My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 243 Justin Departure


Deep in the forest stood an imposing figure standing in the midst of a dense forest.

The hobo-goblin was easily ten feet tall, with a physique that looked like it had been chiseled from solid rock.

Moreover, its purple skin had a sickly pallor to it, as if it had been soaked in brine for too long.

The hobo-goblin\'s eyes glinted with a feral intelligence, surveying its surroundings with a predatory air.

Additionally, its thick, muscular arms were crossed over its chest, and a massive club was gripped tightly in one hand. The club was easily the size of a small tree trunk, and it looked like it could crush a boulder with ease.

The hobo-goblin\'s face was twisted into a grotesque grin, revealing rows of sharp, yellowed teeth.

Its hair was a wild mess of black and purple locks, which seemed to writhe and twist in the breeze.

Its breath came in deep, guttural grunts, as if it were preparing for a fierce battle.

Even though the hobo-goblin was standing far from the main battle, his instinct was sharp and it could sense a deadly threat from the human.


Just when the hobo-goblin was still preparing whether to rush into the battle; the air in front of it twisted and golden light flashed everywhere, forcing the hobo-goblin to cover its eyes.

\'What the hell?!\' Thought the goblin.

When the golden light finally reseeded, the hobo-goblin saw a young man standing a couple of feet from its position.

Seeing the extraordinary presence of Justin left the hobo-goblin to widen its eyes for a couple of seconds.

Though the hobo-goblin was astounded, as a powerful existence on the brink of the star realm.

It recovered in a blink and furiously at Justin, tightly gripping its club. Its battling intent radiates out of its body forcing all the vegetation in the surroundings to die at a rapid visible rate.

The two beings stared at each other for a couple of seconds without making any movement.

Nevertheless, the air and land around them were trembling, streams came from the ground, turning the land into dry land.


The massive ten-foot purple hobo-goblin moved forward, leaving traces of purple after images.

"It\'s been a long time since I stretched myself," Justin muttered without any expression on his face.

With that, a humming sound came from his hand and four golden rings came out slowly.

However, each of the rings contained an unimaginable power. Feeling the presence of the rings, the hobo-goblin widened its eyes.

Its heart palpitated.

Nevertheless, the club continued to crash toward Justin, ready to finish him in a single attack.


"Sound Annihilation," Justin said slowly.

As Justin unleashed his sound attack on the hobo-goblin, the forest was suddenly filled with a deafening roar.

The hobo-goblin widened its eyes and let out a howl of pain and anger as the sound waves slammed into its body, causing its purple skin to ripple and quake.

\'What kind of attack is this?!\' It cried in its heart.

The creature staggered back, its massive club falling from its hand as it clutched its ears in agony.

Its eyes bulged with pain, and thick drool spilled from its gaping mouth.

The once-imposing figure of the hobo-goblin now looked like a wounded animal, cowering in fear.

As Justin\'s sound attack continued, the hobo-goblin\'s body convulsed and twitched, and its limbs flailed uncontrollably.

The forest around it shook with the force of the attack, and leaves and branches rained down from the trees.

The hobo-goblin\'s hair thrashed about wildly, and its eyes rolled back into its head. It let out a final, pitiful moan, before collapsing to the ground in a heap.

As the sound attack subsided, the forest fell silent, save for the distant sound of birds taking flight.

The hobo-goblin lay still, its purple skin now tinged with a sickly shade of gray.

The once-terrifying creature now looked like a lifeless doll, its body broken and still.

This was the difference between Justin and every other being. Even though the hobo-goblin was touching the threshold of becoming a Star Realm existence and had the fighting power of fighting a Star Realm existence.

However, in Justin\'s presence. It was weak like an ordinary black goblin.

Justin wasn\'t just an ordinary Star Realm existence. He had the power of the soul-link with each of his women.

And to make it overkill, his heavenly mark was active always with no cool down as long as there was a member of Genesis Ark still existing.

He would continue to grow stronger. Turning him into a deadly foe. A threat with no limit.

"I thought you could at least withstand an attack?" He sighed and looked in a certain direction, not caring about the lifeless hobo-goblin.

"I can\'t wait any longer." He muttered, looking at the sky.

Even though the sky seems clear, every powerful existence could feel the threat looming over the world.

And to humans living on earth, this would be their doom if care was not taken.

\'I\'m leaving….\'

Susan, Kira, and Leah heard Justin\'s voice in their head and they halted whatever they were doing.

\'Make sure to kill the goblin and leave as soon as possible

\'Where are you going?\' Kira asked with a trembling voice.

\'To deal with something important and any more delay is fatal.\'

\'Kira, you lead the ark after my presence\'

With that, the three ladies couldn\'t hear Justin\'s voice again and a deep sense of loss crept into their hearts.

Since they started dating or whatever it was, this was the first time Justin would leave them.

And with the1 look of things, his next mission would be dangerous.

\'Susan don\'t hold back, we need to leave.\' Kira said coldly.

On the battlefield, Nika looked in a particular direction and muttered.

"Be careful…"

A couple of miles from Genesis ark location, the army of the Undead continued in their carnage, turning the ground into chaos, filled with evil energy.

Standing in the sky was a demon. His perfect existence pales to the gruesome things happening on the surface.

It was as if he had no part in what was happening below.

"Human, let\'s see how you save your people and the chosen one at the same time." A smile appeared on the face of the demon.

But anyone looking at the smile would know this was no smile but a smile of anticipated destruction.

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