Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 91

Before everybody else could wake up, he was already done and ready to leave. He was ready to bring Arianna home.

But then, it was too early, and even as a gangster, he knew one or two things about manners. He can’t go and collect Arianna without the other party giving him the cue; the Luciano clan was highly respected.

Kenith spent the morning restlessly. He couldn’t wait to get this over with. He hasn’t informed Big Joe that Arianna would be returning today else the man wouldn’t have left for his trip already.

He knew Big Joe was anxious for Arianna’s return, just as he was. The man had given him time to find Arianna and not a particular date hence it wouldn’t be counted as a crime unto him that he didn’t inform him of her return before his travel.

It was good anyway, he would deal with Arianna today before Big Joe returned. That way he would have her under his control and make sure things goes according to plans. The wedding must happen whether she likes it or not. Nothing and no one would get to stand in the way of his plans.

Kenith was in his office mentally reviewing his plans when someone knocked on his door and he let him in.

“Brother Kenith, you need to see this,” One of his subordinates said, his phone in his hand as if he was watching something interesting.

“What is it?” He asked, facing him.


The subordinate didn’t say anything else, he just quietly handed the phone that was playing a video to Kenith.

Upon looking down at the screen, Kenith found out the video was paused, so he pressed play and positioned himself on his seat, wondering what the fellow wanted him to see.

Not less than a minute into the video, Kenith’s brows furrowed and his countenance changed as he stared hard at the screen.

His eyes must be deceiving him, Kenith thought as he stared at the video of someone who seems to look like Arianna pole dancing.

Kenith had to squint his eyes at the screen to make sure he was seeing clearly, but there was no mistaking that red hair that seemed fiery under the blue glow of the stage.

Although the stage wasn’t exactly bright due to the colored party lights, whosoever recorded and posted this video online captured Arianna well and Kenith had known her long enough that he could recognize her at a glance.

“What the hell is going on?” Kenith didn’t even know when the question slipped out of his mouth because he was shocked by the video.

“Someone posted that video last night and it has gone viral, making rounds on the internet. Everyone’s wondering about the mystery girl. But then I recognized her at a glance which was why I had to bring it to you. ” Answered the subordinate proudly.

He was lucky enough to be the first to bring this information to the collector. Who knows, he might get favored and be promoted soon?

“What is going on here?” Kenith was more shocked out of his mind. Arianna was half-naked and dancing in what looked like a club yet didn’t seem like one. He could almost say it was a house party.

He didn’t know which was worse, Arianna, his boss would-be wife was shamelessly dancing in front of other men or the fact that Big Joe would kill her if he sees this video. Sadly, a dead Arianna wasn’t useful to his plan.

Kenith wouldn’t be spared either, Big Joe would pin everything on his head and claim it’s as a result of his incompetence. All these things wouldn’t have happened if he had kept a close eye on Arianna.

He would be killed on a whim and if Big Joe’s in a good mood, only demotion would come his own. Either way, none of the outcomes was good for him. Big Joe can’t see this video.

“I made a little investigation...” The subordinate began to explain, taking Kenith’s silence as confusion, “And I found out that Victor, Marcel’s consigliere had a party last night and Arianna turned out to be a good entertainer,” He said.

Although Kenith heard what the young man said, however, his gaze was concentrated on the scene of Arianna holding herself up on the pole while her legs were wrapped around Marcel’s hips, rocking him.

Kenith couldn’t explain it but he felt white-hot anger rush at him and he grabbed the phone so tight he could have crushed it if it wasn’t durable. How dare she do that?! Doesn’t she know who she belongs to?

Who does she belong to? Big Joe, of course! Yet Kenith couldn’t imagine the both of them together. The thought of Arianna and Big Joe together vexed Kenith so much he thought he was going crazy.

Big Joe doesn’t deserve a young, vibrant woman like that. He would only kill her spirit. Arianna was a wild fire and only those who understood her spirit could tame her.

Maybe Arianna doesn’t have to die, Kenith began to reconsider. She was too beautiful to be wasted anyway. He could have a good use for her when he ascends.

Yes, as his mistress.

Cassie would be mad at first but she would come to understand and he would not give her a reason to doubt the affection he has for her. There was just something enthralling about Arianna, they had a connection and she would do a good job as his mistress.

Thinking about it now, if he was able to keep Arianna alive after Big Joe’s death and he takes over the gang, he was entitled to Big Joe’s widow as well. Everything that belongs to Big Joe belongs to him – including his wife.

At once a wicked smile spread across Kenith’s face as he thought of his plans, however, it vanished when he saw the video of Arianna and Marcel together.

The hatred he felt for Big Joe was nothing compared to what he felt upon seeing the both of them together in this video.

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