The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 249

“Yes,” she replied without much concern. Crackling of leaves and sticks followed as the figure approached. Together, each paid their respects. A tiny smile paired with a few tears on her petite face. Said droplets gently grazed across her visage to end up on the floor. A little dirt pasture, dark for normal humans – grew moist. Each drop had its own shape and size. Each one meant someone new, “-thanks for everything,” she turned with squinted eyes.

“There’s no need for that,” he handed a handkerchief, “-Serene, you’re the reason why the traitors of the inside were exposed. All and all, the coronation went without trouble.” Dressed in formal attire for vampires, Staxius stood with the gaze fixed on said graves.

“Can’t believe that almost a week has gone by,” her stance returned, the woefulness around subsided, “-we’re leaving tomorrow,” the first step taken, she headed back to the Nox’s mansion.

“Go on ahead,” seeing her stop at the gate, Staxius said to not wait.

Six days had passed since his coronation and the whole incident involving the half-demons. The first after which the announcement of the new Blood-King was made, many nobles dropped by for visits. Balls and parties organized to celebrate the occasion; Onyx’s clan handled all the entertainment. It went on for two days until every noble had been satisfied. The third day, with the help of Gabrielle, they snuck out to visit the lesser vamps. Many were taken by surprise, pamphlets containing Staxius’s portrait and title as King laid about the streets and walls. The news had reached every ear. It was given that he who was king came strolling downtown without protection. Led by Gabrielle, at a small meet hosted by her clan – he interacted with the lesser nightwalkers. Many seemed weak and fragile, their faces slumped but kept up a strong front. When asked if there was anything they wanted to change, the reply was but a simple, “-we’re content with all we have. A home to live, a place to smile, and spend the rest of eternity hidden from the sun. What more can we ask, the four clans have been very diligent when it came to handling our situation.”

If people were happy, there was no need to refute their feelings. That in mind, he joined into some of their practices and played along. The first emotion sensed was reluctance and skepticism. The more time he spent, the more attached the people grew. Forced by his guide, the third night was spent in the company of Gabrielle and her clan.


Next came the fourth day, the target now was Julia Fawn. The latter had witnessed Staxius’s prowess with a blade and the sheer strength wielded as a vampire. The confidence as a guard began to fade. The Sabbath, a clan made up mostly of females and a place restricted to men, was stormed in. Alone with Adete as a back-up, the Blood King barged through the front door and demanded a duel. King or not, he had brought trouble for he was male. The response from the maids and fighters was to try and vanquish the intruder.

Armed with only a wooden sword carved out of dead-wood; the entirety of the Sabbath clan, presumably, the strongest people here in Noctis’s Hallow, were defeated. Not by overpowering – the deciding factor was the speed. Eyes closed with shadow-step active and fueled by the augmented body – hit after hit, Julia’s army fell.

“What’s the meaning of this, majesty?” barely awake, the lady came downstairs.

“I’ve come to test out how mighty thine forces are,” he proclaimed whilst standing in front of a pile of unconscious bodies. “-Here,” another wooden sword got thrown her way. Impressed yet somewhat insulted, she dashed down the flight of stairs and fought. To his surprise, the lady could keep up.

“That’s enough,” for a second, the velocity he had turned down for the sake of fairness, maxed out. Her mind had no time processing what happened, the next thing was her body faced upon the ground.

“It might have been a bit harsh to barge in and take down thy forces,” he bowed and stared down, “-I do apologize but if I’m to trust that the city is to be protected. I need to have thee work harder. I sensed it the moment I walked in, you and your girls think that thou art invincible,” the posture straightened, “-it’s sadly not true,” the face fixed on the guards who now woke. “Get up,” he held out a hand, “-there’s work to do,” on that, without much instruction, he left. A show of strength to force their motivation. A swordsman however skill he might be, must always strive for greater strength. A lesson Tempest burnt into his core and now handed over to Julia.

Two days remained; most of the focus turned to set up a council. The same as Arda had; a place where all had a hand in deciding what came next. The prior rule was that of strength, what Balthazar said was law. This all changed, the four clans had a place to voice their inquietudes and oppose any decision if it was out of line. Julia Fawn, Gabrielle Izora, Alaric Eoin, Aurora Balthazar, not to forget, Staxius Haggard who presided over the four clans. It came as a surprise when Alaric was offered a new chance to serve the city again. When asked why he did such a thing, “-betrayed and then given a chance to live. Alaric won’t dare to go against the council ever again. It’s as simple as that. What he witnessed was true strength – it’s for the best as opposed to bringing another unknown in.”

Exiled by her family, Serene could never go back to the Nox’s clan. The other families were too scared to take her in; the misunderstood rumors about her lingered still in alleys.

Then on the sixth day, the same day she visited the grave, a meet was called.

“Is something the matter?” sat inside the Nox’s mansion, Lady Fawn asked.

“I have an important announcement,” loud and clear, Staxius spoke as if something major was to happen, *Click,* the door opened and revealed somebody unexpected. “I’ve appointed someone as proxy between me and the nightwalkers,” footsteps echoed, the girl was none other than Serene.

