The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1146 - 1146 Lixbin’s Requiem

The message was quickly relayed. And in those few seconds, a report came from the town square, “-they have breached the town. We must close the gates to the castle, the invaders are cutting out forces. We can’t hold.”

A feminine outline phased into reality, “-allow me,” she said, “-allow me,” Cleopatra bowed.

“Then, go for it,” he clapped, releasing the hold upon her powers, “-take your soldiers,” a portal opened, “-and go wage war. You’re free to act however you wish, Cleopatra. I will impose this, you must return, for I know no one else like you, my dear.”

“Don’t grow soft on me, Lixbin,” she winked, “-I haven’t forgotten our promise. You saved me from my world and my death, we’re comrades, don’t ever forget that,” she slipped out the door like a feather to the wind. ‘-I know she’s gone,’ he fell into his chair, ‘-I knew the moment she left my care, she wouldn’t return. And it turns out, I was right,’ he stared at the ceiling, the cacophony of a growing battle stung, and the ground shook and pulsed. Buildings crashed, the sound of destruction and defeat. ‘-Like me,’ he sank into his thoughts, Cleopatra gathered her forces in front of the main-castle gates, ‘-I was from among the first generations of humans. I transcended my mortal limits and became a human god. The title didn’t pose much at first, was a way to show off. Even then, with the heaviness which came with the title, I absentmindedly followed instructions and was led into the path I locked myself into. I was to represent Darkness and cater to the deepest, most degenerate thoughts the human or godly psychic could ever dream. In those dark hours, a god came to me, Lord Death. I remember his words, even now, as the current inheritor burns the town into ash, “-why have you lowered your head?”

“Have you come for a favor?” a slim, tired-looking version of Lixbin gasped from over a bloodied alter. The cave cast a simple glow over the god and his ritual, “-a proper offering must be made.”

The elegant figure of Death ambled, “-I haven’t come to make demands,” he suavely smiled, “-you can call me Death.”

A shaken smile surfaced, “-my salvation, at last,” he trembled, “-please, end my suffering!”

“A proper sacrifice must be made,” Death returned, “-no, Lixbin, I have come to make a deal. I consulted with a friend and have seen what the future could hold. It’s very hazy but I sensed your mana guiding the one who will lead Reality into a new age. The story of our reality is complex, and us gods weren’t so popular wherein all began.”


“Why does it concern me… I was chosen from among the slaves. An orphan forced to bear the weight of darkness. I blinded trusted and landed here, in the pits of the abyss. I’m no chosen one.”

“Don’t worry,” he approached and kindly caressed the broken boy’s head, “-it is what it is, my friend, you will not suffer the cruel fate of darkness. I will bestow on thee the gift of Necromancy and the gift of Twilight Displacement. Do with it as you wish – the power will grow and evolve per your needs. Becoming a high-ranking god shouldn’t be hard. Take heed and become strong. In exchange, I will ask this.”

Having received overwhelming power, Lixbin perked his ears in gratitude, “-one day, after I have created a realm residing from the reality – and I hope it comes soon, a man will emerge from the shadows. A cynical man, my heir, the true incarnation. He will hold the powers of the Three in One, and for him to awaken those powers, I will need someone to guide his every step. A clever man will easily disguise his intention and lead my heir’s action. You will have to become a villain… do that for me, and I promise, I will make the darkness that plagues thy mind disappear.”

“Parting from darkness?” he stood, “-I won’t. I’ll keep the darkness close to my heart. I will accept your request, Death. When the time comes for the heir to grow, I will light the path,” and so came to pass, a secondary title known only to him and Death, the Guide.

‘From that day, I waited until tales of a man were whispered across the capital. A man known as Staxius Haggard, a student of Clareville Academy would force Undrar, the Bringer of Death, into action. I knew instantly it was him. And there, set on to manipulate the people around him – I didn’t invade too much, I only added a touch of darkness where the path strayed. Cleopatra joined me in my quest and we agreed to be the villains for Staxius’ sake. Lucifer did his own thing, playing the villain, as did I. It’s underhanded and I fear there is no salvation from my actions. I can take solace in the result,’ he waited outside on a terrace, watching the closed gate shake, “-we’ve done our job. The rest is in his hand.”

“FOLLOW ME!” Cleopatra cried, her clothes thorn to shred – no weapon or magic pieced her skin, she led the march, fighting to save whoever was caught in the crossfire.

*Stab,* she fell, blood flowed down her waist, “-Cleopatra, you’ve caused me so much harm, and there you are, still breathing. How goes it, little wench!”

