulted by someone like Findlay. The treasure of course wouldn’t be included in the cost, same with the second trap.

The frameworks of these three traps were cheap, dead cheap and exactly what he needed right now. The framework could easily be upgraded in the future, the lure room trap could have some lethal effects added such as contracting walls, floor spikes or even a bomb.

Frost decided to just have one of each given his constrained wallet, even without the treasures it’d cost 950DP. He arranged for the lure room trap to be set up in the last section of the first floor, along one of the dead end routes whereas as originally planned the bottomless pit fall would lead to an already set up room in the ice cavern labyrinth, along with a multi room choice trap Frost playfully called [what’s behind door number 2]. He now had 650DP to spend on treasures.

“Haaaaaaaa I need more dungeon points.” Frost was in a way proud by his money saving abilities but also severely disappointed that he had to use them on his home.

“Well, I know one way you can get some more.” Maya chimed in from the table, while she and the kids enjoyed a couple snacks.

“I’m not killing that dying adventurer, not yet anyway. No point ruining a long term investment.” Frost replied back with a little irritation. He brought up the Dungeon map to see any other avenues of income, but no other adventurers entered as of yet. He’d need to wait a while to get anything decent.

Frost did think about buying that cheap ranked regenerating treasure chest for 500DP but decided against it. He did have something interesting that he could use as a lure and didn’t have a use for it, for now anyway. Plus, he’d just have his monsters kill anyone that retrieves it.

The menu displayed his current daily DP income as 350, 40 from the mana vein, 300 from Barren and 10 from Nanna and Loki combined. Since they weren’t under the Dungeon’s influence or summoned by it, they still contributed DP. Another benefit of improving their strength, if he could get them to B-rank he’d be swimming in cash every day. For now, however that 10DP would be used up to provide their meals. So, the actual income was actually 340DP per day. Leaving the treasure section alone for now he turned towards Maya and the kids.

“I’m guessing you finished outfitting the bedrooms....is there any snacks left for me?” He confirmed the trap locations then stood up and walked over, noticing the near empty plates on table.

“Sorry no, you took too long young master.” Maya stuck out her tongue playfully. While Nanna and Loki offered the paltry remains on their plates while feeling guilty. Frost simply waved them off that was their food, he wouldn’t take it.

To be honest he was just asking because he got used to eating, it wasn’t actually necessary. If there wasn’t any snacks left that was fine. He sat down and held out his hand towards Maya.

“Huh? I said there’s nothing left young master.”

“Not that, the spatial rings.”

“Oh!” Maya chuckled mischievously before reaching into her cleavage, removing the spatial rings that Frost passed her earlier. She dropped then onto Frost’s outstretched palm innocently, the rings were still warm to the touch, but Frost merely clicked his tongue. He knew Maya’s personality by now, if he didn’t ask for them back, she would have held onto them indefinitely. He placed them back on his fingers, the supposed treasure to be used as a lure was present in one of theses rings. The tracking device he looted/recovered from Alex. Such a device should work as an excellent lure for the meantime, such a high quality device couldn’t even be found in the market, it’d be bound to be worth some money. What adventurers could resist such temptation.

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