The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 501

Boiling hot tea held in a custom-made cup, the window inside the living room opened to allow the breeze. The steam flowed and danced, the way the shutters shivered added to the overall lonesome atmosphere. It felt lacking, for months the morning routine was done in the company of Anna, the hero who saved her fellow comrades.

The academy didn’t once acknowledge the trouble. Not until the somewhat safe-return of the fighters. Pegasus lost one of their adventuring squad. Beth and Misna took mild injuries, though, the mental scar of the darkness and quietude did their number. Everyone from the escapade was held in Rotherham. Phantom took the responsibility of treating them, a task Julius strongly voiced.

The day was as if yesterday, a birdcage of metal landed in the middle of multiple vehicles. Vans of white and red with a red cross on the sides. They moved left to right, paramedics, mages, and alchemists stood with potions in hand. Miya’s mana dropped to a deadly level – she used all her power to save the leader and prevent Jen’s injuries from worsening. Lady Elvira came to personally assist the return. She felt responsible as the duties of Guild Leader assigned to Julius was her doing. Flashing lights, the warmth of sitting shoulder to shoulder with his cousin, afterward, all became blurry.

Aided by the frosty outside, the cup dropped into a drinkable temperature. He’d stand and wait yearningly, the question of who he was didn’t matter. What lain was the injustice of the academy. Even after voicing the opinions loudly to guild leader Haru, she could but turn a blind eye. The reasons had to be kept secret.

‘The academy’s reputation is primordial. Anyone who dares disrupt it shall be let-go,’ said éclair summarizing the piles and piles of files.

‘The aftermath is better than I could have hoped,’ thought he sipping cautiously, ‘-Lady Beth and Misna have been discharged. Their mental states are affected to a certain extent. The doctors at Phantom did the god’s work. Leonard, Lampard, and Frost were healed physically. Leonard’s shock had him stay at Jen’s side, the distress of seeing the one he loved in such a state did make the heart weak. Lampard awoke from his coma and is kept for further treatment. Rena’s delirious state calmed to a snail’s pace. Her sanity returned at the sight of her lover, kind of poetic in a way. She’s at the hospital for safety, none knows the extent of how it affected the personality. Frost wasn’t affected, the vitality of that boy is frightening. He recovered within a day to return and continue the classes. Jen had to have her arm amputated. By the last report, she’s yet to wake up. The curse seems to have made way upwards to her brain. They say she won’t be able to make it. Anna, my roommate, suffered the worse of it all. She didn’t only hold the barrier but endure the vampire’s advances; gave her body and soul, and is now paying the price. The doctors have given up, science can’t save her, the only hope is Magiology. Ila came out with minor injuries. Cole’s by Frost’s side. Ko had his arms replaced, and the others sustained lesser harm. All and all, no deaths.’ The door closed with a subtle snap of the lock, the darkened alley hosted youngsters sneakily having cigarettes.


“Hey there Igna,” said the loud landlord, “-I’ve already prepared the ingredients for today. Go and have a break or something. I know all about the expedition, must have been hard.”

‘Obviously,’ he strolled past the kitchen to quietly glance at an old newspaper. *Heroes of the Adventuring Academy.* ‘-disgusting headline,’ the glance returned, ‘-publicizing the horror we had to endure into a stunt to attract more students. The heroism of our trained students has shown us that those who are in the academy can fight off a high-tier demon by force of ingenuity and strength. A blatant lie and over-exaggeration from the Director. It’s worked,’ the shopping street came in view, ‘-more people are signing to follow the academy.’ Even at this hour, students under the premise of jogging slowed at the eatery wanting to catch a glimpse of one of the survivors. They’d pause, see his face, pass some unruly comment and continue the exercise.

‘More of them today too?’ arms crossed; a long sigh brought memories. After Phantom took care of the survivors, the media approached many of them, especially Igna. Normally, as the prodigy of Medusa, she gave them the slip and save him from the unnecessary questions. Alas, stranded at Rotherham, the grueling journalist invaded his space, harassed until he agreed to an interview. By then, the true colors of the academy came to light, an amber flame of retribution lit.

“How do you feel returning from such a hard battle?”

“Returning, how presumptuous. We nearly died there, and if it wasn’t for a stroke of luck, I swear, everyone would have been slain by the demon.”

“Yes, the demon, how strong was it?”

“Strong isn’t enough to describe how powerful she was. The beast killed a nightwalker with a single snap.”

“Nightwalkers, is Arda allied with the incident?”

“No, the latter was a rogue.”

“Did you assist the fight, how were you able to stay alive.”


“You ran away, didn’t you?” the charming journalist wasn’t goodwill. The media company, Teran, wanted to paint a false narrative.

“Please, wasn’t it the responsibility from the Academy to send help. Why is a student of the trade’s guild there in the first place? I heard people from Military-arts were on said expedition too. Endangering the lives of students at such a young age, the guilds must do better, don’t you think?”

