My Ten Wives and Ten Rings in the Apocalypse

Chapter 244 Race to save the Chosen One - (1)

Chapter 244 Race to save the Chosen One - (1)

"Can humans recover their once-lost glory?" Justin muttered, looking at the city in melancholy.

The city lay in ruins, a sprawling metropolis now reduced to a desolate wasteland. The buildings that had once stood tall now lay broken and shattered, their twisted frames and shattered glass windows a testament to the destructive forces that had torn the area apart.

Amidst this desolation, massive beasts roamed free. They moved with a primal grace, their massive bodies easily crushing anything in their path.

The creatures came in all shapes and sizes - some resembled great cats, their rippling muscles and razor-sharp claws making them a formidable sight, while others looked more like enormous reptiles, with tough, scaly skin and rows of sharp teeth.

Their eyes gleamed with fierce intelligence, surveying the empty streets and shattered buildings as they moved through the ruins.

The sound of their heavy footsteps echoed through the desolate city, a constant reminder of the danger that lurked around every corner.

As the day wore on, the beasts continued to roam, their movements unpredictable and dangerous.

The few remaining survivors knew to stay clear of the creatures, seeking shelter in the ruined buildings that still provided some semblance of protection.

For those caught out in the open, the beasts were a constant threat, a reminder of the brutal and unforgiving world that had replaced the once-thriving city.

Justin sighed and shook his head before he disappeared from the half-destroyed skyscraper.

"Mama…. are we going to be safe?" A young girl around the age of 4 asked her mother with tears.

She was dressed in torn clothes and her face was pale. Her bony hand held tightly to her mother and their group journeyed through the narrow dark alley while trying not to make a noise.

"Yes, we\'re going to be safe like always" Her mother whispered, soothing her disheveled hair.

The survivors had been cautiously making their way through the narrow, dark alleyway, hoping to avoid detection by any of the dangerous creatures that roamed the ruined city.

But suddenly, they heard a sound - a deep, rumbling hiss that seemed to be coming from just ahead.

As they cautiously approached, their flashlights revealed a massive anaconda, coiled up in the tight space, its muscular body spanning the entire width of the alley.

In addition, the serpent\'s scales gleamed in the dim light, and its cold, reptilian eyes glinted with a pang of intense hunger.

The survivors could feel their hearts pounding in their chests as they took in the sight of the creature before them.

It was easily the largest anaconda they had ever seen, with a girth that would have been impressive even for a creature twice its length.

As the anaconda slowly uncoiled itself, revealing its full length, the survivors couldn\'t help but feel a sense of dread wash over them. This was no ordinary snake -

it was a beast of legendary proportions, a creature that had surely earned a terrifying and intimidating name.

And so, as the massive anaconda continued to slither towards them, its jaws opening wide to reveal row after row of razor-sharp teeth, the survivors could only think of one name that seemed fitting for such a formidable predator:

"The Devourer".

A Fourth Circle Existence.

Even the little girl in her mother\'s hand could feel the dread of the incoming beast and she began to wail.

Looking at the devourer, the survivor was lost on what to do as if they were petrified. In the presence of a Devourer, there was no escape.

Each of its prey was killed without escape. Besides, the highest circle among the group was a Second Circle Existence. Thus, the thought of fighting the massive anaconda never came to their mind.

In addition, they were in a narrow alley and didn\'t have the chance to spread out and escape. So, the only option was to wait for their impending doom.

"Mama….I want to leave this place."The kid said in a panic.

"Don\'t we shall leave very soon."

The massive jaw of the Devourer was already on them, showing its long sharp fangs, ready to swallow its prey in gusto.



The massive body of the devourer slammed to the ground vehemently. Blood gushed out from its head continuously from a massive hole. All its brain juice spread flushed to the ground.

As for the survivor, they froze without blinking, holding their breath while their eyes were closed. They waited for their death but none came.

The leader opened his eyes slowly only to see the dead body of the devourer.

Holy Moly!

He gasped!

Subsequently, the other survivors opened their eyes and their jaws dropped to the ground when they saw the scene in front of them.

Who killed the beast?!

"Go north… It\'s safe there"

A voice echoed in their head, forcing them to jump in fright. When they tried to search for the source of the sound.

They realized how eerily quiet their surroundings were and without further ado, the leader changed direction and led the survivor toward the north.

Even though no one saw their savior, deep in their mind they hold that voice dearly and vow never to forget it.

Justin had long forgotten about the group of survivors as he had killed many dangerous beasts from Fourth Circle and above.

Even though he can\'t save everyone, killing the most powerful beast in the city would give the humans a fighting chance and a path to get stronger quickly.

"I can\'t detect the chosen one in this city," Justin said as he prepared to leave the city.

Even though he could feel the direction of the chosen one, he still had to search for him or her in every place humans could live.

Thus, making it a difficult mission to accomplish.

Just as he was prepared to depart, a massive shadow covered his path and he raised his head.

And behold, a colossal beast descended slowly.


Its massive body landed and shook the ground to the core.

It was a Chimera.

"Are you looking for the Chosen One?" The genderless voice of the chimera resounded everywhere.

"What if I am?"

"Then, you can forget it."

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