The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 420

Weak alliances from what the Black Unit reported. All information was submitted through the Arcanum to a server private to Phantom. Their links were simple to break, a single touch would engage a large domino effect.

The streets and alleys further into town roamed with drunkards. People overdosed on God’s Ale and Angel’s Dust. The two most prominent narcotics in the world. From plants to adding physical mana transmuted from the air itself, the state of well-being one had from a single dose was worth the money. Other gangs, alchemists, and scholars desperate enough for money tried their hands at new experimental substances. Some went as far as collecting blood from a monster or the wings of an insect. Backed by the confidence that the narcotic, harmful as they were, would not kill one if he was responsible – brought more clients.

The Dark-Guild only grew richer – mainly, Godfather Renaud’s faction. The assassin sect was lesser feared as a strong enough ‘special’ dose could kill or force a person into submission. In Alphia’s case, murders happened but at high costs. The hitmen were hunted and captured by the investigation Unit. Once caught, Dark-guild or not, those who killed weren’t allowed to live.

Going farther into the underworld – concerning the faction dealing with prostitution and human trafficking. Tis was what Cimier’s specialized in, or so what the rumors said. Rumored that was confirmed upon a visit to the Red-light District by Thempa. Amidst the mess of pointless dribble; an interesting piece of information came to fruition. Someone had managed to tinker with God’s Ale and converted it into a pill. One named, Ropth. No color, no smell, and quickly acting – they were given to the ladies working the nights. Often, the ‘products’ as referred to by the ‘owners’ would run away with customers bringing another level of drama. To minimize the loss, everyone was fed Ropth. It brought addiction, a sense of worthlessness to which they became numb to physical and mental aches. To put it simply, the ladies, and men included, became mindless dolls. Maladies, rashes, overdoses, and abortion – taboo subjects in the Alphian society escalated in frequency. Raising awareness would but shame those fallen into its trap. Prejudice, and ill-treatment; they were viewed as the scums of the world, rejected and without a place to live nor one to love them.

It was hard to not feel for those who lived in such conditions. On a mission to infiltrate the red-light district, one of the BU members came across a young girl aged 16, who had her front teeth removed. The face scarred and surrounded by men twice if not thrice her age. It did not stop there, no, far, far from it. She worked at a place named Neo, a motel known for its ‘primed’ products. The list wasn’t of girls, no, but boys far younger than she. Battle-hardened as they might have been; this was a mere fraction of the reality of the Underworld, their hearts could but shed. In there, amidst that sorrow and carnage, was where Staxius made his home.

Three matters were brought to the Boss’ table. Ropth, the underworld child-prostitution ring, and slavery. ‘Cimier,’ thought he reading the reports, ‘-they are vile and dishonest. The Dark-guild can’t be excused either since we deal in human trafficking. Tis Godfather Sable’s department.’


Breaking away from what awaited – the 8th of April marked the day on which Hero’s were celebrated for their hard work. ‘The date is coming close,’ thought the leader traveling back to Melmark. Courtney was called into standby at Tale. Her duty, protection of Lady Lerado.

‘And we’re on schedule,’ thought he going over the news. Orangish glares came from the rising sun. The 6th of April came as the helicopter flew.

*Breaking News: Hero Luna agrees to join the AHA.*

*After months of convincing she who has saved us more than a few times. Lady Luna, whose identity is yet to be found, has contacted the AHA. The information comes from a reliable source. She will be implemented as a true-hero and instated into the Association by the vice-director. Great country of Alphia, we finally have a good event to wait for.*

Thus, free publicity of her being present at Arkta made waves. Fans were more than excited; the festival hosted at said City would be grandiose. Apparently, many idols were called to perform on said day. Priority was given to local agencies. Apexi’s attempt at securing a spot ended in naught.

7th of April, the eve of the celebrations – the city across the bridge lit with multiple lights shooting to the stars. A dark conference room lit with multiple screens. The latter represented the people, and the people were hidden behind a voice filter. Ruled by companies and multiple owners – he who held the rein was to the middle, a golden-colored screen. No face, no voice, nothing.

“Esteemed owners of AHA, welcome,” said a man dressed sharply. Square glasses, a blue-suit, neatly combed and cut hair. The same couldn’t be said about his nose hairs as they seemed to want to crawl out the nostrils. Tiny spider legs unseen from a far distance. “The day we’ve been waiting for has come,” said he toggling a screen behind, “-Hero Luna has agreed to join our association.”

“Mr. Vice Director,” spoke out one of the screens, “-isn’t Asuna Muld dead?”

“Mr. Four, I do understand the cause for caution. Lady Muld was indeed slain. I personally attended the gruesome event and have evidence to back up the claim. What is showed on the screen,” another toggle displayed her picture next to the original. “There are many irregularities in her body size. The black-hair and vague facial resemblance did bring around very much needed attention. In no doubt is she a fake.”

“Do we not risk being uncovered by the public?” asked a female voice.

“Lady Six, that is the precise reason we’ve desperately tried to get a hold of the fake-Luna. She needs to be silenced; and I’m sure Mr. Zero, will be glad to help in said endeavor.”

“Yes,” said the Golden screen, “-the matter of pills will be handled.”

“An interrogation?” interjected another.

“Correct. Mr. Five, there’s no need to fret. I have personally taken it onto my shoulders. We will turn her into profit, the Feline-Force have served their purpose.”

“What about Director Leo, he’s gotten a little too confident,” snarled Lady Six.

“I shall make sure he knows his place, ma’am.”

“That sex-crazed fool will have us in trouble. Make sure he gets disposed of, Vice-Director, we trust thee.”

