Epic of Bee

Chapter 265 [Mega Queen DragonBee] Activated!

The Sky Eels were like armored snakes, but the BeeBliss swords cut them like paper as they came diving at me. I raised two swords and blocked three strikes on my left, smashing them back while cutting down another on my right.

The second I was done, I burst to the left as a massive air bullet tore through the place I had been fighting. Two Sky Eels were killed in the shot, but that didn\'t seem to phase the General Brand as more shots were fired.

I evaded four more shots that killed another ten Sky Eels, but now the sky was filled with them. So much for getting rid of most of them, but I did take down two whales.

[Less than two-hundred targets remain, but three more groups are on standby. QBee is on the route and will be here within one minute; just keep holding on. I am working on-]

Atom explained to me, but suddenly Hilda\'s voice cut him off as I cut down two more Sky Eels.

[I have already scanned your new form, and I am calibrating it for you. Once I am with you, we will combine, and I will go get Sakura. I brought NekoBee, so your new friend should be able to use it if she has agreed to be your wife.]

I narrowly dodged an air bullet that cut through more than ten of their own people. The general seemed to be getting reckless, but the soldiers didn\'t seem to care.

I was excited to hear that Hilda was on her way over, but I didn\'t have time to think about Sakura and our complicated relationship. I had offered her, so it was up to her to decide what she wanted to do; I wouldn\'t speak for her.

[Understood, I will deal with that. Thirty seconds until impact, push to the ships.]

I didn\'t understand why Hilda said impact, but I cut down the Sky Eel to my left, bursting through the opening. I burned my thrusters, but the swarm followed me, forming into a massive wave.

There was something wrong with these people.

The way that they attacked in a swarm and had no disregard for their lives reminded me a lot of how the Predators had acted. If that was the case, then that meant someone was controlling them, and I needed to stop them.

Getting closer to the ship was proving to be a problem as I sliced down more of the Sky Eels that were trying to chase me down. I was keeping them from surrounding me, but whoever was controlling the swarm seemed to understand this.

Suddenly, I predicted a shot coming from one of the air cannons, but another two came right after, and I couldn\'t dodge them. The double hits smashed into my body, and I screamed in pain as I was sent tumbling down out of the sky.

[Impact in 3…]

I could see the target on my map label QBee coming at me faster than I could really understand, but then time slowed. My spinning body that was falling to the ground slowed, but it was also changing.


I could see Hilda now in my QBee heading directly for me, but even with time slowed, she was coming fast. I was starting to get concerned that the QBee was going to take me out rather than help me.


The moment before QBee hit me, both myself and my Queen Drone Blew apart. Somehow part of my body reformed back into my normal form, but time was still moving slowly as parts flew around me.

Suddenly, Hilda appeared before me in her boxy bee form, and I almost burst into tears as I reached forward and snatched her. I pulled her close and hugged my soft friend; it had felt like forever since I could do this.

"Don\'t be worried. I am recalibrating your new body to work with the Queen Drone. After this, QBee will be a part of you, and you will have access to new Mega versions of your current Magical abilities. I am sorry that I couldn\'t get here faster," Hilda told me as I released her.

"No, it\'s fine. I am just happy to see you again!" I told Hilda, wiping a tear from my eye.

"Don\'t get too comfortable yet. Even with this new upgrade, you are going to have a hard time defeating this many enemies. You have committed to this fight, so you need to finish it, but I can tell you that the one you want isn\'t here. Brand is still back at the capital, and I have much to explain after," Hilda explained as parts started to form around me.

"What do you mean he isn\'t here?!" I asked as I was slowly encased in parts that were molding to my body.

Soon my vision went dark, but then a HUD appeared displaying different status bars. Another display window appeared displaying the new version of my suit, but it had changed.

This time, my four wings were like that of a dragon, but my body was like a giant mecha version of myself. I also had a tail that looked interesting, but as I was admiring my new form, I was hit with a smash of status updates.

<Call Lightning>(Lightning Magic) Becomes <Mega Chain Lightning>(Lightning Magic) Chain lightning strikes up 10 targets without charging.

<Fireball>(Fire Magic) Becomes <Mega Comet>(Fire Magic) Create a ball of fire up to 9 meters in diameter and hurl it up to 100 meters.

<Sunbeam>(Light Magic) Becomes <Mega Sun Pulse>(Light Magic) Summon a beam of UltraViolet sunlight for 1 minute, up to 15 meters wide.

[Speed] Increased!

[Strength] Increased!

[Fortitude] Increased!

[New Weapon: Queens Blade]

[New Weapon: Mega Bee Sting Rifle]

[Systems Sync] Complete!

[Merging Consciousnesses] Complete!

Not all of my magic had changed, but it was more than enough. I had all but forgotten about my magic in this fight, but that would change now.

I opened my eyes to a fuller and more vibrant view than what I had before.

[System is online now, so do your best, and I will go get you some help!] Hilda told me as time sped back up, and the sounds of the world around me came crashing back in.

[Mega Queen DragonBee] Activated!

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