“Wrong,” he lashed out, “-what you say is far beyond the truth. I had-”

“Thank you for the interview,” it ended abruptly. The words from said interview plastered and used were out of context. Teran had one goal, to blame all the trouble onto the Guild as an openly anti-adventuring group. By open, the conclusion had to be drawn by the audience. As obvious as it was, many didn’t realize, and Teran grew their campaign. On the other side, the guilds were appalled by Igna’s comments. They too were blinded and wanted to remedy the bad-press. The director soon blamed it onto the Trader’s Guild – under Arda, for the irresponsible manner in which Igna intervened. The masses were angered, and even though he saved most of the people that day, was thrown into the deepest part of human mob-mentality. All and all, it led Haru to give part of her standing over to the other guilds. Her status dropped, and the others were more than happy.

‘I caused trouble,’ thought he ambling for the academy, ‘-people see me as a traitor and someone who should have stayed home. Most of the academy actively avoid my presence. Heck, I found a few trying to tamper with my bike a few days ago.’

Nothing was clear as it seemed, the troubles kept on piling. Hope wasn’t gone yet for a fire swayed in the distance. A man wearing glasses ordering deliverymen to take cargo into the gymnasium.

“Hello,” hailed Igna.

“Hello,” he returned the greeting, “-are you ready to depart?”

“Are we leaving right away?”

“Yes,” said he, “-I told you yesterday, didn’t I?” the pause grew into a frown.

“Sorry, I spaced out,” he coughed, “-we’re leaving for the Cooking Academy. I don’t see any transportation...”

“We’re taking the train,” said he moving towards the gymnasium, “-we’ll take the one at 08:00. Go meet with the Guild Leader, she came to visit a few minutes ago.” And so, confused by why she’d come, he made for the restaurant. There, kissed by the amber glow of a candle, she ate gracefully.

“Igna,” she hailed, “-over here,” her fork rested and she patted her mouth clean.

“Did you call for me?”

“Yes, it’s regarding Cle. You’re going with Leko to assist with the graduation exams and will head for the institute afterward. Hotshots of the cooking world will be in attending. I hope you realize the burden you’ll face.”

“I know.”

“Good, are you ready?”

“Yes, I’ve mastered an ingredient and dish. I’ll reveal it at the event.”

“Now then,” her fingers locked, “-about the interview. I know you didn’t mean what was said. Rest assured, I’ve heard of the harassment from éclair. Don’t worry, Arda’s taking the matter to heart. Phantom’s gotten involved too, I heard, your mother, lady Courtney paid a visit to the director of Teran. Go with a cleared mind, there’s nothing more hurtful to see someone fail.”

“I will,” he stood, “-please excuse me, I have preparations to do.”

Time continued on until the train arrived. They traveled to the capital where a five-hour flight waited. The plane made sure not to go anywhere near Totrya or the Azure-wall. Instead, the flight went about Kreston and soon into Plaustan. The more tourist-friendly part of the continent. Here, the terrain isn’t rogue, most of the greener land towards the borders were farm-lands and idyllic farm villages. The real treasure was towards the coast, the plane landed. Naturally, the area around the Tower of Aria was restricted.

Touch down led into a steaming paradise of hot sun and sweaty air. Most were dressed in shorts and shirts. “Come on, don’t be impressed,” a car waited for Leko.

The province prided itself on being for the elite. Stars and important people were often spotted at the reserves side of the province. A district named Hephon was naturally barricaded by rivers and forests. The lower portion was for the normal as for Hephon higher placed than below, was for the rich. Many manors and hotels were there for the comfort of those who could afford it. Rumor had it a night at Msiza(a famed 5-star hotel) cost 500 Exa.

Stepping from the richest of the gifted, Leko’s cooking academy stood near to the holiday town of Sunfall, a 40-minute walk, or a 10-minute drive. The town contained shopping malls, entertainment, and affordable motels for those wanting to relax. Albeit the emphasis on being for the chosen, Sunfall geared towards the normal folks, a place for the people. The drive after the airport lasted 3 hours along the highway. Going by how brightly the roads and foliage lit, the heat outside, and already sticky attire gave way to doubt. Adjusting to this weather might be more of an undertaking than he’d imagine.

During the drive, Leko spoke extensively to another lady dressed very professionally. They shared a close bond; she gave reports at times and he’d laugh and avoid the subject. Soon, the cooking academy, hidden behind countless trees and protected by a wall, came into view. Slowed to a walking pace, the car immediately turned right after the gates. It pulled onto a parking lot filled with expensive vehicles. The latter were around a tall building.

“We’ve arrived,” said Leko.

“The academy?” gazing about briefly, he caught sight of taller buildings in the distance, what seemed to be a cafe, a yard, a tennis court, and a few more.

“Let’s go,” demanded he entering the tall blocky building.

“Ok...” following behind, the shadow cast gave a well-needed break from the sun’s assault. Glass doors striped at the bottom in grey, gently pushed open. The cold fresh air of air-conditioning slapped across. The Chef entered confidently followed by the lady. The use of said area was unknown, éclair didn’t take long to acquire a map of the premises. The working faces of highlighted names and occupations showed receptionists/attendants.

“We’ve been eagerly awaiting your return, director,” spoke a crowd of well-mannered nameless figures.

“Good to be back,” returned he sternly, “-has all been readied for the graduation?”

“Yes, director. Please, follow us to the grand-hall.”

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