“As thee wishes,” the darkened room lit in a flash. The multiple screens vanished. He who stood in the middle breathed heavily. The pressure from those who owned the company was tremendous. He shuddered to think what it would have been if the people were present.

The day of the festival arrived. The main-event, Lady Luna’s acceptance into the AHA. Thousands of fans came to catch a glimpse of she who had had the Arcanum drool in mystery. Arkta’s commercial district boomed with activity. Being so close to Whuotan, the fear of monsters made people anxious. Many chose to not stay. The event brought well-earned money. The investment in being ‘grandiose’ paid off. The mayor of the city, in collaboration with the AHA, ensured money wasn’t a problem. The celebration took place to the East of the central City at the main park. There, a stage, many stalls, vendors, and many other activities were built for entertainment. Protection was provided by Heroes.

The three-top hero: Starlight, The Time-Teller, and Scorpion, were present. Ever since Luna’s arrival, their fight to remain relevant grew tough. She would often run in to save the people with almost no effort.

At Noon, the ever-growing crowd gathered to the stage. People in uniforms, as well as suits, stood coldly peering at the guests.

“Hello everyone,” said a lady across the arena. “Today we’re celebrating the Hero’s day. A day on which we thank the heroes for being ever so present in saving our lives. The past few years have been rough. I don’t need to go into more details,” she moved about whilst speaking. “Nevertheless, similar to fire-fighters, police officers, doctors, and many more, heroes are part of our society, they are there to help us in need. Please, let’s have a round of applause.” Broadcasted over Arcanum as well as television, many joined into watching the event.

“It happened a few months ago, an unknown Hero jumped into action to save many lives. Her story is known by everyone at this point, Hero, LUNA!” energetic music blasted across without tact. The crowd went wild but she was nowhere to be found. Not until an observant spectator pointed to the sky, ‘-look it’s her.’

She hovered and landed. The crowd all but doubled in excitement. *Clop, clop, clop.* The skin-tight suit was worth the trip. Her walk, refined and dignified, approached the announcer.

“Thank you,” said she speaking openly.

“I can’t believe it,” said the announcer stupefied, “-you were so elusive. I mean, no one knew where, who, and what you were. How was the experience?”

“It’s been a learning experience that’s for sure.”

“Let’s not waste any time,” facing the Vice-director, “-if you would.”

“Thank you, Asn,” nodded he. “Once again, on behalf of the AHA, thank you and welcome to the Association, hero Luna.”

“I can’t believe you,” came a familiar voice across the speakers, “-what are you, what is this, who are you... I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m disappointed, HERO LUNA!” The hefty words of he who had caused so much harm had the crowd in disarray. “Selling off to the corrupt AHA, what a shame, what a joke, what a failure...”

*BANG!* “die... hehe, DIE!”

“Jester...” said Luna.

“Better not move,” he laughed stood behind the vice-director, “-ELSE I’LL KILL THIS MAN,” leaned closer, “-Vice-director... Vice-corrupt director, what will you do... call for help? No, Call for backup? No, pray to god? No... CALL THE PUPPET MASTERS” *BANG.*

“MY LEG!” screamed the hostage, “-WHY DID YOU SHOOT ME?” holding tight, the pain intensified, blood dripped, he laid on the ground.

“Why... why... why?” turned the jester shrugged to the crowd, “-I wonder?”


“On it sir,” the three most powerful heroes arrived. The Time-teller, dressed in clock-work styled clothes. A man who moved faster than sound, the nickname came after the obsession with being punctual. No time was wasted; the hostages were taken to safety.

“Give it up, Jester,” said Scorpion holding a chain, “-make a move and we’ll kill you.” The outfit was reminiscent of the harshness of machinery, spikes, and rough edges.

“Fear not, for I’ve come,” smiled Starlight. “Hero Luna, would you let us do the honors?”

“THREE VERSUS... one? Impossible, impossible, IMPOSSIBLE,” he pulled his hair, “-I’M GOING to KILL?” paused, “-am I going to kill?” staring at the awestruck crowd, “-yes, maybe I am.” *SNAP,* “-HAVE FUN DEALING WITH THAT,” a warhead materialized over the crowd. “I have them all hostage, what will you do? What will you do... do something, I’m bored,” the face changed to nonchalant. Making a move would cause a slaughter, there was nothing to be done. The heroes froze, those in charge stood petrified by the turn of events.

“SHOOT HIM FOR FUCK SAKES!” yelled across the injured Vice-Director.

“DON’T!” voiced Luna, “-if the Jester dies, the people will go with him.”

“DING DONG, that is correct, AHAHAHA.”

“What do you suppose we do?” asked Starlight.

“Time-Teller,” whispered she, “-can you distract him for two seconds?”

“Only two seconds?”

“Yeah, it’s all I need.”

“Then yes.” *Whoosh,* instead of distraction, the hero dashed straight to spear the Jester.

“Alright,” *CRACK,* with a leap she jumped to physically push the warhead upwards.

“NO, YOU DON’T,” screamed the Jester dashing after.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” came across the speakers, *BANGGG.* The mid-day clear sky turned to a somber dust-filled hell. The explosion caused massive panic. Debris flew to land one by one across the arena.

*Crash,* two meteors broke the stage. Disfigured, burnt, and mortally injured, Luna and Jester stood with the hero holding onto the villain’s throat.

“I yield, Hero Luna, I’ve done my purpose. We’ll both die and leave this cruel world.”

“Why did you try to cause so much chaos?” burnt clothes, unrefined, and crude, her injuries were stomach-turning.



“Justice...” smiled the Jester.

“NO YOU DON’T,” she leaped into his arm, *BANG...* Smoke and dust, rubble and nothingness, they returned to whence they came; heaven and hell.

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