“Finally,” said Alaric with a sigh of relief, “-lady Serene is the one who made all this happen,” still regretful, the man tried hard to reconcile with all.

“Cousin Serene?” Aurora said the name inquisitively.

“It’s as the Blood King says,” she stood beside him, “-I’ve been appointed as his majesty’s proxy and secretary.”

“Are you sure about this?” asked Gabrielle with a cough.

“Listen up,” the tone changed, “-the only reason I took part in this coronation was for one purpose alone. To halt any uprising following Aurora’s succession. My goal is to join the Blood King’s faction to the Ardanian crown again. To that end, the four council combine have the same power as me, the king. In case of emergencies or trouble, without anyone breathing down thine neck with some personal agenda – I’d like for you all to resolve the issue. I’ve seen first hand how people live. They are truly happy, it’s a peace I wish not to disturb; hand in hand, I do believe that the four noble clans are worthy of such an endeavor. Serene being the proxy, will make the trip back and forth from here to the capital when needed. In no way am I going to neglect my duties. I will protect this city and the kingdom of Arda from outside threats. The threats that are on the inside is to be handle by you all,” he paused and stood, “-is there anyone who wishes to speak up?”

“No majesty,” said Lady Fawn, “-it’s best this way. Nightwalkers aren’t that popular; this city is the only asylum we’ve got.”

“There won’t be the threat of a coup d’état, you’ve made that painfully obvious,” said Alaric with a chuckle.

“Joining back with Arda is the smart choice,” Gabrielle added.

“We might have wished to be separated at one time,” Aurora stared at Alaric, “-should be fine, for if that were to come to pass, our city might become known to all.”

“I’m glad that everyone is on the same page,” Staxius stood, “-thank you all for making the trip so late at night. The fate of this city is in thine hands,” they stood in turn.

“Have a safe trip home,” they gave their best regards and headed out.

‘That should handle everything for now. All of them combined have the same power as a king. This means that they can also take away my power and alienate the Blood King. Serene working as my secretary and proxy should be fine. I don’t need to change anything as of yet. My job here is done, tomorrow will be the launch of the Adventuring guild,’ now in bed, the lights turned dark.

Meanwhile, in Arda, Xula got the news that the Blood King decided to return to the Ardanian alliance. The day the news of the coronation reached the capital, many of the representatives were scared. For if that new faction was to set-free, a possible war could break out. Neither of the vampires was present in the castle for all had been called back home. The elven and other races prepared for the worst. Each day ended with the fear of a declaration of war. The paranoia set in; during council meetings, Queen Shanna remained equanimous.

“Majesty, why haven’t you call back the Royal Guards yet?” Niroz asked amidst the meet.

“Simply because I have faith,” she gave a poetic response, “-the Blood-King does sound scary, however, I know he’ll make the right choice,” only a few people knew the identity of the mysterious ruler. Not wanting to cause trouble, she ordered all who knew to remain silent.

Morning came faster than usual, Staxius awoke with a yawn. Dressed and ready to leave, with Serene in tow, the council gave their goodbyes. “May you have a safe trip. Leave the city to us,” on those words, they returned to Arda. News about the Blood-King seeking audience with her majesty reached many ears. The representatives of each race jumped the gun to witness what was to unfold.

“Welcome to Arda, Blood-King,” sat on her throne, Xula spoke loudly. The upstairs was filled with people; they each held their breaths. They might have seemed childish and needlessly paranoid, however, the war against an immortal race was a nightmare. Everyone knew how strong they were.

“I’m grateful for the warm welcome,” face hidden by a top-hat, the man walked in with a girl dressed in black.

“May I know the reason of thine visit?” the Queen asked in a sharp voice.

“With pleasure,” the tone unfaltering, “-I’ve come to wage war,” it sent chills down their spines.

“INSOLENCE,” the guards jumped and made a wall between Shanna and the Blood-King.

“We’re doomed,” called one of the nobles.

“Not if I can help it,” a foolish elf drew her bow.

“Care to let me finish?” the man spoke again, “-I’m here to wage war,” the top hat removed, white and red hair rolled down, “-against monsters.” he turned and winked.

“King Staxius?” they eyed one another, “-Is this for real?”

“HA-HA,” both he and Xula laughed at how paranoid the nobles became. A few minutes went by, the confusion settled and the mood lightened.

“In all seriousness,” he spoke once more, “-I, Staxius Haggard, the Blood-King, on behalf of my people, wish to join the Ardanian crown.”

“I, Queen Shanna Islegust, welcome thee with open arms, my king,” thus, the issue of succession and nightwalkers came to a close. As expected, there would be mishaps soon enough; though that would be handled in due time. Serene joined back with Xula’s personal guard. The expedition and extermination of the frost giants could start at last. In the grand scheme of things, Staxius becoming the Blood-king meant nothing at all. Just as Xula ruled over the other races, he ruled over the vampires.

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