The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 229

Kniq would return later that day. As a treat, Staxius decided to take all three out to town. Though a two-seater, Auic decided it best to head out using public transport. This included buses, trams, and taxis. The commercial district was the destination for it housed multiple activities that both children and adults could partake in. Not wanting to draw attention, Auic wore a straw hat and a white dress with blue splashes of color here and there. Her ears were covered and so was the tail. Lizzie wore shorts and some t-shirt with a guy playing guitar, someone familiar – the man who Staxius met whilst in Iqeavea. Axius wore a blue overall with a white shirt underneath.

“It sure is lively on the weekends,” he commented with Axius on his back. The boy fell asleep right after lunch.

“I agree,” Auic voiced softly – her arms were locked with Lizzie who couldn’t contain her excitement.

“Lizzie,” he stopped and stared at a toy shop.

“What is it?”

“Here,” he handed over a gold piece, “-go buy anything you like. Auic and I will take a break near the part over there,” the fingers pointed upfront.


“Awesome,” she nodded and sped off.

“How’s the guild doing?” sat underneath a tree with couples all around, he asked in a cold tone.

“Currently, despite the publicity we got given, people are still afraid to approach us. As opposed to the high-tier guilds getting precedence over hard-quests – our strengths have been acknowledged by Raulf himself. When it comes to coins, a few kill quests here and there suffice to get us by. Not to mention, the magical shop; murmurs but no action yet. It’s bound to become popular soon, master, I’d not worry as much.”

“I see, if that’s the case then there’s nothing to be worried about,” he paused and stared off into the distance, “-what about the team, how’s morale?”

“As far as I’m concerned, everyone is happy. Living in that new mansion has been eye-opening. Away from prejudice and away from hate, you made good on the promise, majesty, to which I say, thank you very much. Without that push from you and Diane, I’d have lived in the past; words can’t express my gratitude.”

“Enough,” he sighed, “-there’s no need to say thanks. After all, I’m leaving the majority of the work in your hands.”

“That’s fine, majesty, I’m thy secretary. It’s an honor to serve and remain by your side.”

“Father,” a girl called, she sprinted towards the trio and waved around a teddy.

“Father, you say,” he gave a smile, “-what is it?”

“I bought a teddy and this robot for Axius,” her eyes lit with glee.

“Very considerate,” he patted her head, “-we should leave.”

‘Tomorrow is when Claudia will arrive. I’ve received no calls from her yet – all I can hope for is that she’s doing fine. Once the guild in Arda is opened, I’ll head out to investigate the strange structure out in Plaustan. The return to the border should be a fun little trip. But before all that, I best give the Lymsey sisters their revenge. Moving on without something to boost their morale will be hard.’ Minutes turned to hours, they arrived at the mansion with fatigued faces.

“I’ll put Axius to bed, take care of Lizzie,” he spoke to Auic who could barely walk straight.

‘The grey-guilds,’ leaned on the balustrade of the balcony, he stared out at the yard with a cigar in mouth. ‘From what Cake told me, they’re the worst kind of guilds out there. The name grey comes from their inability to listen to reason. All they want is to ensnare new adventurers and force them into missions that are way above their ranks. Bait for other guilds to use – many die in the process of which some never returned. It’s also rumored that after one of those baits has died – the body is sold off to necromancers. The ones I’m looking for are men wearing eyepatches. The nickname given is the one-eyed freaks. Time to hit up the guilds and try to get in contact with at least one of the members.’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* thus the hunt for information began.

The first stop was Jason – nothing came out of him. Normally, the second person to consult on the matter of magic would be Claudia. Alas, his sister was off to the main continent. Since they were technically adventurers, a visit to the guild was halted by a not so nice Diane. She adamantly refused to give out information – not wanting to create a scene, he headed out. A phone call to Raulf later, after a few hours, gave a lead.

“Rotherham, the one-eyed freaks are in charge of said area. I had no idea that the grey-guilds could pass by our security,” the guild master commented over the call.

“No need to worry, these guys are far smarter than the watchful people you’ve got stashed around the capital,” the phone hung. Not wasting time, he teleported shy of town. ‘Who would have guessed that this place was run by the underworld,’ he worked with Adete in tow. ‘Asking questions here will blow my cover, I best rent a room and start investigating,’ to which, 125 silver coins later, they sat in a room at one of the cheapest inns.

‘Time to investigate,’ the eyes closed, hand on the floor, *All-seeing eye,* a push later, the consciousness flew out the body. Able to travel through walls and fly as if a ghost – the search began. In addition to that, with the ability to see Auras through walls, a mental map of where people of interest hid, was rendered accessible. Not a second wasted, with Sense-personality on stand-by. He examined every individual with the slightest bit of evil intent. It took a few minutes, but in the end, located near the town-square, hidden underneath an apartment complex, inside a basement; one of the Grey Guilds. The one-eyed freaks were found.

“Thanks for the room,” a nod later, he vanished. ‘All we have to wait for is their return,’ now sat in the study, he worked on researching Relic Scrolls. Minutes turned into hours, as dusk settled in, a roar outside broke the concentration, ‘they’re back,’ grabbing a coat left hanging on his chair, he made his way down the stairs.

“Welcome everyone,” he greeted the returnees. Auic stood with open arms, a hug for her much-loved companions.

“Master,” Avon leaped and latched onto Staxius. The twins did the same, Deadeyes gave a high-five, Undrar smiled, Achilles gave a wink – the quest ended with success.

