Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 850 - 850 They Abandoned Her

Adele didn’t even rush it but rather walked into the living room at her own pace. There were so many things running through her mind and she didn’t want to ruin it by being too fast. Her mother was there when she came in and their gaze connected, but Adele looked away and sat down across from her.

The anger was boiling inside of her. Adele wanted to scream at her face. What the hell was she thinking? Daniel of all people?! Was she that ignorant or was she simply asking for a quick death? Adele wanted to lash out at her mother, but she held everything inside of her. They needed to discuss this like civilized people.

However, the feeling of betrayal hurt her deeply. Angelica denied having any connection with Daniel and even promised to steer clear of him. Had Adele known this was her definition of staying away from danger, she would have kept a close eye on her.

Seated directly across from her mother, she lowered her head and took a deep breath, as if trying to gather the courage for this conversation. When Adele lifted her face, it was devoid of emotion and it took her everything to ask, calmly, “So is there anything more that I need to know before we commence?”

Angelica licked her lips nervously, placing both of her hands on her knees. Right now, she looked like a child about to be scolded by her mother – even though she was technically the mother here.

She said to her, “We weren’t really supposed to sleep together yet, it just kind of happened.”

“Oh my God,” The color drained from Adele’s face and she lifted her hand to pinch the space between her brows. Both of them were seeing each other.

Adele hissed, “You told me you had nothing to do with him and would stay as far as you can from him.”


“Of course, I did. I tried my best to mind my business but we kept getting involved with each other and he wanted me to be his woman. We are only dating.”

“Jesus Christ,” Adele’s face was filled with horror and nausea rose to her throat. This was not happening.

She jerked up to her feet and hurled at her mother, “Are you fucking out of your mind!”

Angelica stood as well, retorting, “I understand that you don’t respect my choice but that is no way to speak to me, Adele!”

Adele blinked, taken aback by her comment. Consumed with rage, she didn’t realize that she had crossed the bother line of being disrespectful to her mother.

“I’m sorry,” She apologized, “But that doesn’t erase the fact that you’re making a huge mistake here. You don’t even know what Daniel has done?! What he is capable of!” God, she wished someone would kick some sense into her head right now.

“I know,” Angelica said.


“I know about him, Adele, Daniel told me everything,” Angelica confessed to her.

Adele’s brows arched in confusion, “And you still want to be with him?”

Please say no.

But Angelica didn’t need to say a word, Adele saw the answer on her face and she froze.

“No,” She shook her head in refusal, “You can’t seriously be considering being together with him! That man is a monster, mother!” Adele was desperate now to prove to her that she was making a big mistake.

“Monster or not, he’s still a man beneath all that. Even monsters need someone by their side.” Angelica preached.

“Yes, they can, but not you. Daniel can find anyone else, just not you!”

“Adele!” Angelica was becoming frustrated with her, “I am an adult and I make my decisions and this is between Daniel and I.”

“Not when you’re making a huge mistake here,” Adele told her, “Daniel is a bad choice. What happened to Benjamin? I don’t care anymore, choose him or whoever you want, but not Daniel. You can’t choose Daniel! Think about how that would affect me!” She remembered at once, “And Marcel! How do you think he would feel about this?!”

Angelica didn’t answer right away and that made Adele think that she was considering her idea. However, her mother answered in the end, “You’re father and I ended whatever was between us years ago, and yes, Marcel would not be comfortable with this new arrangement, however, none of you are kids anymore.”

“M-mom….” Adele choked out, the tears already sliding down her eyes having realized where this was heading.

“The both of you are grown-ups and should live your lives while Daniel and I sort out what is going on between the both of us. And I would appreciate it if you respect my decision the same way I kept my mouth shut and didn’t tell the baby’s father about your pregnancy. ”

And just like that, her mother dealt a death blow to her hopes of ever changing her mind. It was a rude awakening because Adele realized that she wasn’t in the position to decide for her mother when she wasn’t brave enough to open up to Elijah about her pregnancy. It was like the kettle calling the pot black.

Adele couldn’t say anything more and her lips trembled instead from the frustration. She burst into tears and when her mother came over to comfort her, Adele stormed out of the house instead. She was throwing a fit instead after things didn’t go her way.

Once outside, Adele strode down the street not caring that she was drawing attention and people were staring at her weirdly. Why was this happening to her? Who said she wanted Daniel as a stepfather? Just when her relationship with her mother was getting better, another one comes to disrupt it.

Still burning with fury, Adele took her phone out and called Daniel without thinking about it. She wasn’t usually this impulsive and always in control no matter what, but Daniel went too far this time. He touched something that was precious to her and pissed her off.

Surprisingly, Daniel answered the call knowing it was her and that she was not here to wish him a congratulatory message.

“Adele,” Daniel called her name.

Unfortunately, his composure pissed her off more. How could he be so calm after what he did? She even made a deal with him so he could stay away from them and yet, he went behind her back to get into bed with her mother. What was his motive? Adele refused to believe that he liked her mother. That man loved no one else but himself. How could she let her mother go through the same thing Penelope, Marcel’s mother, went through in his hands?

As if a well of emotions opened inside of her, Adele began to curse into the phone, “Fuck you, Daniel! Fuck the deal! I hope you rot in hell, you bastard…!” She said every profanity she could think of.

“Adele, you’re being emotional right now. I think you should take time and calm down. You don’t know what you’re saying -”

“Oh, I know what I’m saying perfectly!” Adele screamed into the phone, scaring some passers-by who avoided her. She told Daniel, “I want nothing to do with you anymore.”

“Adele, calm down and -”

Daniel was still speaking when Adele hung up on him, taking satisfaction in the fact that he would be mad at her blatant disrespect. Even at that, it still doesn’t erase the fact that the bastard and her mother were together. How was she going to relate the news to Marcel? Adele was embarrassed as it was already.

Another wave of emotion hit her and she burst into tears again. What was happening to her? Why was nothing in her life going the way she planned it? It was all because of that bastard Elijah! Why did he ever come into her life?

Adele tried to stop the tears, but the more they slid down her face. It was as if the pent-up emotions she had kept hidden inside of her finally burst free and like a river, it overflowed. The next thing Adele knew, her hands had already dialed Elijah’s number.

Although she deleted his number from his phone, they were seared into her memory. She placed a call to him and when he didn’t pick up on the first ring, Adele cried louder. Everyone has abandoned her! No one wanted her!

The harder she cried, Adele kept calling Elijah’s phone until a voice said,


Adele fell apart.

“You bastard! Why did you get me pregnant?! Why did you have to ever come into my life?! Why did you do this to me?! Why me?! Why?!” She screamed into the phone, crying loudly.

Adele felt better now that the truth was out! Her mother was right, she can’t do this alone. Why should she do it alone anyway? Elijah deserves to suffer as much as she did! And speaking of Elijah, why hadn’t he said anything yet?

And then she heard, “Who are you?”

The color drained from Adele’s face, that wasn’t Elijah.

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