“Staxius,” she coughed and defiantly rose her hands, “-you won’t get the best of me that easily,” and clenched. A painful expression flashed across the collective faces, “-you might have won the battle,” she smiled, “-you haven’t won the war!” her chest glowed, ‘-this energy,’ Staxius subconsciously thrust his hands forward, and ripped out the glow, “-the symbol of self-sacrifice,” he blew, turning the symbol into ash, “-don’t go out in a blaze of glory yet. I need to see my kids first,” he grabbed her by the neck, the soldiers ran forward to surround the invader, “-ready your weapons.”

Staxius took notice of their will and simply signaled, “-may your deaths not be in vain,” muffled shots eradicated whoever stood in his way. They were at the main gate, where Staxius nonchalantly kicked it open, “-Lixbin,” he threw Cleopatra on the ground, “-there’s no chance of victory. I have surrounded Inux and taken control of the guard towers. Your forces are being wiped as we speak. I’ve come to seek out a discussion.”

“You’ve come to speak?” he leaped from the balcony, wing-shaped shadow slowing the fall, “-what of Cleopatra, is she alive?”

“Barely,” he rubbed his hands, “-you took off her oath. She came at me ready to sacrifice her existence for a chance at victory. Why go so far, why yearn for such destruction, I don’t get it.”

“Because,” he summoned swords, “-such is the purpose of A GUIDE!” and lunged forward. Staxius barely summoned Orenmir to parry the first strike. He dipped under Lixbin’s second sword and gained some distance. They exchanged glances and ran at one another – the vivid unpredictability of Lixbin didn’t break through Staxius’s calm demeanor. The latter’s version of the fight was slowed, Lixbin’s every move was read before it even happened, “-the gift of foresight,” he ducked and threw his sword at Staxius’s left side, and the weapon drew blood. “Enough play around,” he dropped the short swords, an aurora-like hue gathered at Lixbin’s hand, *I call upon the power long granted to me by Death. Rise from the slumber and one with my oath, Twight-light summoning: Imperstra, the Sword of Gest,* a great sword summoned, it constantly spewed aurora, each hue of color represented a part of Lixbin. He walked and absorbed his energy.

Sparks flew from both sides, “-one swing to end it all,” crossed their minds. Staxius lowered his stance, and a sheath manifested. Lixbin held his sword above his shoulder – a lightning crackle, they disappeared – and in an instant blink, Staxius stood on the opposing side with a chip on his face. Lixbin fell to the ground with a strike to his neck. Blood poured purposefully, ‘-a god-slaying weapon,’ he trembled, ‘-Staxius’ grown into a strong person. He’ll easily cut down what comes in the future.’ Cleopatra’s pale visage lay at his side, he reached for her hands, ‘-if I die, I want to die with you by my side, Cleopatra.’ Her losing conscience understood his intent, they exchanged a last glance. Rain fell, “-you two are idiots,” Staxius stood over them, “-you thought I was going to eat your lies again? Lixbin, stop with the guide act. I know what happened, Lord Death told me much of what he did for me to reach my position. Cleopatra, and you too Lixbin, you’ve been cast aside from the Heavenly Convention. Forced to stand in Inux as bait for when I do come to Draebala. This works out perfectly,” *Mantia – Book of Restoration, Honzela, fifth passage, broken art be fixed, fixed art be broken, eternal cycle; creation and destruction, the levy for reality changes perspective, watcher watches, the creator creates, destroyer destroys, and restorer restores, Hicht.*

“Im healed?”

“Me too?” Cleopatra blinked, “-why?”

“No one needs to know what happened here today,” he smiled,”-Lixbin, I’m willing to cast aside what happened in the past. Let’s start over. Goes the same for you, Cleopatra, you are a pain and the bane of my troubles, however, with you two out of the way, I can breathe easy. I hate to admit it – having you on my side will be a great asset. Won’t have to look over my shoulder as often.”

“Just like that?” Lixbin exhaled, “-willing to forgive and forget?”


“Finally,” Cleopatra stretched her arms and shouted, “-no more games,” she stood on her feet, her breast prominently glistened under the rain, “-no more games,” she smiled, “-no more games!”

“What’s she on about?” narrowed Staxius.

“Cleopatra is eccentric, she hates lying more than anything. Her act in deceiving you were forced onto her by me, don’t blame her…”

“I see,” he clapped, the rain vanished, “-getting soaked isn’t a great start. I have to check on my kids, let’s meet in the dining hall later.”

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