Sat around the dining hall, Undrar went into greater details about what they had found. “The first report we got was that supposedly dead people came to life. Since we were familiar with that village, getting information was done with haste. The guild leader of Greenday remained as enigmatic as ever. We tried hard to detect any trace of mana that might have given us a lead. All came out blank until the last day, Deadeyes spotted a black caravan that had a strange aura oozing off. Upon further investigation, that moving caravan had none inside – it moved on its own. Long story short, we decided to use a concealment spell and take a ride. Thus, arriving at the enemies’ base – it was true, necromancers tried hard to revive dead people. What came as a surprise was that the bodies were of Porcelain-ranked adventurers. Achilles being herself took charge and subjugated them – currently, they’re being held at the castle’s dungeon. Despite a request for the Alchemist sect, we had to turn to the guild master.”

“We did get paid so,” Deadeyes added after Viola finished.

“Sister, sister, those people sure were disgusting,” Emma uttered without care.

“Yes sister, their guts spilled on the floor and looked like...” Emmy got stopped by force. “Don’t go into gruesome details,” Staxius had his hand on her mouth, “-we’re eating, be a little tactful.” She nodded and the meal continued.

“I’m sure you want but one thing,” Staxius stood, the meal ended after a few minutes, “-and that’s sleep. Call it a day, we’ll speak into more details tomorrow,” the rest stood. “Not the twins, care to stay behind, I’ve something to say in private,” they stayed back with baffled looks.

“Let’s go outside for a walk,” he led the way and headed for the garden.

“What is it, master?” Emma asked.

“Did something happen?” Emmy added.

“Yes,” he stopped shy of the entrance, “-you still haven’t moved on from the whole Grey guild ordeal, have you?” he turned and watched with a stern look.

“W-what a-are you saying?” Emma tried to avert the question.

“Of course we haven’t,” Emmy jumped in front of her sister, she wanted to shield Emma’s weak heart.

“Then say so,” the tone relaxed, “-you needn’t put up a front,” he patted their head and leaned closer. “How does exacting revenge sound?” a menacing whisper.

“Did you find out where they are?” Emmy stood unimpressed, Emma, on the other hand, could barely speak for the memories rushed down her mind.

“Yes,” he stood up straight, “-we can go right now if you want.”

“Please, I’ve dreamt of this day for so long,” Emmy’s face lit with determination, killing intent flowed.

“On one condition,” he interjected, “-I’ll accompany you both. Leave the killing to me, you need but watch as I slaughter those who’ve done thy wrong. In no way am I letting two lovely girls stain their hands with unworthy blood.”

“As long as they pay, I don’t care. I don’t want anyone to ever go through what my sister and I did,” she embraced Emma tightly.

“Then let’s go,” the aura changed drastically, from a friendly and approachable leader to now cold and distant, from his voice to his mannerism, the true self came out. *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,*

“Man fooling tier-one kids is so easy I could do it in my sleep.”

“No need to get cocky, as long as the pay is good, I’ll throw even a baby to the wolves if that’s what’s needed,” whispers came from the other room – he teleported with the twins in tow.

“That voice,” Emmy whispered, “-that’s him,” she gritted, her anger and hate could be felt. Emma could but stay in Emmy’s shadow.

“Let’s go pay them a visit then,” *BANG,* a single bullet tore a hole in the wall.

“WE’RE UNDER ATTACK,” the leader yelled and grabbed for their weapons. *Death Element: Unleash Aura,* a single snap and all fell to the floor. “Prostate thyself in my presence, insolent fools,” nonchalantly, he stepped onto an unknown warrior’s face.

“Leader,” Emmy walked in, “-it’s good to see you,” she smiled with obvious killing intent.

“You two,” he glanced, “-you should have died, what’s the meaning of this,” slowly, the man desperately tried to break away from the immense pressure.

“What’s the truth, TELL ME, WERE WE NOTHING BUT BAIT?” she yelled.

“That’s right,” he managed to get up to his knee, “-you and everyone else, you were nothing but bait. Weaklings with no hopes of survival, I’m glad your sister was devoured to death, so young and so tender. ADMIRABLE AND DELICIOUS, HER SCREAMS WERE MUSIC TO MY EAR,” maniacal laughter followed, the man had lost his sanity. Hearing those words, Emmy’s mind revisited that dreadful day, both sisters dove headfirst into despair.

*Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary,* “-Get ready,” he ordered, “-it’s time to hunt.” the stance, one of a quick-draw technique, “-this is going to get bloody,” a single step later, the sword re-sheathed with blood from his foe spraying behind, all that liquid turned into crystals.

Back to back, the sisters were lost in despair. A prison of doubt and regret, the feeling of helplessness. “Let me go,” they tried, the memories continued to ail.

“Wake up,” admits that cacophony, a single voice stood out, “-it’s time to go,” it held out a hand, “all that suffering is something to embrace. Become stronger so that it never happens again.” Reluctantly, they each accepted and grabbed onto said hand.

“Welcome to reality,” Staxius stood with a smile, “-all who’ve done you wrong are no longer part of the living,” blood dripped from his cheeks. Pale and lifeless corpse littered the room. “Today is the day you’re free to leave the past behind, in this room where all thy regrets rest. What will it be, carry on living with a new purpose, or stay in the past?”

“Carry on,” Emmy spoke first, “-LIVING,” Emma ended the sentence with a yell.

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