Epic of Bee

Chapter 264 Boil The Sea In The Sky

I Hugged Sakura and then looked out at the massive flying ship outside the cave. They would have to figure out how to block the light, but I was sure that Shiva knew this.

"Tigra and Thanos, I want you two to keep at Otter\'s reach and do not engage unless some get past me. I don\'t think that they will be concerned about the ship, but that could change. If they can Squirrel into their systems, they will be able to detect Helaina. She can not fall into their hands," I ordered my friends, but both of them looked disappointed.

There were too many things that could go wrong here, and I was trying to prevent as many as possible. I have grown a lot since I came to this Mountain, even if it was a short time, and I would teach these Warlords of the skies that this Bee meant Bee\'s-ness!

[I know that you have gotten stronger, but you still need to be careful. We don\'t know a lot about the Sky Folk, so don\'t go rushing in headfirst. You are the only one that can help everyone, and if you get caught, then it\'s all over.] Atom told me from inside of my head as my Gravity Magic activated.

I lifted up into the air and prepared myself as I rose up and out of the cave past the ship. There were two thirty-foot wings on either side that each had two sets of massive spinning blades holding the ship in the air.

The ship\'s main body was blocky, and it got large close to the wings before tapering back in. According to Shiva, this was not really much of a ship compared to the Royal Hive Flying Fortress, but this was not this final product.

I turned my gaze up to the roiling clouds that were above me as I rose into the air. I could see four massive objects coming from that direction, so I wasted no time.

[DragonBee Shyft] Activated!

p I closed my eyes and let my body start to change as all Systems started to activate. I wasn\'t sure how the QBee would combine with this new form, but it was all part of the Queen System.

[Weapons Systems: Online]

[Flight Systems: Online]

[DragonBee System: Online]

[Prepare to sync]

I waited like last time, and a map appeared of the Mountain and its area. I could see myself on the map and the Sky Folk above me.

Windows of each thing popped up as I focused on each dot, telling me some limited info about them.

[Name]: Sky Whale BattleShip

[Class]: Sky Carries


[Air Cannon x5]: Fire\'s enchanted air bullets can cause severe damage to structures.

[Sky Eel Squadronx5]: carry up to 5 groups of 20 Sky Eel for deployment.





[Gene]: Fortress.

That was a lot of Eels to worry about, and there was no info for them, but from their dimensions on the map, the creatures would not be very big. Still, the sheer number of them was going to be a problem.

I knew that time was frozen right now, but I didn\'t have much left before I was back in the thick of it. I needed a plan.

Taking on everything was not a good plan, but that would mean I would need to move fast and strike hard before they get a chance to react. They never gave us a chance to react before, and now I would return the favor.

[Sync with the DragonBee is now completed]

[Merging Consciousnesses]




I opened my eyes as I heard the sounds of the Sky Whales calling out just as they broke through the clouds. The moment they were on-site, a loud voice came over speakers, booming across the land.

"Tell the Queen to surrender, or we will destroy everything here! This is your final warning to come quietly! Tell your warrior to stand down!" The voice of General Brand roared at me, but that just made me angry.

The front of my chest opened up to my weapons, and I pulled both rifles out.

[Dragoon Rifles] Activated!

[Hammer Shot x8] Loaded!

"You had your chance, and now you shall feel the full might of the Sky Folk-," Brand started to say but was cut off.

I was already tracking two of four whales and let two shots off before he could finish, cutting him off. As two massive shells were discharged, the first shot made a direct hit on the massive whale, but the second was a miss.

It didn\'t matter; the first whale that had been shot veered inwards and slammed into the whale beside it. Both whales were now going down, but I was seeing a large group leaving the ships as they fell.

I unloaded the rest of my clips on the two whales that were going down, but now there were a huge number of Sky Eels headed for me. This wasn\'t what I had planned, but Tirga that Thanos would protect the others.

I could sense that they were loading the ship up now, but they would need to hurry up and get out of here. Defeating this enemy was going to be a lot harder than I had anticipated.

I returned my guns to my chest; these weren\'t going to be enough and fished out my blades for all four arms. Thrusters rose from my back, and I closed my eyes, locking all eighty-seven targets coming at me.

[BeeBliss Blades] Activated!

The booster burst started to fire up, and a path appeared, connecting me to every dot on my map as I opened my eyes.

It was time to Bee the Queen I was truly meant to. These bastards had taken my family right after I had worked so hard to get everyone together.

The Thruster in my back roared, and I rocketed forwards to take on the people that ruined everything. It was time to boil the sea in the sky.

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